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Poll: Turkey's possible future union

In which union do you want Turkey in ?

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politicaly, economicaly and Military wise TURAN would be the best choice.

We can cut off china from russia and Isolate both with TURAN.
Best bet would be, go for Balkan Union (Turkey-Albania-Kosovo-Macedonia-Bosnia..non EU territory).

Russians & Americans both will support. US strategy had been to mobilize EU to counter Russian influence and Russian goal had been to ensure a weak, somewhat destabilized EU to ensure it can focus on the rest of the globe. Neither in essence wants EU to be a bigger player but rather a proxy.

I have read your posts about "Turkey exerting greater influence in Balkan countries" several times..... mate, where are you from ?

You should be banned here. Because you are leftist traitor who joins anarchists in gezi provocation. You don´t love Turkey you are not Turk. You are leftist vermin. You are same chit like DHKP-C
I heard Xenon got verbally attacked, while i was banned....Are these the same guys ?

He was bashing everyone and polluted several threads with political BS. He even went to the Indian sections and proclaimed Turks to be superior to Indians. This guy is a straight nuttjob.
Hi Salam, can any tell me, why truks hate china more than Britain?
Hi Salam, can any tell me, why truks hate china more than Britain?

Because of eastern Turkistan. The chinese regime are oppressing and killing our muslim Türk Brothers the Uygur Türks.

chinese are Chauvinist nationalistic people like iranians. Both have no democrasy but instead autocratic anti democratic Regimes. They are enemies of the Turkish People.

I have to say something in aditional to previous postings..

turkey will never have a turan.. we have many non turks in turkey they dont like this idea.. just look how türkiyeli act to ppl from abroad then you see their mindset.. maybe because many of them are not turkic the idea of turan does not fit.. just imagine a kurd .. he has nothing to do with turan and no identity to turks living in other countrys .. so if turkey cannot be good to its own ppl then image how it is for other turkic nations to have a country that always potrays itself and tries to put his past and culture and political ideology over them..

and germanys EU will not happen because we are too many.. we cant take out germany from its throne..

SCO wont happen because of our bindings to USA we are their "partner"

umma - I listed it at least because this is something that you can expect at least.. you wont see it because turkey is not a religious country .. and this my pakistani brothers you should always keep in mind

Turkish Government restored a Monument/mile stone of Göktürks and also did build a modern 42km long asphalt road + Museum leading to Bilge Kagan and Kultigin Anitlari in central Asia.






let them do this stuff but you should now how turkish ppl are, a kurd in turkey let him love his nation because of nation idea not about race.. so this kurd would think that you are just not even second class citizen because he cannot see you.. turan is almost an impossible thing.. you have not the turan feeling in citizen of turkey you have political problems.. the turkic countries all of them are depended on other foreign countries economical and tecnological.. not even all together could stand against the political threat they would face if they unite..
I can see Turk's ultra-racism here in the forum. But you ain't yet somebody in the world. Try to stick where and who you are!
I can see Turk's ultra-racism here in the forum. But you ain't yet somebody in the world. Try to stick where and who you are!


Better you stick where you are, maybe actually "Turks" has forgotten their legacy, but what happens if they remind ? and want some revenge ? The List is very Huge !

Better you stick where you are, maybe actually "Turks" has forgotten their legacy, but what happens if they remind ? and want some revenge ? The List is very Huge !

What legacy? You are not even genetically linked to the Huns. You Gokturks were defeated by the unions of eastern turks called Uygurs and Chinese. You were indeed forced to leave far east to make a living elsewhere. It's no fun to migrate, was it?
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