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PM, Saudi Defence Minister vow to boost ties

Pakistani members stop fighting with each other ye bnda aag laga raha hai :rolleyes:
wonder how much money you have got from mullah to sell your mother.

watch your dirty mouth and don't bring his mother into this. I know you saudi slaves have no honour, but try to keep your act straight here. You've just given yourself away, saudi slave.
Your have saudi slave written all over you kid, who are you trying to fool?
Uncivilised slave like you don't deserve answers, you think I am about to explain why family history to some saudi terrorist slave? Plenty of Iranian live in the US, Iranians don't have a problem with US people but their government.

Meanwhile you lived and educated and probably still do live in the UK. :lol: Your saudi masters are not happy.
Exactly typical Irani mentality that cannot argue objectively. You are the one living in US and was born there when your parents went their illegally while trying to throw mud on me. What a cheap load.

WOW so khomeini has plenty of hypocrites now. Thats great. OFC why when it comes to money, even the staunchest mulah supporter will run off towards the American dream. Pathetic, losers, Low-lifes. What A shame
Your have saudi slave written all over you kid, who are you trying to fool?
Uncivilised slave like you don't deserve answers, you think I am about to explain why family history to some saudi terrorist slave? Plenty of Iranian live in the US, Iranians don't have a problem with US people but their government.

Meanwhile you lived and educated and probably still do live in the UK. :lol: Your saudi masters are not happy.

these are lowly Wahabi terror hyenas. They have manufacturing defects and they cannot become humans.
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watch your dirty mouth and don't bring his mother into this. I know you saudi slaves have no honour, but try to keep your act straight here. You've just given yourself away, saudi slave.
Yrt you had honour to go to US illegally ?
coming extremely rich from you

There is no need to argue with these lowly hyenas. They have manufacturing defects.
Says the Irani mullah boot licker. Why dont you just run away to your blody masters ? Oh i get it you get fed well. Hence that is why you're stuck here
Your family did the exact same thing. Your family still lives in the UK and so do you kid. Who are you trying to fool? :rofl:
LOL What a loser. Seriously kid, If they were I wouldn't hide. Unlike you ! who fell into his won trap. I feel sorry for you.

I really do

What about you and your family immigrating to the UK? i.e kaffar land according to your saudi masters?
Nope my family didnt go to UK so that like you I could get born there. Did you family sneaked into US before Khomeini came or after ?
Yeah yeah, whetever you've given yourself away kid. You live in the UK and so do your family. Unlike them, my family is actually back in Iran. Pathetic. What do your saudi master think? :lol:
Bull shit. If you were so proud why did you family sneaked into US then ? You yourself said it from your smelly mouth that you were born in US. Unlike you I was born here iN pakistan
Nope my family didnt go to UK so that like you I could get born there. Did you family sneaked into US before Khomeini came or after ?

My family have been in US for decades, long before the revolution. But then again, why do I need to explain myself to a saudi slave?
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Bull shit. If you were so proud why did you family sneaked into US then ? You yourself said it from your smelly mouth that you were born in US. Unlike you I was born here iN pakistan

My family have been in US for decades, no one sneaked anywhere.
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My family have been in US for decades, long before the revolution. But then again, why do I need to explain myself to a saudi slave? You worry about your family whom are still in the UK.
Awww so much for Proud Persian background that one had to run away from its motherland. Such a loser. I feel very sorry you. You family couldnt even give you proper identification of Iran. Perhaps they were well aware that it wouldn't give you any benefit
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