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PM, Saudi Defence Minister vow to boost ties

Difference is, we don't do cheap labour for Indians, do we?
yes u don't do cheap labor bcoz india has lot of cheap labor . but u do give space to their spies and agents against us . u are begging indian to set up port just like a slave begs before his master . cheers.
Yes sure you don't, you worship words coming from the mouth of your saudi masters. So why have't you gone to meet your virgins yet?
Dumb arabs and persians no offence though. If you oppose one of them they will claim your are slave of another. LOLOLOLO.
So tell me what are you still doing in CAnada ? Servng the white masters ?
That;s because your family are in saudistan doing cheap labour. They're not allowed to go to the west :lol:

Serving "white" master is something you lot have done historically, not us.
That what happens when you listen to too much mullah propaganda you cannot argue objectively. nor comprehend simple thing. Unlike your miserable family, I am well settled here in Pakistan, Went to Uk for my graduations and now I am back. didn't stay put as illegal just as your family did> perhaps Iranian lifestyle was really unwelcoming for Iranian expats, is that why you don't return ?

Serving "white" master is something you lot have done historically, not us. Now you're serving your saudi master, whom are your colour, but still not an improvement.
But you. You are there in Canada, right ? how does that make you you feel ? You were born in Land of satan, that's what your mullah says. Perhaps you have lost your self-respect.

I feel for you bruh
My family are back in Iran, I am here in university and will return to Iran as soon as I am done. Unlike you lot, my family were not doing slave labour on saudistan :lol:

You studied in the UK, a land which your beloved saudi imams call kaffir? Did you blow up any buses when you were there? Or did you live an infidel life?
But they did come to US so that you could get Passport ? Their self respect is all but gone. very sad :(
NO. Alhamdulilah we have always lived in Pakistan. Though we have gone to Makkah and madina for ziyara

ou studied in the UK, a land which your beloved saudi imams call kaffir? Did you blow up any buses when you were there? Or did you live an infidel life?
As I said before dumhead, We dont have any Imams, Thats your saudi counterparts. We are not slaves like you of Imams and what not
These shameless saudi lovers are part of problem in pakistan. most of them are immigrants. since saudi give them money so they dance of saudis. it is due to them common people in pak are suffering and thousands are low paid labour in saudi.
request to all PDF members here . its useless to cast a spirls before a whine . don't argue with an un logical man . he will try his best to prove his point but ends up as a laughing stock . my last post in this thread . I opened this thread but a brainless mullah has converted this thread in to troll thread . I think he has serious obsession with Arab .I also urge mods to take action .bye bye.
yes u don't do cheap labor bcoz india has lot of cheap labor . but u do give space to their spies and agents against us . u are begging indian to set up port just like a slave begs before his master . cheers.

Shut up saudi wahabi stooge.
request to all PDF members here . its useless to cast a spirls before a whine . don't argue with an un logical man . he will try his best to prove his point but ends up as a laughing stock . my last post in this thread . I opened this thread but a brainless mullah has converted this thread in to troll thread . I think he has serious obsession Arab .I also urge mods to take action .bye bye.

so high. the saudi wahabi era will come to end soon and no napak wahabi will be travelling to our beloved land PAK.
so high. the saudi wahabi era will come to end soon and no napak wahabi will be travelling to our beloved land PAK.

Threads like this always bring out these secret saudi stoogest. :lol::enjoy:
How and why my parents went to the west is non your concern. All that matters is, they were not doing slave labour to pay for my education, unlike your family.

You studied in the UK, a land considered kaffir by your saudi imams, and yet he tries to throw stones at me whilst living in a glass house :rofl: How desperate.

You are slave of the saudis dude, who are you kidding? or did life in the west cloud your takfiri judgement? change of heart?
First of mullah lover loser. I have no Imam let alone Saudi for that matter. Secondly, I just asked you a question , why was their a need for your family to go to US ? If you dont wanna answer for obvious answer since you're too ashamed for that and we all know why. You can pass. Its ok man. But being a hypocrite that very wrong. Alhumdilah My family has always lived in Pakistan . Unlike your background, where your parents had to run away from iran in an illegal boat to US and then we all know what happened.
LOL! here they come out so easily.

but something should be done so that 1 million trained and equipped wahabi terror hyenas hiding in their dens should come out in Pak and then our brave sons take care of them.
wonder how much money you have got from mullah to sell your mother.
These shameless saudi lovers are part of problem in pakistan. most of them are immigrants. since saudi give them money so they dance of saudis. it is due to them common people in pak are suffering and thousands are low paid labour in saudi.
OMG so when one hates Iran we become Automatically wahabi what Drumhead. Talk about yourself and your obession with Iran. BTW why are they not letting you get Irani nationality ? Or is it you have to become their cannon fodder and go to syria first ?
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