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PM, Saudi Defence Minister vow to boost ties

So you're butthurt that your beloved saudi arabia turned out to have slums? it's not my fault kid, it's just reality.

I never said Iran did not have slums. You asked for evidence of slums in in saudi and you recieved. You want to see the number of Pakistani slums? I rather not make you cry.
u are comparing mighty iran with weak SA . that's why I posted . by the way , I don't know your obsession with butt . might have passed through a painful experience . no offence.
I am just trying to educate you that your masters in saudistan are so inept that even given all their resources and no sanctions etc, they're still riddled with slums, and on the verge of bankruptcy etc. Iran is indeed mighty compared to such incompetency.

If anything it seems you have a traumatic experience from your saudi masters, given how desperately you seem to defend them, like a scared slave defending its master. Shall I posted a pic of a doll and you show me where they touched you? :lol:
every muslim like SA because of holy sites. . i only asked about your obsession with butt and you got angry . by the way , cheers .
It seems you're suffering from inferiority complex?
That Persian "cat" has more influence in the region than you will ever dream of kid. This kid is acting as if Pakistan is even a contender :lol:

The saudis see your kind as cannon fodders/slaves and nothing more. I say Pakistan will do good by showing them the finger.
LOL I didn't know that persian were ashamed of showing their flags. IN case You didn't realise the country you have shows as yours is the one which has caused your society great pain, but then again, hypocrisy cannot be avoided, right ?
LOL I didn't know that persian were ashamed of showing their flags. IN case You didn't realise the country you have shows as yours is the one which has caused your society great pain, but then again, hypocrisy cannot be avoided, right ?
born in US and humiliating same US here . jis thali me khana usi me cheet karna.dont take serious those Iranian mullahs.
So I should put Iranian flag even though I was born in the US and live in Canada?
Persians are one of the most proudest people in the world, what flag is that in my avatar kid? Also, when did I hide the fact I was an ethnic Persian/Iranian?
The first flag shows your ethnicity while the second one shows your area of residence. I bet the Current imam will not be very happy about this

born in US and humiliating same US here . jis thali me khana usi me cheet karna.dont take serious those Iranian mullahs.
Talk about hypocrisy. They live in US bet they went as asylum seeker and now they are abusing it. What a low life retards, init ?
No it does not you moron, first flag shows your birthplace not your ethnicity. Furthermore more, I have said I was a ethnic Persian from the beginning.

I think your imams/saudi masters would not be happy that you still haven't joined your brethren in ISIS yet.
Mind your tongue here. You are not talking to you mother here !

LOL what a shameful loser you are. Sitting in a place that your own mulah says is satan. I bet they will chop your head off once they learn how much of proud American you are :lol:

So when are you coming back ? will you be even accepted ?
First pay the pakistani expats, then come talking. That f*cking smirk on nawaz sharif's face while pakistanis are literally starving on saudi streets. What a f*cking rat.
Retard is the one whom does not understand the difference between born in a place vs living in a place.:lol:
You people abuse US just as much but unike us, you get their aid and military hardware
LOL I dont abuse the plate that I eat from Unlike you. Secondly, We receive the assistance fund. Unlike you we are not hypocrites who will take arms from Israel when the need arrives, remember the contra affair son ?
Your mother you mean? her saudi master are speaking to her much worst in saudi arabia where she is doing her slave labour to get money to feed you :lol:
Alhamdulillah Unlike you I m not in another country. I m here in Pakistan all safe and sound. So tell me when are you coming back to Iran if that is, ever you will ?
You abuse them but still take their aids and arms? How pathetic. We do this to them:
I don't live there and bad mouth it. Unlike you who is a loser. So how did you end up in US ? In a boat or as an illegal ? I am very curious
You're a slave to the saudis, not the holy sites. The saud family is not the holy sites is it? then again, slaves like you worship them anyway.
so I can simply call u slave of hindus . u are licking their ***. now happy . I think Persians have strange obsession with Arab . don't know why. might be some serious reason. cheers mate.
I live in Canda not the US. Furthermore, you still rely on them and their hardware and money. Just like you rely on saudi to give you money for your cheap labour, right?
No, Not really. We all do though, But then again relying and living there and bad mouthing are two different thing. You seem to have very confused identity. You still haven't answered my question How did you end up in USa ? where you were born
If only I was actually in the US, that question would make more sense. Your imams tell you to strap on a vest and meet your virgins, why haven't you done so?
Nope not mine. In fact we dont havr Imam mad mulla thing. that is from Iran though or must be from arabia. The two hell hole of Islamic worlds. So tell me what are you doing in Canada. You seem to be die hard fan of your mullah you should not stay there. YOu know Mullah these days can be very dangerous, you could be labeled as spies and get your head chopped off
Canda is where I live. Canada and US are the same thing in your eyes? Your family doing cheap labour need to send back more cash for your education, you seem to need it.
Dumhead, Unlike you My family didn't go to US so that I could get born there like in your case. As I said I am well settled here in Pakistan Alhamdulillah. I didn't run away from my country like a fugitive as you and your parents did. Bet they even let go of their religious duty and made a getaway to satanic land as claimed by your mullah
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