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PM Erdogan: Green light for 2500Km Ballistic Missile.

Let's try this last time, I hope it's simple enough even for kindergarten students.

Ýþte Orta Vadeli Program - Sabah
Turkey's GDP in 2011 was $766 billion.
Indonesia's GDP was well over $820 billion

---------- Post added at 01:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:58 PM ----------

Why are you unwilling to share your educational background? How old are you? Are you not intelligent enough or educated enough to understand these simple questions?
Let's try this last time, I hope it's simple enough even for kindergarten students.

Ýþte Orta Vadeli Program - Sabah
Turkey's GDP in 2011 was $766 billion.
BPS: Pertumbuhan PDB Indonesia 6,5 Persen - Jaring News
Indonesia's GDP was well over $820 billion

Banglar Lathial, I have experience on economics and banking. GDP nominal may vary different due to exchange rates you have taken. Last year Turkish lira performed badly, dunno what Indonesian rupeeh did. I take you are right.

2) you are right on GDP (ppp) Indonesia is better.

3) but on GDP per capita, Indonesia is behind of Turkey. Ppp and nominal. They have over 230 million ppl, while we have 75 million.

4) our trade deficit is a mess, no need to deny it. It is not sustainable.

5) our technological base is better than indonesians. They have at least 10 years to fill the gap.
Banglar Lathial, I have experience on economics and banking. GDP nominal may vary different due to exchange rates you have taken. Last year Turkish lira performed badly, dunno what Indonesian rupeeh did. I take you are right.

2) you are right on GDP (ppp) Indonesia is better.

3) but on GDP per capita, Indonesia is behind of Turkey. Ppp and nominal. They have over 230 million ppl, while we have 75 million.

4) our trade deficit is a mess, no need to deny it. It is not sustainable.

5) our technological base is better than indonesians. They have at least 10 years to fill the gap.

Thank you Alienoz_TR. You seem like a reasonable person. I hope more and more Turks like you push aside unreasonable ones who do not even know what they write and discuss. On per capita GDP, Indonesia may be behind Turkey, nobody denies that, but nobody can deny that Turkey is behind Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Malaysia, and many other "Muslim" countries in per capita GDP.

That member claimed that Turkish GDP is the largest in the Muslim world, I have provided direct evidence from both Turkish, Indonesian and even other foreign original sources proving conclusively that this is not true. Indonesia GDP is greater than Turkish GDP both on nominal and PPP basis.

If you want to find out exchange rates, you can find out at OANDA or any other site or source of your choice. Exchange rate volatility is something I know too well to ignore, that is why, I do not put as much emphasis on nominal GDP as some ignorant members. All indicators have their validity and their limitations.

You can not compare "technological base" in one word and claim that Turkey is at least 10 years ahead. Indonesian Aerospace industry is far ahead of Turkey even though it completely stopped some 16 or 17 years ago. You can imagine where Indonesian Aerospace industry could have been if it were not for the disastrous events of Asian Financial Crisis of 1997. Did you know that Indonesian built planes like CN-235 are in operation in multiple Muslim and non Muslim countries' airforces as well? It was built in cooperation with Spain.

Indonesian members can elaborate well on which sectors Indonesia is performing well in, and where its problems lie. I know that despite its booming GDP, the government and private sector in Indonesia does not allocate sufficient funds for research. This needs to be redressed.

I hope more and more reasonable, knowledgeable members represent Turkey and push aside the unreasonable ones that depict Turkey in a negative way with their childish responses and lack of knowledge.
I didn't say anything like that, I don't see why we should be responsible for every Muslim in the world. Some Palestine boy died? Why should that be more relevant to our foreign policy, then a few guys that have been shot from Iranian soldiers at our border?
Why are you not as angry with Iran, because they killed 3 or 4 Turks a year ago (you can Google it if you want). It's because they're Jewish.

I'm angry with Israel because they killed 9 Turks, yes. But Israel will apologize (I'm pretty sure they will) and everything going to be fine again. That's foreign policy, that's the reality, deal with it.

Also please stop insulting me and men up, learn to talk and behave even if it's the Internet. I will report you the next time.

If it was simple as that they would have apologized a long time ago, The only way we will get something close to an apology is when the Ultra Nationalist goverment is no longer in power. And yes i am also angry at iran but that doesnt change the fact that those innocent people are shot dead for no reason and Israel has to do alot more then simply apologize.

And no i shall not respect the likes of you which is so eager to have that terror state as a friend.
So Israel is a terror state and your Ummah countries are not? Just look at how each country in the Middle East in treating it's own citizens and you will realize that Israel is the heaven on earth in the Middle East.
So Israel is a terror state and your Ummah countries are not? Just look at how each country in the Middle East in treating it's own citizens and you will realize that Israel is the heaven on earth in the Middle East.

Not if you are a muslim or arab or any other religion other than Judahism and you live cloe to orthodox Jews...
So Israel is a terror state and your Ummah countries are not? Just look at how each country in the Middle East in treating it's own citizens and you will realize that Israel is the heaven on earth in the Middle East.

This coming from a Turkish person really amazes me. Heaven on earth or hell on earth? I think you are confusing those two.
So Israel is a terror state and your Ummah countries are not? Just look at how each country in the Middle East in treating it's own citizens and you will realize that Israel is the heaven on earth in the Middle East.

Heavon on earth at the first site but an hell when you check closer, I rather have Saudi-Arabia or Egypte as our closest ally insted of a country that is openly commiting Etnic-cleansing. Atleast non of the Muslims nations in the middle-east is Murdering and massacring for ethnic cleansing. Sneaky little rats are already supporting the PKK with intellengince and Fund Etc. So yes they are nothing but a Terror-state supporting terror as its kind. There is alot more going on then the Mavi Marmara here and if you know the other factors your openion wouldnt be different then mine. Cant believe how delusionol and Simple your ideology is. Talking about making friend with an Nation that openly said they are going to support Terror organisations against Turkey.

---------- Post added at 09:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 PM ----------

what has this got to do with ballistic missiles? :what:

They are hot :)
This coming from a Turkish person really amazes me. Heaven on earth or hell on earth? I think you are confusing those two.

Compared to any Middle Eastern country it is heaven on earth. I'm talking about press freedom or human rights. I don't say that they are angels but still better.

BordoEnes, the Israelis are funding the PKK but the Saudis finance religious extremists groups all over the world, yes even in Turkey. Both scum to me concerning that point.
Israelis support the PKK and AKP members on the other hand suggested that we support Hamas, that's not how we are, we're better then that and I never said that we're going to be buddies with Israel but go back to business as usual, that's how foreign politics work.

I rather have Israel on my side, then with the Greeks and Greek Cypriots.

Countries don't have friends, except for a few exceptions like maybe the Azeris but even their president is a bit funny. Moaning when we start to calm the waves with the Armenians, fine we stopped it. But silent when the French passed their genocide law.
You are delusional if you think there are friends in geopolitics. Not Israel, not Saudis. Just partnerships of convenience.
Compared to any Middle Eastern country it is heaven on earth. I'm talking about press freedom or human rights. I don't say that they are angels but still better.

BordoEnes, the Israelis are funding the PKK but the Saudis finance religious extremists groups all over the world, yes even in Turkey. Both scum to me concerning that point.
Israelis support the PKK and AKP members on the other hand suggested that we support Hamas, that's not how we are, we're better then that and I never said that we're going to be buddies with Israel but go back to business as usual, that's how foreign politics work.

I rather have Israel on my side, then with the Greeks and Greek Cypriots.

Countries don't have friends, except for a few exceptions like maybe the Azeris but even their president is a bit funny. Moaning when we start to calm the waves with the Armenians, fine we stopped it. But silent when the French passed their genocide law.
You are delusional if you think there are friends in geopolitics. Not Israel, not Saudis. Just partnerships of convenience.

I agree. But i did not understand the logic behind comparing yourself with middle eastern countries.
I don't have much insider info about how Turkey perceives itself but aren't you supposed to be Europeans(eastern, may be)?
No, but I used to term Middle Eastern countries to describe all those countries our conservative folks want us to get close to, like Saudi Arabia as BordoEnes mentioned.
Heavon on earth at the first site but an hell when you check closer, I rather have Saudi-Arabia or Egypte as our closest ally insted of a country that is openly commiting Etnic-cleansing. Atleast non of the Muslims nations in the middle-east is Murdering and massacring for ethnic cleansing. Sneaky little rats are already supporting the PKK with intellengince and Fund Etc. So yes they are nothing but a Terror-state supporting terror as its kind. There is alot more going on then the Mavi Marmara here and if you know the other factors your openion wouldnt be different then mine. Cant believe how delusionol and Simple your ideology is. Talking about making friend with an Nation that openly said they are going to support Terror organisations against Turkey.

---------- Post added at 09:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 PM ----------

They are hot :)

no they r ugly bro
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