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PM Erdogan: Green light for 2500Km Ballistic Missile.

Also, while Turkey has a large economy, Indonesia beats you in terms of the largest Muslim economy. Both your countries are growing at a rapid phase, but Indonesia takes the cake in that field.

hey arent your that RayKalmNian Guy on youtube where i had an discussion with? Great to see you on PDF :)
Oh, Yes, that's me and we did have a discussion. Didn't know that was your Yotube account. I usually don't like to take shots in a Turkey vs Pakistan military conversation, but you were the exception.

Quasar: Indonesia was ranked higher on many documented lists, and it is higher in terms of PPP. In terms of nominal, it is lower than Turkey right now, but cause of it's massive population it will slowly overtake Turkey's economy.
Hmmn, a 2500K ballistic missle. I wonder why didn't the blue-prints of the Shaheen 2 conveniently find itself on the desk of the Turkish Ambassador to Pakistan. We can be very sneaky when we want to be and I'm sure both Pakistan and Turkey could have pulled it off with a little ingenuity.
We do not exactly know if the Missiles being developed are ballistic or cruise Missiles, in Connection with SOM Program I think they are Cruise Missiles with a Range up to 2500 km.
thats what i am asking @qausar

not who made or who can make it better but whats the wisdom behind or are you guys nuclear and not telling the world:p:P:P naughty if that is the case then the nato king will have a fit over this;););)
Growth range changes often.


According to this WIKI page: BRIC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

in 2035+

1.) Indonesia
2.) Nigeria
3.) Turkey
4.) Egypt
5.) Iran
6.) Pakistan
7.) Bangladesh

Nigeria is currently just 51% Muslim, but by 2035 it will be 60% Muslim. Russia, America, China, France, United Kingdom, Pakistan, and India will be the only nuclear armed countries in the top 20.

Looks like the age of the Europeans and North Americas and Japan are over. France, United Kingdom, Canada, Italy, Germany and Japan have little to no growth at all.

By 2100 Pakistan will be among the Top 4-5, so a most accurate list will be this below:

1.) Indonesia
2.) Nigeria
3.) Turkey
4.) Egypt
5.) Pakistan
6.) Bangladesh
7.) Iran
and we are in Next 11 Countries so Pakistan will be around rank 6 in biggest economies by 2050 :woot:
No offence, but you are either deleuded or badly misinformed.
Iran has a much larger military industry than you. How can you even compare, have you been to Iran?
what do you know about the size of their military.they unveil stuff every month, but that not their entire military.

as for you comment about electronics, dude that made me laugh.to say you are comparable to the west is something you should say if you were doing stand up comedy.

anyway, Iran has the capability in my opinion to make missiles with range >6000KM. But they wont show it because no one in the right mind will make an ICBM without a nuke warhead. so If Iran test such missiles then world will think Iran has nukes.

now this also applies to Turkey, if you make a missile with range >5000KM then clearly it make Iran an the rest of the world think you are developing nukes, and then countries like Iran and saudi arabia will say "okay, so if Turkey has it now then we must also get it". thats IF they already have not got nukes.

to finish off I agree that Turkey can reach Iran's level right now in terms of designing missiles and mass producing them in about 10-15 years, remember Iran missile capability is increasing very rapidly, I mean their sejill 2 was very impressive.Just because you make a missile with longer range than a country does not mean you are more capable than another country. ask yourseld, should they,will they, test such missile. in case of Iran it's simply no.
I wish you guys good luck I really do, I think Turkey is a great country.
But this such moves will only make you more enemies.

You sure you wanna do this boy? Cause you will be eaten alive! How on earth can you compare a Nation That is under Sanctions for nearly a Decade against the Booming Turkey! No offence to any iranians but thats just the Thruth! Unless i repeat UNLESS you have a Good Economie, Not under Sanctions, Actually make progress, Take down the Dictatorship and Stop Reverse enginering stuff and somehow claim its Iranian made then you may come even Little close to Turkish capabilitys. You may have an edge on Missile technology but beside that Turkey is superior in every other Factor, You do not have to right to even claim such pathetic claims. Come boy if your so sure show Uncle Turko what toys you have made and we will show ours!!:azn:
Oh, Yes, that's me and we did have a discussion. Didn't know that was your Yotube account. I usually don't like to take shots in a Turkey vs Pakistan military conversation, but you were the exception.

Quasar: Indonesia was ranked higher on many documented lists, and it is higher in terms of PPP. In terms of nominal, it is lower than Turkey right now, but cause of it's massive population it will slowly overtake Turkey's economy.
is North Korea rich ?
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