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PM Erdogan: Green light for 2500Km Ballistic Missile.

Suffer from Dissociative identity disorder? count only yourself and don't drag others to your delusion. You should check for Epistemology before using terms as "know" "truth".

Where do you see an identity disorder? You are the one trying to diverge the focus by coming with idiotic statements. Casualties of the Gaza War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Casualties of Operation Cast lead

According to your lovely IDF 295 civilians died
According to Palestinian Centre for Human Rights 926 civilians died
According to B'Tselem which is an Israeli 762 civilans died.

Now please explain to me, why should we trust a military force that is constantly slaughtering civilians with sophiticated weapons that are not even allowed to be used in normal military conflict? You can deny as much as you like, but facts remain facts, thousands of pictures, videos and other evidence has been posted several times even in this forum. I don't care if you can't handle the truth, since it seems the truth bothers you extremely much.
Suffer from Dissociative identity disorder? count only yourself and don't drag others to your delusion. You should check for Epistemology before using terms as "know" "truth".

Please don't turn this thread where you try to justify Israeli Defence Force... Which turned in to a murder machine trough out the years rather than a military that is suppose to protect its people...
Please don't turn this thread where you try to justify Israeli Defence Force... Which turned in to a murder machine trough out the years rather than a military that is suppose to protect its people...

How about Turkish murder machine? murdering Kurds way out of press spotlight, isnt it comfortable to to blame other while committing the same alleged "crimes"
Where do you see an identity disorder? You are the one trying to diverge the focus by coming with idiotic statements. Casualties of the Gaza War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Casualties of Operation Cast lead

According to your lovely IDF 295 civilians died
According to Palestinian Centre for Human Rights 926 civilians died
According to B'Tselem which is an Israeli 762 civilans died.

Now please explain to me, why should we trust a military force that is constantly slaughtering civilians with sophiticated weapons that are not even allowed to be used in normal military conflict? You can deny as much as you like, but facts remain facts, thousands of pictures, videos and other evidence has been posted several times even in this forum. I don't care if you can't handle the truth, since it seems the truth bothers you extremely much.

Slaughter, whoo what a word...
you believe what make you comfortable, just dont present it as the truth.
How about Turkish murder machine? murdering Kurds way out of press spotlight, isnt it comfortable to to blame other while committing the same alleged "crimes"

Turkish murder machine??? I can't remember a civil casulity in... what? last ten years expect 35 summuglers killed by airstrike at illegal border transpasing?

Nice try troll...
Thank you for your nice message. I have no intention to belittle any Muslim country or Turkey. Regarding UAVs, you know very well that about 30 or 40 countries (maybe more) around the world designed and developed their own UAVs. As for TAI_Hürkuş trainer aircraft, I think you know what a trainer aircraft is. In this sector too, at least 30 or 40 countries (maybe more) around the world have developed/built/manufactured their own trainers. I can think of Egypt, Algeria, Iran, Pakistan, and many other countries that have built "simple" trainer aircrafts.

I think both of us has agreed, in view of the all the available evidence from various sources, that Indonesian GDP is greater than Turkish GDP and that Indonesian Aerospace sector had developed in 1995 indigenous regional airliner, something that Turkey or no other "Muslim" country has been able to develop yet on its own .

Turkey has been making great progress so far in recent years under the AKP, but there is a tendency amongst many Middle Eastern countries' leaders to make bombastic grandiose statements and propaganda to fool the population. Saddam, Gaddafi, Zionists, Iranian defense ministers, and it seems like Turkish media also fit in that description. At the same time, USA, India, the Western world in general and many other countries that closely follow these Western countries also suffer from a huge extent of propaganda.

One of these Turkish (probably Kemalist) propaganda is to try to portray Turkey as the "most advanced Muslim country" in all fields so that they can push forward their Kemalist agenda. The Western world also tries their best to further this agenda, and fudges statistics, writes articles, creates promotions and spreads other types of propaganda to help achieve their malicious goals.

Again, I am glad that Turkey is making progress, and wants to design and build its own ballistic missiles with 2500 km range. It's a good news, and I would be glad if Turkey develops its own ICBM. Whenever any Muslim country progresses, I am delighted, but we should not succumb to our national or western media propaganda.

Sorry but you cannot compare Indonesia with a modern country like Turkey, i know i've been to Indonesia, you only have good seafood and a lot of cheap fake designe brand clothes nothing special about yr country only that its very cheap, your gdp maybe better but u have to feed more people and your people are almost naked on the streets.

And what's with the kemalist BS? That was laughable!

We had our national plane manufacturing factories back in the 20s somehow it was cancelled but our airforce is one of the oldest in the world, we were one of the first nations with an airforce in the world. So keep your silly stories about your stupid planes for yourself. Thanks.
Sorry but you cannot compare Indonesia with a modern country like Turkey, i know i've been to Indonesia, you only have good seafood and a lot of cheap fake designe brand clothes nothing special about yr country only that its very cheap, your gdp maybe better but u have to feed more people and your people are almost naked on the streets.

And what's with the kemalist BS? That was laughable!

We had our national plane manufacturing factories back in the 20s somehow it was cancelled but our airforce is one of the oldest in the world, we were one of the first nations with an airforce in the world. So keep your silly stories about your stupid planes for yourself. Thanks.

Did you know that Turkey were exporting Fighter Aircraft to Holland... We had to sacrifice so much to enter NATO...
@ Banglar,

Mustafa Kemal's policies during 1920 and 1930 made Turkey the most technologically advanced Muslim nation. But that was again back in 1930's. We used to build our own airplanes, our own brand automobiles, even had plans to build tanks. But NATO allegiance made us lose some of our advanced industries dissappear.

While we slept, others moved forwards. South korea, Pakistan, india, etc... No need to deny, Iran designs and build many indigenous goods, from bus to IRBM. We failed miserably. Regardless of ideology, it was foreign dependence that lost us decades.

Iran is a model for me, why? Blockade and embargo forced them to cut the ties and Cook their own soup. Wish we could do that.
Iran designs its indigenous missiles tanks, fighter planes... Have you ever heard of Chinese tech transfer, Reverse enginering? Compering Iran with Turkey is laughtable
How about Turkish murder machine? murdering Kurds way out of press spotlight, isnt it comfortable to to blame other while committing the same alleged "crimes"

Machine, we are just attacking guerilla figthers, not civilians. And it doesnt matter if those guerillas appear to be Kurdishs, Turks or Arab no racism here we smoke all of them.
Iran designs its indigenous missiles tanks, fighter planes... Have you ever heard of Chinese tech transfer, Reverse enginering? Compering Iran with Turkey is laughtable

Actually China has been very succesfull, i would be happy if Turkiye achieved 1/3rd Chinese had.
Did you know that Turkey were exporting Fighter Aircraft to Holland... We had to sacrifice so much to enter NATO...

True, we didnt get anything just lost, still loosing. Because of them.
dear Members
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please feel free to discuss current affairs, history and issues but do so within the forum guidelines of mutual respect and decency
Actually China has been very succesfull, i would be happy if Turkiye achieved 1/3rd Chinese had.

No no ı wasnt talking about China... I was talking that China transfered its tech to Iran and Irans reverse engineering...
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