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Photos of Ayub Khan visiting East pakistan (bangladesh)


Camels in Cox's Bazar? :unsure:
Lets makes a thread "United Bengal Vs United Pakistan" and see the results by ourselves.

I think United Pakistan have a strong chance even from West bengalis:lol:

ya west bengalis never gonna join us. they are already a part of indian empire.
United Bengal


In January 1947, Sarat Chandra Bose resigned from the Indian National Congress, partially in protest against the partition of Bengal. He called for an Independent Bengal separate from both India and Pakistan, and formed his own party - the Socialist Republican Party.[8][9] At that time, Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy and Abul Hashem, two Bengali leaders of the Muslim League also advocated for an Independent Bengal comprising both the Eastern (now Bangladesh) and Western (now West Bengal) parts of Bengal.[8][10] Akram Khan (politician) and Khawaja Nazimuddin, two other Muslim League leaders wanted a United Bengal as part of Pakistan. Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha and Syama Prasad Mookerjee, founder of Bharatiya Jana Sangh which later was succeeded by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), opposed the idea of an Independent Bengal or a United Bengal.[8] Hindu Mahashabha and Mookerjee was concerned about Bose and Suhrawardy discussing a sovereign state of Bengal, while opposing the idea of a United Bengal even as a part of the Union of India. Jawaharlal Nehru, then a leader of the majority faction of the Congress, was opposed to a United Bengal unconnected to the Union.

Greater Bangladesh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United Bengal


In January 1947, Sarat Chandra Bose resigned from the Indian National Congress, partially in protest against the partition of Bengal. He called for an Independent Bengal separate from both India and Pakistan, and formed his own party - the Socialist Republican Party.[8][9] At that time, Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy and Abul Hashem, two Bengali leaders of the Muslim League also advocated for an Independent Bengal comprising both the Eastern (now Bangladesh) and Western (now West Bengal) parts of Bengal.[8][10] Akram Khan (politician) and Khawaja Nazimuddin, two other Muslim League leaders wanted a United Bengal as part of Pakistan. Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha and Syama Prasad Mookerjee, founder of Bharatiya Jana Sangh which later was succeeded by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), opposed the idea of an Independent Bengal or a United Bengal.[8] Hindu Mahashabha and Mookerjee was concerned about Bose and Suhrawardy discussing a sovereign state of Bengal, while opposing the idea of a United Bengal even as a part of the Union of India. Jawaharlal Nehru, then a leader of the majority faction of the Congress, was opposed to a United Bengal unconnected to the Union.

Greater Bangladesh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

not just west bengal. assam and tripura is also part of greater bengal.
not just west bengal. assam and tripura is also part of greater bengal.

British regime did this mess. They could have just made three countries India , Pakistan and Bengal (comprising present day Bangladesh and West Bengal) but everything was f**ked up by the stupid leaders.

Now West Bengal people are also in some dilemma whether they should call their state West Bengal or name it differently.


In "Jana Gana Mana", India's national anthem, Rabindranath Tagore calls the land "Bongo (বঙ্গ )". In protest against the partition of Bengal in 1905, he had composed "Amar Shonar Bangla", thus referring to the land as "Bangla". The newly created country of Bangladesh adopted this song as its national anthem in 1972, but India and the Indian part of Bengal have failed to honor the spirit of his composition. It's high time we gave the state a name it deserves.

The time has arrived for giving a more meaningful and logical name to our state and to drop the prefix "West". But we also have to keep in mind that, by naming our state as just "Bengal"("Bongo" "বঙ্গ") we would create a great conflict in our History and we cant afford to play with the heritage and history of Bengal! BENGAL is the Region of Bengali speaking people comprising of present West Bengal & Bangladesh, so Bengal is incomplete without Bangladesh and thus, we cannot name our state as Bengal!

Only BENGAL, not West Bengal ! | Promote Bangla
British regime did this mess. They could have just made three countries India , Pakistan and Bengal (comprising present day Bangladesh and West Bengal) but everything was f**ked up by the stupid leaders.

Now West Bengal people are also in some dilemma whether they should call their state West Bengal or name it differently.


In "Jana Gana Mana", India's national anthem, Rabindranath Tagore calls the land "Bongo (বঙ্গ )". In protest against the partition of Bengal in 1905, he had composed "Amar Shonar Bangla", thus referring to the land as "Bangla". The newly created country of Bangladesh adopted this song as its national anthem in 1972, but India and the Indian part of Bengal have failed to honor the spirit of his composition. It's high time we gave the state a name it deserves.

The time has arrived for giving a more meaningful and logical name to our state and to drop the prefix "West". But we also have to keep in mind that, by naming our state as just "Bengal"("Bongo" "বঙ্গ") we would create a great conflict in our History and we cant afford to play with the heritage and history of Bengal! BENGAL is the Region of Bengali speaking people comprising of present West Bengal & Bangladesh, so Bengal is incomplete without Bangladesh and thus, we cannot name our state as Bengal!

Only BENGAL, not West Bengal ! | Promote Bangla

that pic is hilarious :lol:
You were suspecting I am Bangladeshi or not and here you come with such ridiculus claim that new generation doesn't hate Pakistan ! No wonder why you are Sylheti NRB. Sylhetis generally have soft corner for Pakistani regime during that time.

BD youths of today DESPISE Pakistan. They bash Pakistan. They badmouth Pakistan only because of what Pakistanis did with Bangladeshis before 1971. and NOW the hatred has gone to next level after Kader Molla resolution. I personally don't hate Pakistan but I hate its friendly attitude towards Taliban terrorists. Why can't Pakistan ban all terrorist groups?

My friend, the biggest blunder was to create two wings of one state, Pakistan a word first time used in 1930’s by Ch Rehmat Ali in his journal “Now or Never” meant Punjab, Afghania (old name of KPK also called the Afghan Province) , Kashmir, Sindh, balcohisTAN, there was no B for Bengal in Pakistan. Even Allama Iqbal mentioned of a separate state in the North West, same was the case with Sir Sayed Ahmed Khan. 1940 Pakistan Resolution stated “one or more than one state” , so Bengal should have been a separate country, but the British were not ready to make more than two countries at the time, probably that was the reason , Pakistan had two wings.

Bengalis were absolutely different from us, distance wise ( almost 2000 km , if we go 2000 km to west of Pak we reach Jordan, this means us and Jordanians should also be in one country, no its pure non sense.), culturally, ethnically ,linguistically …etc. Bengalis were as alien to us as Arabs, Chechens or Bosnians are. Pushtuns, Punjabis, Sindhis, Baloch have a lot in common historically ,there civilizations were all along the banks of River Indus since thousands of years, even now they live and interact in each others provinces, eg, Northern Punjab is all ethnically Pushtun, and Southern Punjab like districts of Rajanpur and DG Khan is Baloch dominated, but Bengalis had nothing in common. I understand the hate in young generation of Bengladeshis, I have many nice Bengali friends here in Canada who have the same feelings for Pakistan, but on the contrary, Pakistanis don’t even care , Bangladesh is in a region which has nothing to do with Pakistan, any changes , whether political, social, cultural, in Bangladesh are of no concern to us, its just another muslim majority country like Egypt or Jordan or Algeria for us, they might concern India but not Pakistan.
In terms of height Gen Harbaksh Singh was the tallest South Asian general.


We are talking about Average height of people, and Pakistanis are taller than Indians on average. I can point out many individuals who will be way taller than this general. So talk about the majority not individuals.
We are talking about Average height of people, and Pakistanis are taller than Indians on average. I can point out many individuals who will be way taller than this general. So talk about the majority not individuals.

India is a vast country. It's unfair to compare Pakistan to all of India. The better comparison would be to compare Pakistan to the region of North West India(Punjab, Haryana, Himachal, J&K, and maybe Rajasthan).
India is a vast country. It's unfair to compare Pakistan to all of India. The better comparison would be to compare Pakistan to the region of North West India(Punjab, Haryana, Himachal, J&K, and maybe Rajasthan).

You don't consider other parts of India (South) as India ? :P Very surprising. Its just like compare with my best not with the rest :bounce:
1960s: President Muhammad Ayub Khan Visit - East Pakistan(Now Bangladesh)


@ Can any one (Bangladeshi) gauge where from the above pictures were taken in the then East Pakistan ? I can get one clue where it is written " Welcome to Ayub. Association of Contractor, Mymensingh ".

@ I think, once the Mymensigh Agricultural University was inaugrated, Ayub was invited. The old man wearing a black grown is the Vice Chancellar of the university and young man wearing a black "Achkan" is some Muslim Leaque politician.

@ The first picture is taken inside the Mymensingh Agricutural University. Then probably he was invited at EPR Sector HQ , Mymensingh for prize distribution ceremony. The troops he was taking belongs to Punjab Regiment probably brought from Dacca Cantt.
not just west bengal. assam and tripura is also part of greater bengal.

wow...that would be really great & Bangladesh will have a very strategic location. Landlock Nepal & Bhutan would be dependent on Bangladesh for their economy & trade & China may also use Bangladeshi ports. Not only that but Bangladesh will gain enormous power & can face it's bullying neighbors.
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