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Photos of Ayub Khan visiting East pakistan (bangladesh)

This is inaccurate. Most Bangladeshis are vehemently anti-Pak. They think India bullies them; but they do remember that the West Pakistanis raped, looted and pillaged them. And in its brief 40 -odd year history, Bangladesh has had more free and fair elections than almost 70 years that Pakistan has been around.

Actually, no. The older generation, especially the pre 1950's born Bangladeshis hate Pakistan because they are the one who experienced that time. Anyone born after 1971-80,they have no hate towards Pakistan. Instead it's towards India, admittedly it's because of India's treatment to Muslims and their alliance with Israel, this view is held especially by the youngers. Most Bangladeshi youth are not well-versed in the history of the subcontinent, usually because they don't care and only care about Islamic history and theology.
Just leadership? If it was so easy it would have happened by now. Do you think most Bangladeshis would want to rejoin Pakistan? Go talk to some of them in real life about it. PDF Bangladeshis represent a small fraction of them. Try convincing the Bangladeshi population about it. :lol:

@ Even in this critical political sitution Jamat-e-Islami has been elected 13 "Upo Zillas" out of 96. BNP got 43 and AM got only 34 that too after lot of terror activities. If free and fare election is held AL will sheet at his own place. More 4 phases/groups are still awaiting.

@ Definitely, re-unification with Pakistan is not fisible but we can have a very cordial and defence related relation.
@ Even in this critical political sitution Jamat-e-Islami has been elected 13 "Upo Zillas" out of 96. BNP got 43 and AM got only 34 that too after lot of terror activities. If free and fare election is held AL will sheet at his own place. More 4 phases/groups are still awaiting.

@ Definitely, re-unification with Pakistan is not fisible but we can have a very cordial and defence related relation.

What has winning an election got to do with reunion? BNP+Jamat won the whole general election by a landslide in 2001, doesn't mean people wanted to rejoin with Pakistan.
What has winning an election got to do with reunion? BNP+Jamat won the whole general election by a landslide in 2001, doesn't mean people wanted to rejoin with Pakistan.

@ It is not the question of joining with Pakistan, it is question of feeling. Most of the people of our c our country are highly anti-India and they have a reason for that. India cannot be our friend, it is well tested. India never was our friend. It was only in 1971 some how young people aligned with India and fought against Pakistan but soonthey realize that it was a mistake. Even during the liberation big portion of freedom fighters are in the opinion to make a compromise with Pakistan under the sponsorship of USA. Even, in 1971 once Sk Mujib was arrested and sent to West Pakistan, Sk Mujib was allowed at Karachi to talked with the press. There Mujib said that he has handed over the power to the members of Pakistan Army. Well, this cam be by force also !

This Picture should be the Opening post for the thread "East Pakistan" in BD Section.

What has winning an election got to do with reunion? BNP+Jamat won the whole general election by a landslide in 2001, doesn't mean people wanted to rejoin with Pakistan.

In 2001 you argument might be right but in 2014 when Jamat is blamed and punished with supporting Pakistani Agenda and consequantgly banned, these wins makes a lot of sense.

I hope AL foolhardiness carry on for sometime bcz it possess blessing in disguise for United Pakistan well wishers in both wings.
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In 2001 you argument might be right but in 2014 when Jamat is blamed and punished with supporting Pakistani Agenda and consequantgly banned, these wins makes a lot of sense.
I hope AL foolhardiness carry on for sometime bcz it possess blessing in disguise for United Pakistan well wishers in both wings.

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride!
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride!

Again, I would say here the game changer would be AL’s future political behavior, posture and projection. Knowingly or unknowingly they are moving towards India’s strong corner, hegemony in response to the opposition they are facing from both BNP and JI…….this is there grave mistake.

For Nation building AL simply don’t need to project their opponents as “Gaddars”, if you point one finger towards your opponent, four fingers are automatically pointed towards you…..what AL doing currently is only hitting thier own feet in longer run of schemes to come.
I pray that the Bangladeshi people are happy today.

I don't know why on earth Pakistan was created with two wings a thousand mile apart? They should've just created 2 separate Muslim countries in 1947.

A complete stupid decision which resulted bloodshed all over the sub-continent. It even made more hostile relation between India and Pakistan. East Bengal should have been united with present day West Bengal. God almighty made us as Bengali and we made Bangladesh and West Bengal.

I don't like Ayub Khan and Bhutto. Even though I have reservation for Jinnah due to his anti-Bengali language attitude but I think he was a respectable man and leader who was misguided by some stupid Pakistani politicians.
East Bengal should have been united with present day West Bengal. God almighty made us as Bengali and we made Bangladesh and West Bengal.

Lets makes a thread "United Bengal Vs United Pakistan" and see the results by ourselves.

I think United Pakistan have a strong chance even from West bengalis:lol:
Actually, no. The older generation, especially the pre 1950's born Bangladeshis hate Pakistan because they are the one who experienced that time. Anyone born after 1971-80,they have no hate towards Pakistan. Instead it's towards India, admittedly it's because of India's treatment to Muslims and their alliance with Israel, this view is held especially by the youngers. Most Bangladeshi youth are not well-versed in the history of the subcontinent, usually because they don't care and only care about Islamic history and theology.

You were suspecting I am Bangladeshi or not and here you come with such ridiculus claim that new generation doesn't hate Pakistan ! No wonder why you are Sylheti NRB. Sylhetis generally have soft corner for Pakistani regime during that time.

BD youths of today DESPISE Pakistan. They bash Pakistan. They badmouth Pakistan only because of what Pakistanis did with Bangladeshis before 1971. and NOW the hatred has gone to next level after Kader Molla resolution. I personally don't hate Pakistan but I hate its friendly attitude towards Taliban terrorists. Why can't Pakistan ban all terrorist groups?
If you ever get a chance to watch Pakistan vs India Cricket match, you'll know Bangladeshi side of support

My grand father, uncle and father are freedom fighters. When it comes to cricket my dad supports Pakistan even though he hates Pakistan as a nation.
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