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Tribute to 3 Pakistani Generals who Tried to Save the Bengali officers in Pakistan Army in 1971

@ Chund

Why is it that non-Muslim Bengalis, Biharis, UPis, Punjabis, and Sindhis can coexist harmoniously, but when the Hindus are in power conflicts and violence among them often arise?
"Republic" is a bit far fetched , republic is an entity which gives control to civilian and ensures Law and order exist to protect the weak

We are more or less a Colony , controlled by Group of Core commanders since 1952 who have worshiped a foreign Mandate since 1952 starting with Ayub Khan all the way to Present

But they are ok to give some leniency provided people give them tribute from yearly budget
And who brought establishment into politics?? Since 50 its were our politicians who gave establishment a chance to takeover our politicians always bring/brought desirability and chaos to the country that's why our establishment took over many times

Our politicians have no capabilities to rule Pakistan
@ Chund

Why is it that non-Muslim Bengalis, Biharis, UPis, Punjabis, and Sindhis can coexist harmoniously, but when the Hindus are in power conflicts and violence among them often arise?
The hatred of Punjabi Muslims towards Bengali Muslims doesn't stem from linguistic or cultural distinctions but is deeply entrenched in the principles of Islamism.
The hatred of Punjabi Muslims towards Bengali Muslims doesn't stem from linguistic or cultural distinctions but is deeply entrenched in the principles of Islamism.

why hindooo do so much hate?..
Mujeeb, Gandhi, Bhutto.....you reap what you sow.
The hatred of Punjabi Muslims towards Bengali Muslims doesn't stem from linguistic or cultural distinctions but is deeply entrenched in the principles of Islamism.
I guess the love between Sikhs and Hindus come from hindutva. Also the love in manipur comes from hindutva too congrats 😂
Why is it that non-Muslim Bengalis, Biharis, UPis, Punjabis, and Sindhis can coexist harmoniously, but when they convert to Islam, conflicts and violence

Maybe because we don't have castes lower than us to treat like subhumans, to rape as we please, to kill if they ritually pollute us, to see as untouchables and unworthy of living with dignity.

Or maybe because we don't have castes higher than us to worship, to offer our daughters for ritual rape by brahmin priests, to offer our men as slaves to do the filthiest and most dangerous tasks to please the ones higher than us.

Maybe having a civilized, casteless society makes us want to be violent. :lol:
The hatred of Punjabi Muslims towards Bengali Muslims doesn't stem from linguistic or cultural distinctions but is deeply entrenched in the principles of Islamism.

That is such an ignorant comment not supported by any rational explanation.

Read some more - as you seem to be clueless.
Many Indian are confused between Army/General Lust for power and normal common people of Pakistan
That is such an ignorant comment not supported by any rational explanation.

Read some more - as you seem to be clueless.
Delving deeper into the origins of Punjabi Muslims' animosity towards Bengali Muslims, you'll discover that it's not rooted in language or culture but in religion. The basis for why an Arab Muslim might hold a similar aversion toward a South Asian Muslim, or why an Afghan disapproves of Punjabi and Sindhi Muslims, resembles the reasons why a Punjabi Muslim might harbor resentment towards a Bengali Muslim.
Delving deeper into the origins of Punjabi Muslims' animosity towards Bengali Muslims, you'll discover that it's not rooted in language or culture but in religion. The basis for why an Arab Muslim might hold a similar aversion toward a South Asian Muslim, or why an Afghan disapproves of Punjabi and Sindhi Muslims, resembles the reasons why a Punjabi Muslim might harbor resentment towards a Bengali Muslim.

Yeah that is why we all pray in the same row every Friday.

Have you ever seen a Muslim congregation in a Mosque? In my neighborhood the congregation consists of almost 60 ethnicities/nationalities, black, white, multiple shades of brown, purple, you name it, they are all represented.

Don't know what you are pushing. Stop drawing hate parallels with your Hindutva hate.

Hindutva hate is special, no parallels anywhere.

And please stop spreading falsehoods about Muslims when you have no idea.
Yeah that is why we all pray in the same row every Friday.

Have you ever seen a Muslim congregation in a Mosque? In my neighborhood the congregation consists of almost 60 ethnicities/nationalities, black, white, multiple shades of brown, purple, you name it, they are all represented.

Don't know what you are pushing. Stop drawing hate parallels with your Hindutva hate.

Hindutva hate is special, no parallels anywhere.

And please stop spreading falsehoods about Muslims when you have no idea.
বাদ দেন। ওদের বুঝাইতে গেলে আপনার মুখ দিয়ে ফেনা উঠে যাবে। শালারা ভন্ড। ইসলামের বদনাম করা ওদের জন্মগত স্বভাব।
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