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PEW research. Majority of population favours Sharia Law.

I support Shariah but rn any law applied equally would be better than the current law

"A nation may survive irreligiosity, but it will not survive oppression" - Nizam ul Mulk
Have you already reached that conclusion? Seems odd to get such a rhetoric from a fellow claiming to be a muslim.

To your specific question no thats not the conclusion you should be deriving based on what I wrote. Personally you do follow shariah to the best of your abilities truthfully - no one can claim to be 100% pious or a follower.

LOL. Talk about turning logic on its head!

Your statement was this:

The case is to provide a system in which our finances are compliant to shariah as much as possible.

to which my reply was this:

Does this imply that some aspects of sharia are not possible? How can that be, if it is divine law?

Sharia Law is claimed to be divine, hence ordained by the Creator for ALL of humankind to follow. Where does this excuse of "as best as possible" come from then? Either follow it, or not, since Allah does not burden His creation with requirements that cannot be followed.
Idk man. I wouldn't trust our govt and leadership sorts to organise my evening meal let alone a road map to a different legal system.

Which government? British or Pakistani?
Why are all the peddlers of democracy in this thread so hellbent on preventing it's dispensation and denying it's benefits to the majority when it doesn't suit their agenda...

Democracy with the caveat that as long as you select western pseudo secularist system, which pretends to be pluralistic but is not, which pretends to accommodate minorities but subjugates them.

This is exhibit A on why peddlers of western democratic systems are all disingenuous. Democracy is acceptable as long as you don't elected people we find problematic or implement policies/laws that are not compatible with our western pseudo liberal values.
People just don't know ...

May be some do know. If it is indeed "actually based on basic human justice and rights for ALL including women, children, non-muslims, men, animals, and the environment" then why is it that no country on Earth has ever been able to follow it? What is this ideal that so unattainable? Again, as I said above, why would Allah ordain a system for His creation that is impossible to follow?

Yes... It's actually the founding father of modern day democracy. However, today's democracy has morphed into a humanistic, post-modern, neo-liberal extremist ideology.

Or may be it is modern democracy that is the inevitable evolution of the system that you say created it, and therefore not as bad as you make it out to be, while its sharia foundations have been left behind in time?
One of the serious crimes in the gulf which needs to be brought up is child molestation. Another is exploitation of foreign labor akin to slavery. Kuwaiti Bedouin have no citizenship and are stateless. Growing up as kids we had to watch out for pedos. They were typically gulfy people.

If you can educate me on this particular topic. Why have the Bedouins been kept state less? This would mean they can’t purchase property, schools etc. and develop their small clans.
I support Shariah but rn any law applied equally would be better than the current law

"A nation may survive irreligiosity, but it will not survive oppression" - Nizam ul Mulk

Does the above saying apply to Pakistan, then, in your view?
Highlights from the research. Especially important is Pakistan.

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Although preferance for Sharia law existed for decades but normal people were never bothered by the current set of laws in Pakistan as their was harmony and tolerance in a society where moderate liberals, moderate religious people and devout religious segment in our society all go about their daily lives. Their religious values or their culture did not feel threatened. Condemnation of extremism/terrorism came from all segments of our society.

Now with the recent extreme push towards liberal extremism especially giving the very minute minority and their agendas more platform and voice especially in the grab of so called freedom of expression where as actively subduing/suffocating/denying the voice of majority by labelling anyone with even moderate religious views as backward, illiterate and extremist.
Actively mocking Islam teachings and its values.
Promoting indecency, infidelity, promiscuity, adultery, LGBT trends as fashion and anyone who who does not agree is called a mullah who is against right to work, right to education, freedom to choose who you marry as a tool to suppress criticism ( in fact Islam allows everything).

The Constitution of our society is not very far off from Afghanistan. Same as a limited kabul circle, the most vocal in Afghanistan mistaken for voice of majority turned out to be a negligible minority on ground. Don't fool this over representation of certain sponsored agendas and western ideologies and promote destabilisation and extremism in our society.
Lol. Bosnia in the survey but not India. Practising Muslims in Bosnia are very rare whereas in India there are so many that they regard themselves as Muslims first and then Indians.

@xeuss @jamahir @fitpOsitive

May be some do know. If it is indeed "actually based on basic human justice and rights for ALL including women, children, non-muslims, men, animals, and the environment" then why is it that no country on Earth has ever been ab

I know. Because I am Muslim. Shari'ah if all compiled together is adjudication and precedent of over 4000 pages and volumes and volumes. It is rooted in Islamic Qur'anic law but has over one thousand four hundred years of interpretation from different ages .

It's the Law of Justice and Equality. Hence the support for it from millions of Muslims as per the survey...
And I respect that, which is why I said at the beginning, that if this support is indeed in the majority, then it is their right to have it as they wish. 100%.


The only problem is the inbred authoritarian clerics who masquerade as pious folks using Shari'ah as a tool to oppress people... That is the risk all too often demonstrated especially in modern manifestation of Shari'ah.

Every Muslim knows there is a big problem of uneducated "mullahs" who lack even the basic knowledge of Islam. The problem stems from people sending the poorest children and those children who fail in school to madrassa to become Mullahs ... We reap what we sow.
And I respect that, which is why I said at the beginning, that if this support is indeed in the majority, then it is their right to have it as they wish. 100%.

The only issue I see with or without Sharia is their are no proper jurists well versed enough to implement it in Pakistan or else-where in the Islamic World. In the U.S. the body of law has developed over the years split into family law, mal-practice, insurance and patent law, etc. and those professionals will teach others within a specific field. What we are suffering from is the transfer of proper knowledge and it's implementation going forward. You'd need a good 100 years of development to have a proper functioning judicial system.
LOL. Talk about turning logic on its head!

Your statement was this:

to which my reply was this:

Sharia Law is claimed to be divine, hence ordained by the Creator for ALL of humankind to follow. Where does this excuse of "as best as possible" come from then? Either follow it, or not, since Allah does not burden His creation with requirements that cannot be followed.
You always do your best and leave the rest to Allah. That is a very basic concept in my opinion where Allah doesn’t burden on any one more than he or she can bear.

For example:
Shariah says be kind to others, but every person has weaknesses and in moments you may be unkind to somebody. Does that mean its not divine and shouldnt be followed now? Of course not, there is forgiveness from Allah as well for our lacking in lives - but as I said you do the most you can and this is what will be judged in the end if you truly made sincere efforts. Some will fare better compared to others in following shariah, where as some not so much. Thats a judgement only Allah can surely make in the end.

Your question was basically trying to challenge the divinity of Islam based on hardships or difficulties in following all aspects of Shariah - specifically in finance which is a very vast field and filled with complications. Even Sahabas have faced problems and issues in their following of Islam and in many cases they were at error too, does that mean Quran is not divine anymore - nope. And as I had already said , no one can claim to be 100% complaint with Islam personally - so logically if we are to create a financial or any other legal system it wont always be perfect and you will definitely lack in certain areas. Your logic of all or nothing “Either follow it, or not” is completely wrong from Islamic perspective.

May be some do know. If it is indeed "actually based on basic human justice and rights for ALL including women, children, non-muslims, men, animals, and the environment" then why is it that no country on Earth has ever been able to follow it? What is this ideal that so unattainable? Again, as I said above, why would Allah ordain a system for His creation that is impossible to follow?
Well this is from another conversation, but I am again intrigued by this line of thought. Do you believe the Quran is the true word of Allah (the True Creator or God)? Your questions again seems to imply that Quran and Shariah is faulty and cannot be followed, and hence if it truly was from God then it would be a lot easier and widely practiced as well - is this the right understanding I got from your posts?
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Is Buddhism what is being practised in Burma by burning Muslims alive, we all thought Buddhism doesn't allow the harming of insects so where burning children is coming from? Point is there are good educated Muslims and people who are deluded. Sharia law does not allow harming of innocent people, gives women rights, animal rights, parent rights etc. It gives the balance in a society. Just like any law has limits, sharia law also has limits.

When are you moving to Afghanistan, looks like you are fan of Sharia law. Don’t be hypocrite .
Does the above saying apply to Pakistan, then, in your view?
Yes. Any law applied fairly is better than oppression. That is why America is powerful. They are against oppression and for personal freedom. Although it is going away now.
Are you saying that sharia is incompatible with democracy?

Hilarious...off course...This Shariya is a Muslim system...why others should follow it?...And if it to be forced..than where is democracy?....
Afghanistan is recent example....They now have Shariya but no democracy...self imposed leadership, no election...

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