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PEW research. Majority of population favours Sharia Law.

and just like every thing else in Pakistan, there is one thing on paper and another thing on ground.

In other words, hypocrisy. What we say is not what we do. What we do is not what we say.




the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
There is no banking system on earth that runs without interest. And probably no central bank on earth that runs without what they call “interest rates” (time value of money).

We got ourselves into this mess.

In principle Western countries don't but if one studies their central banks interest rates they are more Shariah compliant than we are 😂

Most of the banks in UK charge a fee for basic account because they do not have the luxury of lending it to government on high interest rates.

Our country like any credit card defaulter is not a good example. Overall Shariah is a superior system which ensures money flows in the market ( by discouraging hoarding and eating interest rather is based on investment and facilitates return on investment). Zakat is an another instrument of Shariah law which facilitates a much more balanced growth. So is fitra and sacrifice on eid ul adha.
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Is Buddhism what is being practised in Burma by burning Muslims alive, we all thought Buddhism doesn't allow the harming of insects so where burning children is coming from? Point is there are good educated Muslims and people who are deluded. Sharia law does not allow harming of innocent people, gives women rights, animal rights, parent rights etc. It gives the balance in a society. Just like any law has limits, sharia law also has limits.
Can women work under sharia law and drive cars. Saudi Arabia made it haram for women to drive.
Sharia is not one. It can have many interpretations. Why must other civilizational people adopt alien Semitic cultural or ancient Middle Eastern tribal practises to be Muslim? The answer is in the Quran. They don't. For example, stoning to death goes back several thousand years; the people of Prophet Noah [as], likely over 8000 years ago in the Anatolian Black Sea region, wanted to stone him to death. The Pharoah wanted to crucify and cut off the hands and legs on opposite sides of Prophets Musa [as] and Harun [as]. Prophet Ibrahim's [as] father wanted to stone him to death. Allah's Revelations came in pre existing cultural and social context.
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Well Islamic banking economy overall is more than a trillion dollar now, the end user is not taking loans contrary to Islamic faith at least. But yes at end even those banks get affected by interest and have to deal in it in one way or another. The case is to provide a system in which our finances are compliant to shariah as much as possible.
Brother IMO the difference between what normal banks call “interest” and what Islamic banks call “murabaha” is trivial, murabaha is just the same as the current banking system’s concept of interest but with extra steps.

The only legitimately Islamic thing about Islamic banks and finance is their prohibition of immodest industries, alcohol or tobacco, gambling etc. Even that isn’t unique to Islamic banks, plenty of secular organisations don’t lend to these businesses. Green and ESG finance often excludes these industries too.

But essentially, banks don’t lend for free. They don’t provide banking services for free. Some banks charge fees or commission, others charge interest, the difference is often trivial. If you are familiar with the concept of “time value of money”, it basically says that money isn’t free. Nobody lends for free (unless it’s charity or family support etc.), to rent money you have to pay a return. Put it this way... in a normal shop, you go in and look at products on the shelf, the price is quoted in cash. But you go into a bank and you want a stack of cash that is lying on a shelf (loan), the price is not quoted in cash, for convenience it’s quoted in interest.

So banks can lend you 100 dollars today, they can say the cash price is 5 dollars, the yearly fee is 5 dollars, the interest rate is 5 dollars, murabaha (Islamic banking) is 5 dollars. It’s all the same thing.

IMO Islamic prohibition of interest dates from a time when interest lending was a predatory practise by and large, used to fleece people, prey on the vulnerable. It used to be that a debt contract could land you in indebted servitude or slavery. Today you know what happens if you don’t pay a bank a loan? As long as no collateral was pledged and you are validly broke, you can simply say “I’ll default on the loan” and walk away.

And when it comes to monetary economics, all money that exists in this world, with the exception of things like cryptocurrency, is all issued by central banks. They quote the price of money as an “interest”, only for convenience. Central banks do NOT make any money, they don’t generate profits, they are civil servants. Fiat currency requires a system where money has a time value, you can quote that time value as interest, some weirdly complex version of murabaha, in cash price etc. It doesn’t matter, it has nothing to do with profit, exploitation or immorality, it just has to do with trying to set a value for cash across time.

Anyway, IMO if we want to do away with interest. First we must understand why and how, and what is this interest that we want to ban, or is something called interest that has nothing to do with the Islamic prohibition context, will naming it something else make it halal, or was it just trivial to begin with?

We must also understand the context of the global financial system. When Pakistani companies, government agencies, even the military, and banks, interact with the outside world, they use the international convention of quoting in interest. Nobody in this world exists in a bubble. Countries like Britain were one of the first to introduce modern finance into their economies, they made laws to protect both borrowers and investors, they established a central bank before most of the world did, they created the concept of the national debt, which was then used to fund their national objectives. It’s partially upon this system that they built their empire.

Anyway, I digress. There are some smart ways in which I believe one can change the system to either remove all mention of interest. Or more radical experiment ideas. However what we can’t do is somehow make a financial system that runs on kindness and not profit. Getting rid of interest for the most part would just be getting rid of what others call interest, and calling it something else. Please excuse the long post. Not a rant, just an interesting conversation.
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Naked truth is Pakistanies support sharia law but dont want to implement it upon themselves in Pak
Brother IMO the difference between what normal banks call “interest” and what Islamic banks call “murabaha” is trivial, murabaha is just the same as the current banking system’s concept of interest but with extra steps.

The only legitimately Islamic thing about Islamic banks and finance is their prohibition of immodest industries, alcohol or tobacco, gambling etc. Even that isn’t unique to Islamic banks, plenty of secular organisations don’t lend to these businesses. Green and ESG finance often excludes these industries too.

But essentially, banks don’t lend for free. They don’t provide banking services for free. Some banks charge fees or commission, others charge interest, the difference is often trivial. If you are familiar with the concept of “time value of money”, it basically says that money isn’t free. Nobody lends for free (unless it’s charity or family support etc.), to rent money you have to pay a return. Put it this way... in a normal shop, you go in and look at products on the shelf, the price is quoted in cash. But you go into a bank and you want a stack of cash that is lying on a shelf (loan), the price is not quoted in cash, for convenience it’s quoted in interest.

So banks can lend you 100 dollars today, they can say the cash price is 5 dollars, the yearly fee is 5 dollars, the interest rate is 5 dollars, murabaha (Islamic banking) is 5 dollars. It’s all the same thing.

IMO Islamic prohibition of interest dates from a time when interest lending was a predatory practise by and large, used to fleece people, prey on the vulnerable. It used to be that a debt contract could land you in indebted servitude or slavery. Today you know what happens if you don’t pay a bank a loan? As long as no collateral was pledged and you are validly broke, you can simply say “I’ll default on the loan” and walk away.

And when it comes to monetary economics, all money that exists in this world, with the exception of things like cryptocurrency, is all issued by central banks. They quote the price of money as an “interest”, only for convenience. Central banks do NOT make any money, they don’t generate profits, they are civil servants. Fiat currency requires a system where money has a time value, you can quote that time value as interest, some weirdly complex version of murabaha, in cash price etc. It doesn’t matter, it has nothing to do with profit, exploitation or immorality, it just has to do with trying to set a value for cash across time.

Anyway, IMO if we want to do away with interest. First we must understand WHY, and what is this interest that we want to ban, or is something called interest that has nothing to do with the Islamic prohibition context, will naming it something else make it halal, or was it just trivial to begin with?

We must also understand the context of the global financial system. When Pakistani companies, government agencies, even the military, and banks, interact with the outside world, they use the international convention of quoting in interest. Nobody in this world exists in a bubble. Countries like Britain were one of the first to introduce modern finance into their economies, they made laws to protect both borrowers and investors, they established a central bank before most of the world did, they created the concept of the national debt, which was then used to fund their national interest. It’s partially upon this that they built their empire.

Anyway, I digress. There are some smart ways in which I believe one can change the system to either remove all mention of interest. Or more radical experiment ideas. However what we can’t do is somehow make a financial system that runs on kindness and not profit.

Yes that is true in our case, with minor discrepancies. While opening an account one can inquire more.

The concept of banking in Shariah is based on investment as opposed to interest.

Basically if a bank invests in stock market, projects which yield returns, real state investments etc. Similarly if a bank lends someone money it can be a joint venture or basically for support on interest free grounds.

Bank in sharia is never meant to be a business, but a service provided by government which does not necessarily has to be a subsidised one as it is allowed in Islam to charge for any kind of service. One pays for a broadband connection a fixed amount every month for a service. Charging a monthly fee for services like atm, maintaining an account, safety, ease of cash transfer, is all halal ways of earning revenue to cover the cost.

The entire system encourages productivity and is against accumulation of wealth and eating interest which only contributes negatively to the society and further accumulation of wealth by elite.

When people won't have the option of earning money/ or not enough returns. It will encourage them to do business, investments either through banks or one own self etc. Find productive use of wealth.

Central banks do make profit and is included in non-tax revenue of government.
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Naked truth is Pakistanies support sharia law but dont want to implement it upon themselves in Pak

Nope majority want sharia law in Pakistan. But they don't want to be held accountable under the sharia law if they commit a crime.

A robber thinks 10 times before committing a robbery in Saudi Arabia or an average person will soil his pants if told to smuggle narcotics in the gulf. Only a few hardened criminals who dare to are punished as example. One commits rape or even molest a female under Sharia, will be made an example for others to behave.

Basically Islamic justice system is a one which instills fear as a method of suppressing crime. The man made system even if fully implemented can not instill fear. ( The more the element of fear the lesser the crime rate).

The only fear small criminals have in Pakistan is the miserable condition of prisons and the attitude of Punjab police 😂

Bigger criminals have no fear, just 15-20% whatever rates offered by NAB in plea bargain. Or the midnight even sunday bail service ( of course rates are different depending if one choose economy or business class service) on offer by Lahore high Court. Moreover the whole process makes you a hero and the bigger crime one commits the more his fear on innocents. 😂
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