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PEW research. Majority of population favours Sharia Law.

As checks yes (not micromanaging), every country has, its natural and they only gain power because its needed for stability of a country and represents the core interests of a country

In other words, relevant to the topic, Pakistan's "establishment" has prevented effective implementation of Sharia as codified in the Constitution. Besides, does the elected leader work for the establishment or the people, or the other way around? Who is supreme here? This seems like a clusterfuck of a system without effective checks or balances.
than that's why we elected him/her to make difficult decisions

Bro Shariah is a constitution, the leader has to make that call to fire nukes or not whatever set of laws we have at that time.

You need to understand the difference. What set of laws people want to follow.

Shariah is far more comprehensive and elaborate than any man made set of rules. If you ask a rapist what punishment he wishes he will always select man made law, the victim will select Shariah law.

One wants to do things that are not permitted in Islam but when it comes to ones sister daughter wife ones opinion will be different. One wants to enjoy prohibited stuff but one does not want his loved ones to follow suit.

Basically Shariah is word of Allah, the creator.

Anyways Bro please read through my entire post to understand the point I was making.
In other words, relevant to the topic, Pakistan's "establishment" has prevented effective implementation of Sharia as codified in the Constitution. Besides, does the elected leader work for the establishment or the people, or the other way around? Who is supreme here? This seems like a clusterfuck of a system without effective checks or balances.
Establishment actually made our people more religious over time now they realize
shit we f ed up, so I wont put shariah as its bad for the country but now its colliding with public who have gone the crazy route

So establishment should stop it, its the right thing to do (while they should learn from their dumb mistakes)

Elected officials work for the people but establishment (like establishment everywhere around the globe) only intervene in the most important of issues

this is an important issue

(btw any serious political party of Pakistan would never in their wildest dream try to implement shariah- this means people we are likely to elect do not share the views of the public)
Then why the govt is not implementing it ?
you see first reason i think is economy, sharia economy i think is based on gold, open markets will devour us unless we have economic prosperity.
Pakistani khooni liberals and secularitsts now pondering and extolling the selected aspects of democracy...

Trying really hard to come up with an Orwellian explanation for this...

Democracy now means majority of better enlightened small group of insulated elites who know what's good for everyone else...
Establishment actually made our people more religious over time now they realize
shit we f ed up, so I wont put shariah as its bad for the country but now its colliding with public who have gone the crazy route

There is nothing wrong here. As Owen Bennett-Jones observes astutely: "For as long as the Pakistani military remains the only bulwark against a jihadi takeover of the bomb, it can expect continued US support".
If "Majority of population favours Sharia Law" then by all means they should have it.
Well, for some chopping heads and hand is Sharia. But, the implementation will take ages and scholars knows very well. The whole banking and financial structure need to change, a welfare state needs to be fully functional ...... which is not possible ... let's move on and try to improve the system which is already implemented ... Westminister system of lords and ladies for the poor nation.
Then why the govt is not implementing it ?
if govt implemented then they can not do corruption, all rapist will be beheaded, they will be accountable for each single penny spending. in case of corruption death plenty will be awarded, PM or khalifa can not avail lavish services. All cases conclude with in 60 days and no mercy for criminals.

But the problem is who will establish this shariah law mullla never, then who (its mastery).
you see first reason i think is economy, sharia economy i think is based on gold, open markets will devour us unless we have economic prosperity.

Yes. Basically what happened to us was a credit card.
Once you get entrapped it's a hell of a way out.

Shariah prohibits you from falling in that trap. Basically what Shariah compels us to do is live within our means. 🙂

It does allow trade or investment and return on investment just interest is prohibited.

I get your point but we got ourselves into this position.

Anyways please read my post to understand the point I was making.
if govt implemented then they can not do corruption, all rapist will be beheaded, they will be accountable for each single penny spending. in case of corruption death plenty will be awarded, PM or khalifa can not avail lavish services. All cases conclude with in 60 days and no mercy for criminals.

But the problem is who will establish this shariah law mullla never, then who (its mastery).

The irony is everyone will be held accountable on the day of judgement, just want to buy some time by making their own laws in exchange for even more severe punishment.
The point is that democracy defines majority rule and its processes while protecting the rights of minorities, as is already codified in Pakistani law. If a majority of people want sharia in Pakistan, they must have it according to due process.
In essence Pakistan already has shariah law at a high level, as the constitution states that sovereignty belongs to Allah and laws will be created according to Quran. In certain areas and implementation Pakistan seems to be lacking severely such as esnuring social justice, law and order, corruption, slow justice system and interest free financing etc. These are areas of actually following the law and constitution and delivering what the constitution has promised - and just like every thing else in Pakistan, there is one thing on paper and another thing on ground.
There is no banking system on earth that runs without interest. And probably no central bank on earth that runs without what they call “interest rates” (time value of money).
Well Islamic banking economy overall is more than a trillion dollar now, the end user is not taking loans contrary to Islamic faith at least. But yes at end even those banks get affected by interest and have to deal in it in one way or another. The case is to provide a system in which our finances are compliant to shariah as much as possible.
Sharia law
If they can actually agree on exactlky what the contours of Sharia Law are it might be a option. As it is they can't even agree on one day for Eid where the decision is pretty binary never mind the complications of law.

I suppose one way would be let them have it. Then you will see dozen interpretations of fiqh pick the gun up and fight to death like gladiatorial contest. That should really help Pakistan. This is before even the Shia figh join in with their interpretations.

The best way might be to find a pious, good Muslim to manage it? Who? I say Nawaz Sharif. Or maybe meself!
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