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Persian Might: How strong is the Iranian Military

Attack on abqaiq was done through kamikaze drones, air defence network was also down, so iran was "allowed" to get through.

This is an even more unbelievable excuse than the "patriots were facing away from Iran and that's why they could not target these systems".

Nobody is buying these excuses. The fact is, their air defences failed to even detect these systems.

Yes saturation is there, but attack on csg will not work unless you have counter EW on your shoulder that is something i would say unknown.

EW are useless against ballistic missiles. How would EW work exactly on ballistic missiles?

Some of the BM failed to explode in recent iraq attack, so for iran to succeed, they will have to fire multiple salvos against single target to neutralize it.

Iran fired 15, 1 failed in flight and the rest all hit. Even the Pentagon admitted the missiles hit their intended targets.

All ballistic missiles are inherently vulnerable to issues during firing/flight. That's why when a nation fires ballistic missiles, they always fire more than what is needed, because they're taking into account some may fail/explode during flight etc.
Didn't Iran humiliate the saudis just a few months ago by easily bringing 50% of your oil production to a stand still? Not only did you not do anything about it, you could not even figure out how the attack was done.

Lets be honest, Iran is stronger and far more competent that what your military has demonstrated.

Iran lacks the balls to admit of doing anything, even now they said we will refrain from any further attacks, yet still try to send signals to their proxies to cause more havoc to innocent people and infrastructure while at the same time bend over backward to not harm any Americans, the same people who killed their most precious leader.

At the same time Saudi had not only brought iranian oil exports to 50% but to actual 0% without risking its own developments and the welfare of its people.

If Saudi wished to start a war and launch missiles to Tehran (and it has the capability to do so even more than iran with longer range missiles), unlike iran, it would not have to worry about internal protests and dissent threatening its legitimacy, which gives it freedom to do what it wants on its own schedule, and not be pressured from both the inside and outside.

Tell me for how long iran can survive in its current state? with their disgruntled population (main thing) and their spending habits (towards proxies like Hamas and Hezbalah) while ignoring their people's desperate cries for development and rooting of corruption.

They can kill a few hundred people, spend more on media cover ups and scare their people back to their homes but for how long?!

Not a sustainable model at all and the iranian people are not happy.
Iran can't differentiate between a cruise missile and civilian airplane, meaning they lack basic military competence and does not have the resources to support any military effort.

You keep talking about the might of Iran, which failed at its first real test.

Ignoring delusions and fantasies of grandeur, on paper, Iranian forces are very weak and outdated.
Iran has shot down both RQ170 and Global Hawk drone systems

If Saudi wished to start a war and launch missiles to Tehran (and it has the capability to do so even more than iran with longer range missiles), unlike iran

More capability? Outright lies.
Iran lacks the balls to admit of doing anything,

It's called politics. Why would Iran openly admit to something that even a 6 year old knows Iran did it?

even now they said we will refrain from any further attacks, yet still try to send signals to their proxies to cause more havoc to innocent people and infrastructure while at the same time bend over backward to not harm any Americans, the same people who killed their most precious leader.

Obviously Iran does not want to start a war with the US. Killing Americans soldiers is easy for Iran, but there is really nothing to gain from it except a devastating war.

At the same time Saudi had not only brought iranian oil exports to 50% but to actual 0% without risking its own developments and the welfare of its people.

These comments are getting more outlandish by the second. First of all, Iran's oil export is 0%? Are you feeling okay? Furthermore, what do US sanctions have to do with your state? Are you trying to claim these sanctions were placed on Iran because of your country? You do realise that you entire country is a US puppet state, right?

If Saudi wished to start a war and launch missiles to Tehran (and it has the capability to do so even more than iran with longer range missiles),

The only missiles you have are some ancient Chinese missile with a CEP of km's. Don't make me laugh with these silly claims. Those missiles are decades old and probably no longer functional. When was the last time you actually tested a missile? right, never. Even if they're still function, they're simply crap and nowhere near accurate enough to be useful. Even Houthi scuds are more accurate.

unlike iran, it would not have to worry about internal protests and dissent threatening its legitimacy, which gives it freedom to do what it wants on its own schedule, and not be pressured from both the inside and outside.

Saudis arabian talking about freedom is something that belongs in a comedy. Can your women drive cars nowadays?

Tell me for how long iran can survive in its current state? with their disgruntled population (main thing) and their spending habits (towards proxies like Hamas and Hezbalah) while ignoring their people's desperate cries for development and rooting of corruption.

Iran has survived much worse in the past.

They can kill a few hundred people, spend more on media cover ups and scare their people back to their homes but for how long?!
Not a sustainable model at all and the iranian people are not happy.

That's for the Iranian people to decide, what's it to you anyway? I have said this in another thread, that when it comes to your country of saudi arabia, no Iranian regime is good news. If I were you, I would pray no western friendly regime comes into power. Sadly for you, this regime is probably the best you'll ever get from Iran.
That's for the Iranian people to decide, what's it to you anyway? I have said this in another thread, that when it comes to your country of saudi arabia, no Iranian regime is good news. If I were you, I would pray no western friendly regime comes into power. Sadly for you, this regime is probably the best you'll ever get from Iran.

Talking is easy my friend, regardless of how much freedom YOU think our population has, even if it's zero, they are not going out of their way to protest that, and that is the point here, the populations' OWN perception, not yours, evident by how much it's causing the population dissatisfaction and motivating them to protest, which in iran is a lot by the look of it, and Saudi is nowhere near that level.

About outlandish comments, again, talking is easy. The next thing you will tell me is that you have more advanced air force, or missile defense systems due to an outlandish analysis of your own, just like Saudi missiles not working and Houthi missiles being more potent. Wishful thinking, so Keep living in your fantasy world.

"this regime is probably the best you'll ever get from Iran.."

Don't worry, we have never thought this to be a religious war, but a racial one, and Arabs are used beating persians since ancient times, so no worries there. The only worry we have is our paycheck decreasing due to how many missiles we will have to launch unto your cities.

Please check this channel out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMmaBzfCCwZ2KqaBJjkj0fw

Check some Arab persian wars so you can get more educated on your history friend.

More capability? Outright lies.
brought to you by CNN

Go get your info from a real source then get back to me (air capabilities, missiles range, accuracy etc etc)
I doubt USA will invade Iran by land force. It will not be effective as Iranians will eat them alive.

The only option usa has(I pray not) is to use its lethal airforce and missiles to bomb iranian military installations, airports, missile facilities and use cruise missiles from the sea area to devastate iranian defences. This could take weeks and would send Iran back a few decades. This way Iran would become weaker all over the Middleast and will become less of a threat as its allies would not be able to get help so they would become weaker.

Iranian response using 1000s of missiles needs to be contained and this is a big threat as nobody knows what will happen. Iran may not have nuclear weapons but chemical and biological weapons it must have

In order to be safe Iran needs a better airforce with 4.5th generation fighter jets and 2000km MIRV missiles which would be very difficult to shoot down. Iran knows its lack of air power and this is why they have invested heavily in to missiles technology, this is very similar to Pakistan as we have also made 1000s of missiles for defence purposes. "If your going down then take your enemy with you"
Talking is easy my friend, regardless of how much freedom YOU think our population has, even if it's zero, they are not going out of their way to protest that, and that is the point here, the populations' OWN perception, not yours, evident by how much it's causing the population dissatisfaction and motivating them to protest, which in iran is a lot by the look of it, and Saudi is nowhere near that level.

Your people won't protest because they'll be beheaded. Don't talk as if the lack of protest is due to complete satisfaction.

About outlandish comments, again, talking is easy. The next thing you will tell me is that you have more advanced air force, or missile defense systems due to an outlandish analysis of your own, just like Saudi missiles not working and Houthi missiles being more potent. Wishful thinking, so Keep living in your fantasy world.

We were talking about missiles. Only a deluded person thinks saudis are anywhere near Iran in missile capability.
I never said Iran has a stronger airforce or missile defence. However, lets be honest, with the level of competence you lot have shown in Yemen etc, no amount of hardware can make up for that.

"this regime is probably the best you'll ever get from Iran.."

Don't worry, we have never thought this to be a religious war, but a racial one, and Arabs are used beating persians since ancient times, so no worries there.

You seem to be under the impression you're beating Iran today. It would not surprise me if you believe it, given the other delusions you have demonstrated.

The only worry we have is our paycheck decreasing due to how many missiles we will have to launch unto your cities.

What missiles? the ancient Chinese missiles? The one you have a few of and you've never tested? And you seriously want to play the missile game with Iran? Even if you had any working missile, for every one you fired, how many do you think you'd get fired back pounding your country?

I thought the humiliation you got in the oil field attack would have made you lot more sober but it seems some of you are still delusional.

Please check this channel out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMmaBzfCCwZ2KqaBJjkj0fw

Check some Arab persian wars so you can get more educated on your history friend.

I am living in the 21st century where you lot are powerless in front of Iran, you're talking about some random youtube channel with cartoons of some things that happened 100's of years ago?

brought to you by CNN

Go get your info from a real source then get back to me (air capabilities, missiles range, accuracy etc etc)

CNN is reporting the facts on the ground, facts stated also by the Pentagon.


What do you consider a real source? al arabiya? :lol:
Thanks to your masters in west
A master is the one who gives in an uneven trade and does not ask for the price (nothing is free) you know which countries accepts these "aids."

But we are trading partners, buying our equipment with our own money.

I know that you're saying that for psychological reasons to make yourself feel better but everyone knows it's the truth.

Your people won't protest because they'll be beheaded. Don't talk as if the lack of protest is due to complete satisfaction.
You keep talking out of your *** yet contradict yourself when you bring up "facts" into the situation.

Saudis don't protest because they fear beheading?! :D if preventing protests was so easy then why does Saudi develop cities, railways, metros, and why the hell does it care about its people enough to give them free schooling, free healthcare, and free scholarships?

You know that the KSA is number 4 in sending their students to study in the USA?
It goes like this: China, India, Korea, Saudi

You see, Saudi sends hundred of thousands of students abroad to study for FREE on scholarships (unlike China, India, and Korea) The government pays for tuition, healthcare, a stipend, travel tickets, and any additional costs that may arise (like uncovered health services and emergencies) totaling to $1~2 Million per student

You know how easy it is for one of these students (the one fearing beheading if they protest) to just stay in the U.S. or Europe or Japan? or accept Qatari money to flip on their own government? the "threat" of Saudi is not there, so why not protest?

How many Saudis abroad have protested when they had escaped the clutches of their government? can you say the same thing about iran?

I say it again, you are delusional.
A master is the one who gives in an uneven trade and does not ask for the price (nothing is free) you know which countries accepts these "aids."

But we are trading partners, buying our equipment with our own money.

I know that you're saying that for psychological reasons to make yourself feel better but everyone knows it's the truth.

Ahvaz will never be in the hands of "Arabs", it is part of Iran and the Iranian identity. The inhabitants won't secede, not in your lifetime anyways lmao.

More over, If you're so strong and willing, go and get it lol. The delusional some of you Saudi's exude is exceptional.

A master is the one who gives in an uneven trade and does not ask for the price (nothing is free) you know which countries accepts these "aids."

But we are trading partners, buying our equipment with our own money.

I know that you're saying that for psychological reasons to make yourself feel better but everyone knows it's the truth.

You keep talking out of your *** yet contradict yourself when you bring up "facts" into the situation.

Saudis don't protest because they fear beheading?! :D if preventing protests was so easy then why does Saudi develop cities, railways, metros, and why the hell does it care about its people enough to give them free schooling, free healthcare, and free scholarships?

You know that the KSA is number 4 in sending their students to study in the USA?
It goes like this: China, India, Korea, Saudi

You see, Saudi sends hundred of thousands of students abroad to study for FREE on scholarships (unlike China, India, and Korea) The government pays for tuition, healthcare, a stipend, travel tickets, and any additional costs that may arise (like uncovered health services and emergencies) totaling to $1~2 Million per student

You know how easy it is for one of these students (the one fearing beheading if they protest) to just stay in the U.S. or Europe or Japan? or accept Qatari money to flip on their own government? the "threat" of Saudi is not there, so why not protest?

How many Saudis abroad have protested when they had escaped the clutches of their government? can you say the same thing about iran?

I say it again, you are delusional.

Also stop killing our service men here in the states with your terrorists disguised as Air cadets and soldiers. We Americans really need to punish Saudi Arabia for some its flagrant bullshit I swear.... I guess that Saudi oil money is just too sweet, our alliance is built upon oil-money and oil-money alone. Little to no cultural ties and sentiments as a people are widely different, but as long as your money flows into our economy whilst you waste away trying to win unwinnable wars, then it's all good with me :)
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Iran is the father of modern asymmetrical warfare and has invested heavily in anti-access weapons in the past decades, missiles (ballistic/cruise), air defence, electronic warfare etc. With multiple underground missile storage, launching and manufacturing facilities Iran has achieved what every middle eastern power has always wanted.

Conventionally Iran is comparatively weak but developing. There are new ground and air vehicles under development. Karrar, Toufan, Aras and the menagerie of light and heavy transport vehicles that we've seen these recent years. Saba-248, Shahed-216 and Panha P-1 helicopters which are at varying stages of development, Yassin has recently been unveiled and test flown as Iran's replacement trainer/COIN aircraft. Recent exhibitions have also shown a push to replace the G3 and AKM in Iranian service with AK-103, Siavash, M4-pattern rifles, Fateh and Zolfaghar, there has also been an increased push to standardise equipment at least among IRGCGF, as recent exercises show.

If both are used intelligently and in coordination during war time then there's no doubt in my mind that Iran can be a devastating military power, I think recent actions by Iran have demonstrated that.
but as long as your money flows into our economy whilst you waste away trying to win unwinnable wars, then it's all good with me

In case you're not an iranian escapee into the the hands of the great Satan, this is for you:

And you know how to win wars of course, you know that our enemies when they want to talk trash about the war on Yemen they call it "the Saudi's Vietnam" your war has become an insult.

Also the Indian shopkeeper at the gas station can say the same thing about you when you go buy your lottery tickets so he can send the remittance back to the Indian economy.

You know that the oil you bought from us payed for my free everything right? would love to see how the weapons and ToT/expertise that Saudi bought from you have reflected on you as an individual.

If you are of persian origins or escaped your beloved homelands, this is for you:

And you know how to win wars of course, you know that our enemies when they want to talk trash about the war on Yemen they call it "the Saudi's Vietnam" your war has become an insult.

Also the Indian shopkeeper at the gas station can say the same thing about you when you go buy your lottery tickets so he can send the remittance back to the Indian economy.

You know that the oil you bought from us payed for my free everything right? would love to see how the weapons and ToT/expertise that Saudi bought from you have reflected on you as an individual.

Idk random Saudi dude, having your nation act as the worlds largest punching in this battle of wits with the Iranians puts my heart at ease. You know, the Iranians are only just going to take-away the ability for your oil-centered economy to literally cease to exist the very next day when the missiles start falling or did you already forget Aramco and Saudi Arabias want to de-escalate after that massive upset. Them patriots though!!! damn they good!!

How are those Sudanese mercenaries doing in Yemen? Heard they're having a tough time, eh whatever, Saudi Arabia has the best soldiers and equipment, surely some dudes in sandals can't be a problem no?

Again, you guys need to stop sending terrorists posing as Soldiers wanting to train here in the states. Saudi Arabia has an issue with extremism I hear, did you hear this as well? Surely you must have lmao.
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Ahvaz will never be in the hands of "Arabs", it is part of Iran and the Iranian identity. The inhabitants won't secede, not in your lifetime anyways lmao.

We will see my friend.

Again, you guys need to stop sending terrorists posing as Soldiers wanting to train here in the states. Saudi Arabia has an issue with extremism I hear, did you hear this as well? Surely you must have lmao.

like iranians who tried to assassinate the Saudi ambassador according to "your" government.

Idk Saudi, having Saudi Arabia act as the worlds largest punching in this battle of wits with the Iranians put my heart at ease. You know, the Iranians are only just going to take-away the ability for your oil-centered economy to literally cease to exist the very next day when the missiles start falling or did you already forget Aramco and Saudi Arabias want to de-escalate?

How are those Sudanese mercenaries doing in Yemen? Heard they're having a tough time, eh whatever, Saudi Arabia has the best soldiers and equipment, surely some dudes in sandals can't be a problem no?

Again, you guys need to stop sending terrorists posing as Soldiers wanting to train here in the states. Saudi Arabia has an issue with extremism I hear, did you hear this as well? Surely you must have lmao.
okay irani
We will see my friend.

like iranians who tried to assassinate the Saudi ambassador according to "your" government.
We will see my friend.

like iranians who tried to assassinate the Saudi ambassador according to "your" government.

okay irani

lmao, I love it when idiots like to associate the person they're arguing with with the nation they hate i.e: Iranian, Indian, Russian or some other erroneous bullshit. If you can't prove that I'm Iranian other than me freely admitting it (born in the States btw my Camel Friend), then don't comment about it like you know me lol.

So to that I say, No problem Wahabbi :)
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