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Persian Might: How strong is the Iranian Military

In Iran, these systems are given the power to act independently if needed.

The issue is Tor-m1 is not great for RCS calculations. All that operator would have seen is a blip. Given he had not long to decide and was told to expect cruise missiles attack, this terrible incident happened. The faults lie with the people that did not ground the civilians flights.
That's their mistake, if operator has a doubt then he should reached more advance radar within in the area or at least more modern radars inform that operator that this is not a military target, does Iranian radars not using TACAN/IFF systems in their radars/Jets
That's their mistake, if operator has a doubt then he should reached more advance radar within in the area or at least more modern radars inform that operator that this is not a military target, does Iranian radars not using TACAN/IFF systems in their radars/Jets

He tried, but there was an issue with communication and he simply had to act very quickly. Sadly it seems, many factors lend a hand into making this sad incident occur. It's a learning lesson, and it came at a great cost.

These tor-m1 systems are also an ageing systems and obviously no longer suitable for modern times. Iran will replace them with its own up-coming SHORAD called "Oghab".
He tried, but there was an issue with communication and he simply had to act very quickly. Sadly it seems, many factors lend a hand into making this sad incident occur. It's a learning lesson, and it came at a great cost.

These tor-m1 systems are also an ageing systems and obviously no longer suitable for modern times. Iran will replace them with its own up-coming SHORAD called "Oghab".
TACAN/IFF is the old tech (60/70s) how it will be possible that TOR-M1 using not that tech
Even discovering of a stealth drone is a big deal, let alone hacking it.
You did it via Russian 1L222 Avtobaza detectors.THe GPS hack in theory is not convincing enough. Stealth drones have reduced radar signature, thus it will not get detected at long ranges however it may get detected when it comes very close unless it has RAM coating which wasnt there in case of the drone you captured.US is itself somewhere on the learning curve on this.

Rq170 is the same drone which Americans used for killing Bin Laden and your air defenses couldn't detect it.
You probably dont know Pakistan and US jointly conducted those drone flights unlike the ones in Iran where you detected one after god knows how many dozens or even hundred of sorties.
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Rq170 is the same drone which Americans used for killing Bin Laden and your air defenses couldn't detect it.
you know what you're talking about RQ-170 is not a strike drone, USA intrude with modified Black hawk with reduce RCS/Acoustic signature to kill bin ladin
LOL!!! This is probably one of the WORST annalists on Iran's Military I have seen so far that's filed with half truths and outdated data made by ppl who know absolutely NOTHING about Iran's Military and yet post figures like the number of Iranian Tanks at 1,634 to make their rather foolish analysis seem more credible! LOL!!!
Very good. It's not mine but from another source precisely for critical eyes like yours. Would you now do us the honors and correcting the article so as to enlighten us all?
LOL!!! This is probably one of the WORST annalists on Iran's Military I have seen so far that's filed with half truths and outdated data made by ppl who know absolutely NOTHING about Iran's Military and yet post figures like the number of Iranian Tanks at 1,634 to make their rather foolish analysis seem more credible! LOL!!!
iran could only be as strong as long as they don't come head 2 head with the US or their allies, the last 3 weeks had proof that they're paper tigers.
if the U.S intent to defeat Iran at the very least they should tackle it's proxies in lebanon,iraq,and yemen. My focus in particular are Iraq.

the US intelligence must orchestrate the taking down the current pro iranian govt in iraq and replaced it with US alligned one. Iraq is a critical juncture as it's key to the land bridge iran had built all the way from iran to lebanon. Securing Iraq must be a first for the American policy makers and military planners. by that it will stop the flow of men and material that could possibly thretaen US military installations and personell.
dismantling the militias Iran had painstakingly build in the ME will not only push the boundaries further into Iran but will also mount serious political consequence for Iran domestic public and shiites in ME as a whole, making the mullah's look very weak. .
increasing support for the kurdish peshmerga, while steadily droning the militia commander, I mean come, on the US killed Soleimani and nothing happens, droning low ranked commander will not drag Iran into a war with USA,especially when the domestic opinion is now very much against Iran. A political blow for the Mullah's will be as powerful blow as the millitary ones, there by reducing the potential of an all out war with iran, reducing the potential use of saturation attack by Iran missiles, making it a huge political victories over Iran.
iran could only be as strong as long as they don't come head 2 head with the US or their allies, the last 3 weeks had proof that they're paper tigers.
if the U.S intent to defeat Iran at the very least they should tackle it's proxies in lebanon,iraq,and yemen. My focus in particular are Iraq.

the US intelligence must orchestrate the taking down the current pro iranian govt in iraq and replaced it with US alligned one. Iraq is a critical juncture as it's key to the land bridge iran had built all the way from iran to lebanon. Securing Iraq must be a first for the American policy makers and military planners. by that it will stop the flow of men and material that could possibly thretaen US military installations and personell.
dismantling the militias Iran had painstakingly build in the ME will not only push the boundaries further into Iran but will also mount serious political consequence for Iran domestic public and shiites in ME as a whole, making the mullah's look very weak. .
increasing support for the kurdish peshmerga, while steadily droning the militia commander, I mean come, on the US killed Soleimani and nothing happens, droning low ranked commander will not drag Iran into a war with USA,especially when the domestic opinion is now very much against Iran. A political blow for the Mullah's will be as powerful blow as the millitary ones, there by reducing the potential of an all out war with iran, reducing the potential use of saturation attack by Iran missiles, making it a huge political victories over Iran.

It would be good if the US did that, they invaded Iraq only to leave it without a plan of what governance to leave behind. Now we're stuck with the biggest monkeys of Iraqi society, the most corrupt and unloyal elements anyone could produce.
because those monkeys report to iran not iraqis.

Indeed, they need to be removed.

Soon someone will come here and insult me for what I just said, label me an American stooge LOL. Meanwhile, they have nothing negative to say about America's attack against Saddam because that aided their situation.
Ok, guys, let's not get vitriolic and focus on letting the arguments do the talking.
Indeed, they need to be removed.

Soon someone will come here and insult me for what I just said, label me an American stooge LOL. Meanwhile, they have nothing negative to say about America's attack against Saddam because that aided their situation.

Hey, the difference is the US is a extra regional invader and Iran indeed suffered significant set back by US establishing additional bases around Iran. Iran was never in favor of this and the cost of Iraqi instability fell on Iran. From ISIS to extra border security and military costs, Iran is not in a better position. US only needed stability and security around oil facilities and they did not give a rat *** about the rest of Iraq's security because US is 10,000+ km away. Iraq's instability doesn't affect US security. On the other hand, Iraq shared hundreds of kilometers of border with Iraq with significant cultural and religious ties. Any instability in Iraq meant insecurity for Iran.

This is simple to understand Iraq and Iran are to forever live side by side of each other. Prosperity brings security for countries and it is in their self interest. Iraqi security as a whole however is never US.
US is THE military superpower in present world,at least in the conventional sense.No other country even comes close.Not even Russia or China.
Nor does Iran.But they don't need to either. They are after all experts at asymmetric warfare.
I'll try to highlight Iran's ability, or the lack thereof in some cases.I probably don't know much like most of you guys so I'd be happy to be corrected in anything I got wrong. @jaibi

Air force : This is where Iran is the most weakest. Some vintage 4th generation fighters does not a good airforce make.It's laughable to even imagine them squaring up against the fighters of USAF or other regional airforces like IsraelI Air Force or KSA Air Force.IMO in case of a war, Iran will rely on it's sophisticated air defence systems like Khordad, Bavar 373 etc. to protect it's sky.
Situation might change in the future after arms embargo is lifted & Iran starts procuring modern 4+ gen fighters.

Navy : While not as weak as the airforce,the navy is by no means can be called strong.Nor does it need to be.Use of fast attack missile boats & dozens of the mini submarines in their disposal, they can easily transform the Persian gulf into a deathtrap.If their ASBMs work as advertised, even the US carrier battlegroups will be hesistant to approach Iranian waters.
Also, they're apparently planning to build large warships & submarines in the future. Will be interesting to see how that pans out.

Army : Arguably much stronger than their counterparts in the sea & air.With more or less half a million troops, I think it's the largest standing army in the region.That's leaving aside the hundreds of thousands trained volunteers & proxy groups in the region.
Although not as modern, they still have thousands of tanks & constantly upgrading them.I'm especially curious about the Karrar MBT,allegedly similar to T90s.They also have multitudes of armed vehicles,artillery pieces & anti tank weapon systems,rocket systems, tactical missile systems numbering in the thousands.

Missile & UAVs : These are the great equalizers.Iran is THE best in missile & drone technology in the region.No other country comes even close.
Not only are they surprisingly accurate, Iran also has hundreds of them.Many in underground so can't be taken out in a surprise strikes.I'm sure most of us here knows about Iranian Missile capabilities.As for their drone capabilities, we have seen it in the KSA oil refinery attacks.

Most importantly, they're virtually self sufficient in producing many of these systems.

Another strong point of Iran is it's proxies which allows them to keep their regional adversaries on their toes.Groups like Hizbullah, Hamas, PMU etc.

Also, something that usually often get ignored is the Iranian nation's ability to take punishment.
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you know what you're talking about RQ-170 is not a strike drone, USA intrude with modified Black hawk with reduce RCS/Acoustic signature to kill bin ladin
They come with a modified black hawk but at the same time they used an rq-170 to gather intelligence.
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