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Persia Nationalism and Azeri assimilation (Discuss it like a human being)

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If you think Persians has any symphathy for us Turks then your mistaken. These people are worse than Armenians when it comes to hating Turks. Its not only PGK, it's how these Fars people truly are towards us.
Buddy, this particular reta*d, I don't think he is an Iranian at all, he sounds more like an self-loathing h**o Iranian Kurd(alternate word *Curd*:mixture of bacteria*) :D

Ba-ha-ha-ha :D

Is this what you have to resort to? It is common for people to resort to an ad hominem attack when they have nothing to add any gravitas to their argument. You are hoping that in some way a personal attack on PGK will add weight to your argument. This is simply poor form

Bahahahahahaha :D

Do you have nothing more of substance to add to the debate.

Guys just ignore PGK he is nothing but an Iranian being an Iranian.

Oh yea right we will rely on a Saudi to tell us about Persians. Its almost as ridiculous as Hillary Clinton seeking advise on democracy from those hedonistic rulers of Arab lands named after their family which were given to them by Imperial invaders who they had rendered services to

LOL, isn't Iran a name for ethnicity too?

There is more of a chance that south Azerbaijan joins the north than the north joining Iran. Simple reality.

Oh and another Saud who now wears pink. Who was advocating yesterday to dissect Pakistan and give Hindus over 90% of the Muslim population by reuniting India and undoing the Quaids and our forefathers good work
Please guys don't get to his level.
We need to be careful here. Iran Pakistan and Turkey all have issues which outsiders use to sow discord and discontent in our countries. We need to be careful not to start assisting them in their ulterior motives
If you think Persians has any symphathy for us Turks then your mistaken. These people are worse than Armenians when it comes to hating Turks. Its not only PGK, it's how these Fars people truly are towards us.
bro what have we done against you.
explain it plz
The problem is your fellow Persians trolling threads and insulting us in this particular case.

Otherwise, Persians truly are an enemy of Turks of Turkey and Azerbaijan. You are no better than Armenians, alongside your animal Kurd brothers. This hostile attitude towards Turks has strong roots among Persians.

A member here posted a great video yesterday or so...

During Shah era, an official who was there to do population census said a such thing (I don't remember it fully): "There is no need for any census here, there are only donkeys here".

I.E, "Torke-khar" insult against Azeri Turks ("donkey Turk) among Persians...This is true face of coward Fars people.

This mentality like said has strong roots, started during Shah era.
The problem is your fellow Persians trolling threads and insulting us in this particular case.

Otherwise, Persians truly are an enemy of Turks of Turkey and Azerbaijan. You are no better than Armenians, alongside your animal Kurd brothers. This hostile attitude towards Turks has strong roots among Persians.

A member here posted a great video yesterday or so...

During Shah era, an official who was there to do population consus said a such thing (I don't remember it fully): There is no need for any census here, there are only donkeys here".

I.E, "Torke-khar" insult against Azeri Turks among Persians...This is true face of coward Fars people.
bro can we control 80 milion people's mouses?because a persian had said is all persians are like that?for sure your childish face dosent reflex all azariz actions.
never mind.....just tell me didnt we give you free wheat during your war.didnt we allow you to visit our country without viza?but did you do the same??so why hatred?
PGK was saying that kurds are iranic etc and then he disses them , they are your brother and you this swear at them , persians are just gypsys
Why are you manipulating my words?

The problem is not that kid, the problem is in root of Persians and their society started from Shah era. Even that census story are enough to see what kind of people these Persians truly are.

As for politics and such, I don't know what your smoking, Iran as a state are literally an enemy of Azerbaijan and a full supporter of Armenia. This again has roots in mentality of Persians and their hate against Turks.
Persians have a deep hatred to Turks because we are too strong for them , because we are more advanced than them , because we battered them , because they look like gypsys , because they are isolated , because their so 'persian language' is spoken by less than Turkic language , because slowly their language is dying

Armenians and Iranians look like each other thats why they support each other , very hairy
The funny thing is, the new "Islamic" government carries on with facist and chuvanists toughts and system of Shah era, while supposedly it was supposed to fully erase them...

Iran are direct enemies with Azerbaijan and Arab countries based primarily on ethnicity grounds, fear of fellow ethnics living within borders of Iranian state and their state sponsored hate against Turkic and Arabic ethnicities. You cannot blame them, their "Persian pride" was swallowed by these two peoples for over a millenium, and this was what facist Shah government was all about, with their "Pan-Aryanism" bullchit and all that.

"Islamic Republic" are nothing but a lie, an instrument of Persian chuvanism.

These cowards even had promised autonomy for Azeri Turks in Iran before revolution, after revolution all people who advocated autonomy was executed, among them was one of leaders of revolution, Shariatmadari.

Chuvanistic, racist policy started during Shah era did neither change during Islamic government. Azerbaijani Turkic was still banned to be even spoken in schools, there is still no basic rights to speak of.
The funny thing is, the new "Islamic" government carries on with facist and chuvanists toughts and system of Shah era, while supposedly it was supposed to fully erase them...

Iran are direct enemies with Azerbaijan and Arab countries based primarily on ethnicity grounds, fear of fellow ethnics living within borders of Iranian state and their state sponsored hate against Turkic and Arabic ethnicities. You cannot blame them, their "Persian pride" was swallowed by these two peoples for over a millenium, and this was what facist Shah government was all about, with their "Pan-Aryanism" bullchit and all that.

"Islamic Republic" are nothing but a lie, an instrument of Persian chuvanism.

These cowards even had promised autonomy for Azeri Turks in Iran before revolution, after revolution all people who advocated autonomy was executed, among them was one of leaders of revolution, Shariatmadari.

Chuvanistic, racist policy started during Shah era did neither change during Islamic government. Azerbaijani Turkic was still banned to be even spoken in schools, there is still no basic rights to speak of.

It appears that only people who are in direct contact with Iran (Arabs, Azeris) know their true face.
i can do anything but saying sorry for you.may God help you all.
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