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Persia Nationalism and Azeri assimilation (Discuss it like a human being)

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Oh here you go, Persian trolls were not enough we got a Pakistani one this time.

Targon, lets not respond to troll posts, last time thread was locked because of that.

We are welcome to counter arguments and we ill ignore the troll posts.
I know my country more then you so stfu, doesn't matter how west pressures, people stance is more important for leaders, non of them can dare something like that.

You're acting like somebody claimed that Azeris in Iran should seperate.
The sword cuts both ways. Remember that. Do not throw stones while living in a glass house.

Turkiye does not throw stones to anyone else. We are aware of the problem and will solve it inshallah. The PKK or kurds problem is another subject and we can discuss it in another thread related to them. Let`s stick with the subject in this thread

Iran on the other hand is a multi-ethnic and tolerant society

Please do not be ridicules, assimilation is not a tolerance. Did you read the post carefully? Please read it one more time and then speak.
I know my country more then you so stfu, doesn't matter how west pressures, people stance is more important for leaders, non of them can dare something like that.

You're acting like somebody claimed that Azeris in Iran should seperate.

I know you people very well. Foul mouthed and short on reason. People of Kurdish decent have already made their stand. We all know how Kurds feel in Turkey. So it is really a none sense that your compatriot coming here and start a thread about dividing Iran. Do not play with fire if you do not want to get burnt.

Turkiye does not throw stones to anyone else. We are aware of the problem and will solve it inshallah. The PKK or kurds problem is another subject and we can discuss it in another thread related to them. Let`s stick with the subject in this thread

Please do not be ridicules, assimilation is not a tolerance. Did you read the post carefully? Please read it one more time and then speak.

You do not know what you are talking about. Iran's supreme leader is an Azeri. In Turkey you are stifling the Kurds. So take a look at your hypocrisy by starting this thread.
Are you retarded ? who the hell is talking about dividing Iran ?

We had Kurdish leaders too idiot, its have nothing with tolerance.
shortbrained, topic is about azeri's in Iran. Why going off-topic and showing something else?

But if you want go offtopic ok.

A kudish mother saw her daughter taking place at a pkk activity and wanted to take her away from their. Then a kurdish parliamentarian wanted to block her but the mother give her a good good goooood slappp in the face like gtfo who are you she is my daughter.

And another kurdish mother slaps the kids that trowing stones to police.

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Turkey had Kurdish leader in times of great opression against Kurds... Having an Azeri leader doesn't mean anything when that said Azer didn't change anything about opression of Azeris...

In Turkey there is Kurdish party wants autonomy and even though in Turkey people can get Kurdish education, I don't know why people respond to failed trolls like you though...
So talking about an ethnicity automatically means seperation :eek:

I guess low intelligence level is infectious.

We had Kurdish leaders, Kurdish ministers, its have nothing with tolerance.

Its weird actually Azeris in Iran not even done anything for seperation such as killings civilians, bombings etc. like PKK did but Persians here looks like trying to arouse nationalism among them by denying their identity and insulting them.
So talking about an ethnicity automatically beings seperation :eek:

I guess low intelligence level is infectious.

We had Kurdish leaders, Kurdish ministers, its have nothing with tolerance.

Its weird actually Azeris in Iran not even done anything for seperation such as killings civilians, bombings etc. like PKK did but Persians here looks like trying to arouse nationalism among them by denying their identity and insulting them.

It is about levels of civilization brother. Azerbaijan Turks in Iran know that separation will cause lifes of thausands if not millions from both sides and Persians and Turks lived there for thasuand years.

They would never reslut to such violent acts againt their neighbours. Thank god that in our country opression of Kurds nearly became non-existing. If you heard that last day Erdogan talked about Kurdish education in primary schools.

I hope that one day Iran will cease her opression against her own people.

Again for people who can't understand the difference between basic human rights and separatism,

This thread is about basic human rights of Azerbaijan Turks of Iran and not about separatism.
You do not know what you are talking about. Iran's supreme leader is an Azeri. In Turkey you are stifling the Kurds. So take a look at your hypocrisy by starting this thread.

You insist to not understand what we are discussing here, you troll! It seems your brain level is very very low. If you want to talk about the terrorist PKK and Kurds open another thread and we can discuss there. Posting the terrorist PKK propaganda does not work.

Instead of trolling or charging everyone like a bull, answer the things in the post.

"The Azeris are not Turks, but Pharisees” thesis was imposed
Iran's state management primarily argues and imposes that Azeris Turks are a branch Persians. ... two theories were developed including Azeri Language and Theory of Aran...

Turkish elements are subjected to forced migration
... nearly two million Sunni Azeri live in the cities such as Hoy, Bender and Marageh. ... Playing with the demographics of the regions where Azerbaijanis live, it aims the dominant elements of Azeris being prevented.

Turkish - Azeri identity prohibited
All organs of state sovereignty being kept by Persia Nationalism quietly, on the one hand, nationalism are introduced as perverted ideology and Turkishness is not permitted. In Iran, almost "all races are equal, but the Persians more equal" principle is operated.

Azerbaijan is divided into states
Iran imposes mandatory dividing states and connects the provinces to the Shia and Persian dominated regions when her forced immigration policy against Azeris is failed or insufficient in the Azeris dominated regions. If necessary, Iran changes the names of the Azeri provinces.

In 1993, 35 000 km ² area was taken from the East Azerbaijan and connected to the Ardabil Province. The Governor of Qazvin was also taken away from the Zanjan Province in 1994.

The prisons are full of Azeri Turks
In April 1995, almost 1,000 university students of Azerbaijani Turks applied in order to get their rights were arrested as a result of their application. Students charged for terrorism and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Similarly, 20,000 Azeri Turks who wanted their cultural rights are still in prisons in Iran.

Recently, Azeri fans who were wearing Turkish flag were accused as "pan-Turkish ideas and separatism spreading". Instead of criticizing the Government, news sites targeted the fans and “the fans joined Al-Fajr - Tractor match with the separatist symbols” was headline

Azeris are left deprived of public duties (it is meant the majority of Azeris, do not give me the some apparently Azeri Persians as an example, give me the percentage)
... Azeri doctors who work in the hospitals refrain treating the Azeri Turks patients and they transfer their Azeri patients to Farsi or Arabic physicians, because a doctor to treat a case of the Azeri Turks is likely to undergo an investigation for being nationalistic.

Iran supports Armenia against the Azeris
It is so obvious, no need to discuss

Turkish channels are forbidden in Iran
Iran took apart and disabled the dish antenna in order to prevent hundreds of thousands of the heavily Turkish and Azeri broadcasts followed by the Azeri Turks.
There is strong sec. connection with Azerbaijan Turks and Persians but there is also a lot of opression on Azerbaijan language and ethnic Turks too.

I don't know if you watch the first video but there you can watch that once even taking children from Azerbaijan Turkish families and rasing them as Persian was a plan to assimilate Azerbaijan Turks. Once in Shah times a governer in Tebriz said in a census in Tebriz (cultural capital of Azerbaijan Turks) there is no humans to count in this city only donkeys (About last part, I don't know if its true or myth)...

In football matches you can hear Persian fans chanting ''Donkey Turks'' to Azeri fans...

Edit: You can just read PDF's posts and see the racism... I would need hours to describe the racism against Turks but he menaged to do that in few seconds...

I am compelled with your point of ethnic discrimination of Azeri Turkish people Inside Iran and I know that there are few news papers being published in Azeri Turkish and most of the modern day people are not able to read and write their native language and it is only remained in spoken form. I have many friends from Tabriz and ormeye but my point was that what is more sever the religious discrimination or ethnic discrimination and I still the think religious discrimination is more than ethnic. Finally I do aware of 2006 cartoon controversy and football match chanting and keep in mind the Azeri Turkish region of Iran is a growth engine of Iranian economy.
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