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Peace talks with TTP will probably fail: Imran Khan to Bloomberg News

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Peace talks with TTP will probably fail: Imran Khan to Bloomberg News
By Web Desk
Published: February 7, 2014

The peace negotiations between the government and the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) will probably fail and a resulting military operation would lead to more violence, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairperson Imran Khan told Bloomberg.

In an interview with the New York-based news website, Imran was quoted as saying: “The most likely result is that the negotiations will start, there will be about three or four big explosions and terrorist attacks and the negotiations will be called off.”

“There will be people baying for blood and the operation will start,” he claimed.

Speaking about the US drone campaign, the PTI chief said the talks will only be meaningful if America announces an end to drone strikes.

“If the US stops drone attacks, announces stopping the drone attacks during the talks, it would be a big plus point,” he stressed.

Imran further accused the US of sabotaging an earlier effort at talks with a November 1 drone attack that killed TTP leader Hakimullah Mehsud.

“The US doesn’t want peace talks here or peace in Pakistan while they are leaving Afghanistan,” the report quoted Imran. “The thinking is that if they [insurgents] are engaged here, they would not be going across to fight.”

Imran criticised Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif for waiting too long after the May election to start talks with the TTP. He said the state negotiation team also reflected Nawaz’s lack of seriousness.

“If I was him, I would lead it myself; it’s too important an issue for Pakistan,” he said.

Commenting on why the TTP named him as a negotiator from their side, Imran boasted that they trust him to withstand US pressures.

Stressing that he disagrees with TTP’s interpretation of Sharia law, Imran said “clearly, I don’t represent Taliban.”
He was the one talking about peace talks with Taliban all the time will their allies and now...
It seems that govt nor taliban are sincere for Peace. May Allah help us...
He was the one talking about peace talks with Taliban all the time will their allies and now...

Before blindly criticizing or as that matter, supporting, some things coming out of some one particular it is always better to see where he is coming from and what he is asking for.

Imran said that the talk will most probably fail. But, the stress is on second part, he clearly talks about his strong opposition of US drones attack. The point that is being focused is that the talk will fail if the US keep poking there nose and like many previous incidents, the TTP person in charge of peace negotiation are killed in a drone strike just a day before the dialogue begins. There have been four such incidents already.
The terrorists have been targeting our forces on both sides of the border. Our common sacrifices on both sides of the border prove our shared will and desire to restore peace in the region. It is simply in our best interest to see a safe and secure Pakistan. We stand by the government of Pakistan in their efforts to negate the threat of violence. At the same time, we reiterate what State Department Spokesperson, Jen Psaki, said recently: The issue of whether to negotiate with TTP is an internal matter for Pakistan. More broadly, the United States and Pakistan continue to have a vital, shared strategic interest in ending extremist violence so as to build a more prosperous, stable, and peaceful region, but we’d point you to them for any details of what’s happening.”

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command
In an interview with the New York-based news website, Imran was quoted as saying: “The most likely result is that the negotiations will start, there will be about three or four big explosions and terrorist attacks and the negotiations will be called off.”

So according to the leader the talks will fail because someone else is conspiring against it and not because his beloved TTP won't move an inch from their demands especially that of implementing Sharia. What a clown, this Taliban Khan!
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