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TTP only want to get out of US war, not impose sharia by force: Imran Khan

Then, Rustam Shah Mohmand, a member of the official committee, who is known for his straightforwardness, came in and took on the Taliban in a very harsh tone. Addressing them, he said the TTP’s violence was not Jihad. “If you want to wage Jihad, you should go to Palestine because there is nothing in Pakistan against which you are fighting.

“You have destroyed the peace and culture of the tribal areas and deprived even the women and children of their homes. The tribal area has never faced such a monumental tragedy that you have caused.”

Major Aamir asked him to communicate in Urdu, but Rustam Shah Mohmand replied that he would speak in Pashto as he feels comfortable by using his language.Mohmand’s hard-hitting remarks infuriated Qari Shakil, armed with lethal weapons, who told him that he was a fake Mohmand whereas “I am a genuine Mohmand, who can speak on the behalf of the tribe better than you.”

Seeing the tension, Major Aamir intervened and dilated on the responsibilities of the host as per the Pashtoon traditions. He told the TTP leaders that Rustam Shah had been defending the Taliban for the last several years on every forum, including TV talk shows by opposing the military operation. This cooled down the atmosphere.

Taliban refuse to release Gilani’s, Salmaan Taseer’s sons - thenews.com.pk

Remind us Again Rustam shah belongs to which party?

@Jazzbot @Leader @batmannow

Yeah TTP blowing up mosques and churches and threatening universities, bomping markets it US's war? Right please bugger off.

Taliban Khan, ImRAWn Khan, 2number Khan, Jhoota Khan, Girgit Khan, MArwaega Khan.

Let's call spade a spade.
Yeah TTP blowing up mosques and churches and threatening universities, bomping markets it US's war? Right please bugger off.

Taliban Khan, ImRAWn Khan, 2number Khan, Jhoota Khan, Girgit Khan, MArwaega Khan.

Let's call spade a spade.

Khan came in limelight in 2013-14. From 2002-2007 and from 2008-2012, Who was responsible of dozen of failed military operations in FATA. Who was responsible of Bajaur Madarash attack ( ehm ehm Musharraf proudly claiming PA Cobra killed 80 terrorist kids from age 9-16 while it was american ) which led to an attack on Punjab regiment center in mardan and ultimately led to the creation taliban?
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Rustam Shah Mehmood is Ex-Ambassador of Pakistan to Afghanistan and is a core leader of PTI from KP and Fata, member of KPK Advisory committee and vice president of organizing committee of PTI.

Yara, I hate Imran khan when he defends Taliban, but I equally hate such people putting all blame on him forgetting what Musharraf and his cronies did which messed up the whole FATA scene.

These IK bashers forget, Musharraf did more peace deals with these buggers than IK did in his lifetime.
Yara, I hate Imran khan when he defends Taliban, but I equally hate such people putting all blame on him forgetting what Musharraf and his cronies did which messed up the whole FATA scene.

These IK bashers forget, Musharraf did more peace deals with these buggers than IK did in his lifetime.

IK did nothing so far, he holds no authority. All he does is issue stupid statements over and over again. Only if IK just shuts up on this issue or at least consult party CEC before issuing any such statement, it will be lot better for him, his party, his supporters and for whole nation. IK has a huge following in masses and his statements are now creating frustrations among his supporters.
IK did nothing so far, he holds no authority. All he does is issue stupid statements over and over again. Only if IK just shuts up on this issue or at least consult party CEC before issuing any such statement, it will be lot better for him, his party, his supporters and for whole nation. IK has a huge following in masses and his statements are now creating frustrations among his supporters.
you are million % right, he should consult some other party members, or even set up a commite to the issuance of the statments on that issue?
but would he be listening anyone?
ever he done that in his life?
jst check his past you only will find arrogance, thats it?
here we are, reaching to the point the problem in PTI, that still PTI is one man under party like others?
i guss more difficult days ahead for PTI supporters!

Yara, I hate Imran khan when he defends Taliban, but I equally hate such people putting all blame on him forgetting what Musharraf and his cronies did which messed up the whole FATA scene.

These IK bashers forget, Musharraf did more peace deals with these buggers than IK did in his lifetime.
yes sure musharaf & his cronies went to do, 9/11 & brought OBL in pakistan?:woot::omghaha:
bad joke!:astagh:
Yara, I hate Imran khan when he defends Taliban, but I equally hate such people putting all blame on him forgetting what Musharraf and his cronies did which messed up the whole FATA scene.

These IK bashers forget, Musharraf did more peace deals with these buggers than IK did in his lifetime.

1. I am a very strong critic of Musharraf but I don't hold him responsible for FATA mess up. FATA has been messed up throughout its known history. Tribals are people who recognize no rule, and run a parallel government in FATA. No government bothered to bring them into the rule of the law, which led to the problem(s) we see in that lawless area today. If you were the head of the government, how would you have handled Lal Masjid? By allowing those thugs to terrorize the citizens of Islamabad? FATA's present situation has nothing to do with Lal Masjid, its just a veil behind which TTP (alias JI/JUI) and her supporters try to hide their heinous crimes against humanity.

2. Imran ain't cutting no deal, rather supporting a government-led deal with TTP (alias JI/JUI) murderers. Now, there is a fundamental difference between what Musharraf did and what the current government is doing. When Musharraf tried to cut the deals, he had no precedence or a reference point to refer to, whereas this government knows what happened to the previous deals. Knowing that previous deals either fell apart or did not yield desired results, it is not intelligent to cut any new ones.

3. The stupid statements Imran is making are more harmful than cutting an actual deal with the TTP (alias JI/JUI) murderers. He is confusing the public rather than defending their case. In this process, he is indirectly supporting the TTP (alias JI/JUI) murders and participating in their crimes against the Pakistanis.
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you are million % right, he should consult some other party members, or even set up a commite to the issuance of the statments on that issue?
but would he be listening anyone?
ever he done that in his life?
jst check his past you only will find arrogance, thats it?
here we are, reaching to the point the problem in PTI, that still PTI is one man under party like others?
i guss more difficult days ahead for PTI supporters!

yes sure musharaf & his cronies went to do, 9/11 & brought OBL in pakistan?:woot::omghaha:
bad joke!:astagh:

Baitullah mehsud, Hafiz gul bahadur, 2005,2006,2007 peace deals. Ring any bells??
1. I am a very strong critic of Musharraf but I don't hold him responsible for FATA mess up. FATA has been messed up throughout its known history. Tribals are people who recognize no rule, and run a parallel government in FATA. No government bothered to bring them into the rule of the law, which led to the problem(s) we see in that lawless area. If you were the head of the government, how would you have handled Lal Masjid? By allowing those thugs to terrorize the citizens of Islamabad? FATA's present situation has nothing to do with Lal Masjid, its just a veil behind which TTP (alias JI/JUI) and her supporters try to hide their heinous crimes against humanity.

2. Imran ain't cutting no deal, rather supporting a government-led deal with TTP (alias JI/JUI) murderers. Now, there is a fundamental difference between what Musharraf did and what the current government is doing. When Musharraf tried to cut the deals, he had no history to refer to, whereas this government knows what happened to the previous deals. Knowing that previous deals fell apart, it is not intelligent to cut any new ones.

3. The stupid statements Imran is making are more harmful than cutting an actual deal with the TTP (alias JI/JUI) murderers. He is confusing the public rather than defending their case. In this process, he is indirectly supporting the TTP (alias JI/JUI) murders and participating in their crimes against the Pakistanis.

I didn't brought Lal Masjid as I agree Operation against Lal masjid was just. That wasn't the turning point, the turning point was attack on Bajaur Madrassah which Musharraf in his infinite wisdom claimed it was done by our boys. It was when the ordinary tribals started to join the ranks of Taliban. Whole mehsud tribe jumped in to this insurgency. What happens afterwards was just adding fuel to the fire.

Syed sahab, The peace deals musharraf did was limited to selective groups. i.e Mehsuds. The ones in orakzai, mohmand, khyber, Bajaur weren't a part of this deal. Hence it failed every time. If you analyze it. Those deals didn't stopped Gul bahadur to attack Pakistan army for which they had to do a separate deal with them. That was the weak point. This time all independents groups have gathered under the umbrella of TTP and reason behind this is obvious drone strikes which have weakened the AL Qaeda, foreign and uzbek groups.

How to deal with a Hydra like group if you couldn't create a wedge or differences among them through peace deals?

By taking Sri Lanka as a case study, Srilankan armed forces turned a top lieutenant of LTTE chief against him by doing a peace deal with him.

Is there any better option you suggest
Khan came in limelight in 2013-14. From 2002-2007 and from 2008-2012, Who was responsible of dozen of failed military operations in FATA. Who was responsible of Bajaur Madarash attack ( ehm ehm Musharraf proudly claiming PA Cobra killed 80 terrorist kids from age 9-16 while it was american ) which led to an attack on Punjab regiment center in mardan and ultimately led to the creation taliban?

Do i discount the failures of the past? 80 students killed? How many civilians in return? 40k? I dont care about their grievances anymore. Whatever legitimate issues they had have been washed away in their terror campaign. I just an not like you who appease to the other side. If it takes us 10 to kill their 1 so be it. I will tell you today, these crooks literally do everything from drugs smuggling to extortion to kidnappings. These fucks will lead the country?

Yet you do not see the fallacy in giving them the platform for a political front? Do you think they will drop their arms? Shariah comes out of their throats without even understanding the basis for it. They dont know ins and outs of Islamic governance we should give them the right to politic?

Harbor terrorists and they get what they deserve. If you disagree so be it, i have seen plenty appeasement and bending over back wards. No use and these talks will not hold any ground except allowing them to shift their depots and restructure their ranks.
@Informant: Problem is, certain people live in the past, not realizing that past can and should be taken as a reference point but not as an excuse of inaptness. Because mistakes have been made in the past does not means that we keep making more mistakes. Because operations have been failed in the past, does not mean that we forget about carrying out operations. Many a times the police goes after criminals but fail to get them arrested due to a number of reasons. This failure does not automatically drop the charges against the criminals nor does it provide them immunity from being arrested and prosecuted.

Criminals commit crimes for a variety of reasons. These reasons or circumstances can be taken into account, and sentence can be reduced, but criminals are not totally evicted or freed up and made into heroes, at-least not in the civilized societies.
@Informant: Problem is, certain people live in the past, not realizing that past can and should be taken as a reference point but not as an excuse of inaptness. Because mistakes have been made in the past does not means that we keep making more mistakes. Because operations have been failed in the past, does not mean that we forget about carrying out operations. Many a times the police goes after criminals but fail to get them arrested due to a number of reasons. This failure does not automatically drop the charges against the criminals nor does it provide them immunity from being arrested and prosecuted.

Criminals commit crimes for a variety of reasons. These reasons or circumstances can be taken into account, and sentence can be reduced, but criminals are not totally evicted or freed up and made into heroes, at-least not in the civilized societies.

I agree, but appeasement policies will only work for so long, the thing is alot of people still do not believe TTP is real. I talk to people who say its Indians ( maulvi types ) who do not believe or will not believe so. Today i heard a PTI fan saying TTP is aganst US war, i lost it then. Bombing markets, churches, mosques, mazaars, schools is US's war? I almost slapped the bitch out of him but alas we have plenty of those and i dont have the energy to tangle with these knuckle heads.
I agree, but appeasement policies will only work for so long, the thing is alot of people still do not believe TTP is real. I talk to people who say its Indians ( maulvi types ) who do not believe or will not believe so. Today i heard a PTI fan saying TTP is aganst US war, i lost it then. Bombing markets, churches, mosques, mazaars, schools is US's war? I almost slapped the bitch out of him but alas we have plenty of those and i dont have the energy to tangle with these knuckle heads.
think with freedom, decide yourself, what kind of pakistan you want?
thats it, friend!
Do i discount the failures of the past? 80 students killed? How many civilians in return? 40k? I dont care about their grievances anymore. Whatever legitimate issues they had have been washed away in their terror campaign. I just an not like you who appease to the other side. If it takes us 10 to kill their 1 so be it. I will tell you today, these crooks literally do everything from drugs smuggling to extortion to kidnappings. These fucks will lead the country?

Yet you do not see the fallacy in giving them the platform for a political front? Do you think they will drop their arms? Shariah comes out of their throats without even understanding the basis for it. They dont know ins and outs of Islamic governance we should give them the right to politic?

Harbor terrorists and they get what they deserve. If you disagree so be it, i have seen plenty appeasement and bending over back wards. No use and these talks will not hold any ground except allowing them to shift their depots and restructure their ranks.

Did military operation in Orakzai last year cleared the agency from militants ?
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