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TTP only want to get out of US war, not impose sharia by force: Imran Khan

I still have tremendous respect for Imran Khan, and I believe he is head and shoulders above the others in terms of his vision for Pakistan. He is one of the few mainstream politicians who espouses social democracy for Pakistan's masses. The feudals and robber barons are beyond hope, and the military elite is no better.

I just don't know what he's doing with these statements about the TTP. He is far too intelligent to believe this nonsense.
there you go wrong about imran, he is mr no body, his agenda is to become PM, THATS IT?
just forget, those long some else written speechs, & tall claims practicly its just to get votes !
Shame on him if it has anything to do with vote bank politics. However, I don't think that's the case, he got way more votes from settled areas who are tired of Talib mentality, than he got from tribal areas. If anything, he would be cutting into Maulana Diesels vote bank (geographically / vote wise speaking) if he goes against these fundoz.

Perhaps he feels that people in his constituency are being killed as collateral damage and he needs to push for a solution that doesn't sacrifice innocent civilians in his constituency.
Perhaps he feels that people in his constituency are being killed as collateral damage and he needs to push for a solution that doesn't sacrifice innocent civilians in his constituency.

The people sitting in Lahore and Karachi surely don't give a damn if a few random pakhtun get killed along the way.
collateral damage?
i mean its still less then , those 60 k pakistanis got killed by TTp?
lahore or karachi peoples made speciall targets along with armed forces!
Perhaps he feels that people in his constituency are being killed as collateral damage and he needs to push for a solution that doesn't sacrifice innocent civilians in his constituency.
Leader's (if one is) job is not to go for short-term solutions, but to make decision that would bear fruit in long term. We are only assuming that he fears collateral damage but is this the case? If it indeed was, he could have approached the whole 'peace talk' thing little differently. He could have talked about 'peace deal' without putting all his weight in TTP (alias JI/JUI) favor. At this point of time, his statements given an impression that it is anybody's fault except TTP (alias JI/JUI).

He is supporting to give them peace zone, compensate for the damage, freeing up their arrested, and just about everything these bastards are asking for. What about 40-50,000 innocents got killed in their hands? what about the soldiers and high ranked military commanders who were martyred? What about the damage to Pakistani economy?

Are these TTP (alias JI/JUI) bastards answerable for anything or the state has to face all the prosecution? What the hell is he advocating?

There is something fundamentally wrong with this country. The mastermind of the Lal Masjid, Abdul Aziz the terrorist is free, and the head of the State who ordered an action to maintain law-and-order, is being tried for doing what he supposed to do. Pathetic.
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there you go wrong about imran, he is mr no body, his agenda is to become PM, THATS IT?
just forget, those long some else written speechs, & tall claims practicly its just to get votes !

Each of us has to make a personal determination whether we believe his words (about social democracy) or dismiss them as election propaganda.

Shame on him if it has anything to do with vote bank politics. However, I don't think that's the case, he got way more votes from settled areas who are tired of Talib mentality, than he got from tribal areas. If anything, he would be cutting into Maulana Diesels vote bank (geographically / vote wise speaking) if he goes against these fundoz.

Calling it 'vote bank' politics is heartless. If people are losing their lives, then it is a very serious matter for them.

It's easy to say "let there be casualties" if the casualties are someone else's family.

collateral damage?
i mean its still less then , those 60 k pakistanis got killed by TTp?
lahore or karachi peoples made speciall targets along with armed forces!

If someone's family is killed, that's all that matters to them.
They don't care if 60,000 other people get killed by someone else.

Leader's (if one is) job is not to go for short-term solutions, but to make decision that would bear fruit in long term. We are only assuming that he fears collateral damage but is this the case? If it indeed was, he could have approached the whole 'peace talk' thing little differently. He could have talked about 'peace deal' without putting all his weight in TTP (alias JI/JUI) favor. At this point of time, his statements given an impression that it is anybody's fault except TTP (alias JI/JUI).

He is supporting to give them peace zone, compensate for the damage, freeing up their arrested, and just about everything these bastards are asking for. What about 40-50,000 innocents got killed in their hands? what about the soldiers and high ranked military commanders who were martyred? What about the damage to Pakistani economy? Do these bastards need to answer for anything or the state has to bear all the prosecution?

I agree that he is being far too accommodating to their demands. It's one thing to ask for a negotiated settlement, but that should only happen from a position of power by the Pakistani state. The criminals should not dictate their terms.
off late IK has been making strange/idiotic comments.
back to mullah appeasement i guess.
Each of us has to make a personal determination whether we believe his words (about social democracy) or dismiss them as election propaganda.

Calling it 'vote bank' politics is heartless. If people are losing their lives, then it is a very serious matter for them.

It's easy to say "let there be casualties" if the casualties are someone else's family.

If someone's family is killed, that's all that matters to them.
They don't care if 60,000 other people get killed by someone else.

I agree that he is being far too accommodating to their demands. It's one thing to ask for a negotiated settlement, but that should only happen from a position of power by the Pakistani state. The criminals should not dictate their terms.
then its the best time for them to know, that we pakistanis also not care how many of thier familes will be burried down under too?
sure they are a stupid minority, to be brunt down forever?
then its the best time for them to know, that we pakistanis also not care how many of thier familes will be burried down under too?
sure they are a stupid minority, to be brunt down forever?

I don't know if the collateral damage is just their families, or people whose only crime is that they live in the same village.
Dude. The root of the problem isn't there. It's in a far far far-off land. Land of camels and sheep lovers.

then its the best time for them to know, that we pakistanis also not care how many of thier familes will be burried down under too?
sure they are a stupid minority, to be brunt down forever?
I don't know if the collateral damage is just their families, or people whose only crime is that they live in the same village.
make it, 5000 peoples all togather out of them were the heads of TTp heads?
so basiclly most of the targets were real?
if you are wagging a war of your ideads on to a state, then state would be hitting you back for sure, so were they so naive?
if they were, then they got what they hve asked for, why then cries?
but what about 60,000 innocent pakistanis killed by them, for what reasons?
sorty foesnt matters how hard you try , but you cant change the facts which still stands against TTp.

Dude. The root of the problem isn't there. It's in a far far far-off land. Land of camels and sheep lovers.
yes im fully agreed, but what about thier mans of bieng our rullers, BTW state of israel is situated there too?:cheers::dance3:
make it, 5000 peoples all togather out of them were the heads of TTp heads?
so basiclly most of the targets were real?
if you are wagging a war of your ideads on to a state, then state would be hitting you back for sure, so were they so naive?
if they were, then they got what they hve asked for, why then cries?
but what about 60,000 innocent pakistanis killed by them, for what reasons?
sorty foesnt matters how hard you try , but you cant change the facts which still stands against TTp.

I have absolutely no problem with TTP members being killed.
Even their families, while I am uncomfortable with the idea, I can accept that their deaths might be unavoidable.

I am concerned about people who have nothing to do with the TTP except that they live in the same village. I don't know how many such people have been killed in the fighting, so I don't know if this is a significant factor.

I was only speculating that this might be Imran Khan's motivation for being hesitant on the military option.
Stop thinking like a run-of-the-mill Arab brainwashed Pakistani! :D
no dear i never will be, but as the common intersts of house of sauds & goldsmiths are same, you can observe the golden handshakes between NOORA KING & FOOLISH KHANS?
& the agreement, to give TTp a good peace talks shelter?:dance3::cuckoo:
& then this statment , giving TTp the full good guy image!:woot:

I have absolutely no problem with TTP members being killed.
Even their families, while I am uncomfortable with the idea, I can accept that their deaths might be unavoidable.

I am concerned about people who have nothing to do with the TTP except that they live in the same village. I don't know how many such people have been killed in the fighting, so I don't know if this is a significant factor.

I was only speculating that this might be Imran Khan's motivation for being hesitant on the military option.
well we are more concerned about 60,000 innocents killed by TTp, then anything else?
his motivation is driven from the house of goldsmiths of UK & thier political masiha,s in israel?
as same goes to NOORA king & his relationship with, house of sauds , who wants to save TTp for the destruction of sirya,s IRANANIN -RUSSIAN -CHINESE back govt?
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How can any sane person turn a blind eye to their indiscriminate killings and many other crimes against humanity? Where has Imran Khan been for the last decade? Obviously, not on this planet! Over 50,000 women, children, elderly of all ethnicities, military, police personnel killed on roadsides, in their custody, in schools, in mosques, court houses, bazaars and police & military institutions. Yet, he has the audacity to suggest that the killings can be blamed on Pakistan’s participation in the War on Terror. This is also news that they will not impose “sharia” by force. So how do they intend to impose it? Can Mr. Khan let the nation into that little secret?
Don't sully the name of IRA, by comparing these animals to them. @Irfan Baloch is right in his definition of them, they truly are "Hounds of Hell"...... there is no solution but taking a page out of their own book. It needs to be implelented on the same lines. Death of an innocent child of a liberal (Shia / Barelvi / Christian / Hindu / Ahmadi / Martian / Anyone who doesn't agree to their version of Hadeesilam (copyright by me)) needs to be avenged with death of an innocent child of a terrorist (Wahabi / Deobandi)

It's as simple as that. Fear of God, alone, will not cut it.

I am getting banned just for calling urdu "hindi soaked in farsi" and here you are given full freedom to talk non-sense........I have also a beard, a long one.......so do most of your tribesmen.....beard is so much much bothering you, have you ever asked your friends here whether for them a random bearded punjabi is trouble or bearded pashtun of FATA?.....you call for genocide of deobandis, do you even realize the fact that 80-90% of deobandis are pashtuns.....so you are actually calling for genocide of your own people....another question, why pakistanis here would wish for such genocide? at best they would agree on erasing your waziristan from the face of earth along with your entire tribe.....@informant like people would agree with this idea
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