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PDF is blocked by Chinese government in mainland China! Why?

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Cos VN is communist,so CN know thats we will never side wt US against CN cos VN could be the next US's target after CN collapse Thats why Xi, CN investors think that investing more in VN is much better than investing in Pak even when CN keep saying that Pak is "CN's best friend".

VN will not side wt US for sure cos we r communist and could be the next US's target, but CN is not sure when Pak will switch to US's side even Pak is " CN's best friend" now, so they never seriously invest to Pak like what they tell u guys.

I promised not talking more on this thread to avoid misunderstanding. So, hope u guys realize that cos Pak is not commnist, so CN never help u guys make money and never think u r friend cos they dont know when Pak will side wt US against CN.

you are so excited like a monkey jumping up and down.
Cos VN is communist,so CN know thats we will never side wt US against CN cos VN could be the next US's target after CN collapse Thats why Xi, CN investors think that investing more in VN is much better than investing in Pak even when CN keep saying that Pak is "CN's best friend".

VN will not side wt US for sure cos we r communist and could be the next US's target, but CN is not sure when Pak will switch to US's side even Pak is " CN's best friend" now, so they never seriously invest to Pak like what they tell u guys.

I promised not talking more on this thread to avoid misunderstanding. So, hope u guys realize that cos Pak is not commnist, so CN never help u guys make money and never think u r friend cos they dont know when Pak will side wt US against CN.
Disagree. China is hesitant because of the security situation in Pak and as such, I don't blame Chinese industry for investing in a safer country e.g. Vietnam. Pak can never be USA's friend EVER again because of America's evangelical controlled govt.
Lol. Indians and Pakistanis despite their differences and chest thumping get along quite nicely overseas. No one likes the Chinese. They are a bunch of thin skinned buffoons who grow up under a communist regime. We grow up criticizing our leaders. They grow up doing as their State says. They have been a laughing stock for eons. They will continue to be one for eons.
Thats the real truth...well said...positive rating from me...
I think the plain and simple reason that PDF is banned in China is due to the site being hosted in US servers and owned and operated by Pakistani American. I don't think it has much to do with content.
Better to have a friend who understands differences in opinion and still considers history and relations important versus someone thinking they are our masters and we must always agree with them.

Good luck with that attitude and being surrounded by the US on all sides.
he said too right, too good, you should not (be sensitive, think too much, and you don't need to be overreacted) misunderstand and be jealous of saying "China is a big country" corpse, is a big country, not wrong, yes, China is the third largest country in the world.
You think positively, don't think bad, unless you're evil.
Conscience around the world speaks very well positively about China, only you think badly -> infer -> you are having problems.
than Pakistan openly.
Actually the problem is Ignorance of Chinese members about Pakistan .... most Chinese didn't even know it was Pakistan which was criticised most by Western world for not talking about Uighur issues there were many news article published by many media outlets of west and India while Pakistan on the other hand was among the first countries who OPENLY and OFFICIALLY supported China

Following is one example from Iranian media outlet which overall is criticising Pakistan for openly supporting China, but I am posting excerpt of Pakistan Official stance
Pakistan has defended China over its treatment of minority Muslim community, describing US and other Western claims of rehabilitation centers for Uighurs as media sensationalism.

Mohammad Faisal, spokesman for Pakistan's ministry of foreign affairs, said in Islamabad some media outlets were spreading fake news about the Chinese women married to Pakistani nationals.

"Some section of foreign media are trying to sensationalize the matter by spreading false information," Faisal said.
link: 1 , 2 From South China Morning Post
Disagree. China is hesitant because of the security situation in Pak and as such, I don't blame Chinese industry for investing in a safer country e.g. Vietnam. Pak can never be USA's friend EVER again because of America's evangelical controlled govt.
Okay, but the truth still is: CN didnt move their factories to Pak as promised before giving $60billion loan (but moving to VN instead)

So, $60billion CN loan is a debt trap, and u may lose the port like Sri Lanka. After Pak lose her port, then CN will send her PLA to "protect" the port in 99 years.
I think the plain and simple reason that PDF is banned in China is due to the site being hosted in US servers and owned and operated by Pakistani American. I don't think it has much to do with content.
PDF may have been blocked in China due to continuous anti China propaganda threads by Indian and some wana be Americans.
@Beast @beijingwalker and other Chinese posters

I have lived amongst Chinese for good 8 years and I know all to well what you guys are like! I'm not going to highlight things to start a pissing match.

But you guys do not understand us Pakistanis. And that's where the real problem is. Majority here defend the reform process in West China but the posts attacking Islam and Pakistanis in general by Chinese members and this superiority image you guys are portraying is not going down well at all.

As I said you do not understand how to interact and respect us as friends do and should. This is being displayed by your very own people on our soil as well and by Chinese posters here. Keep this superiority complex locked up when dealing and interacting with us.

In friendship there's no one superior than others. China is investing in Pakistan for her own gains first and foremost, understand that. It is no favour as you guys pitch it be.

It is mutually beneficial and we are in a hybrid war with CPEC being one of two primary reasons for it being imposed on us. You've lost a handful people and we have lost thousands.

Be thankful to us as we are thankful to you. That's what friends do.

Remember the one thing that pisses of Pakistani public the most is any nation attempting to impose their so-called superiority over us.

You are a land of an old civilisation and so are we!!

As for PDF, ban it in China for all we care. That's your internal matter.

But do check all the crap local Chinese post against Muslims! The more venom your people spew against Muslims, the more it will hurt the relationship.
No, it's not happening here. Critism of China uyghur policy is allow here while topic about balouchistan and pashtun plight of pakistan is not allow here and will be whitewashed as Pakistan is peaceful and no oppression occurs. While thread attempt to talk about this issue is not even allow to exist. You call that mutual and respect?

It's more of you Pakistanis attempting to impose superiority on Chinese.
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