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PDF is blocked by Chinese government in mainland China! Why?

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Chinese misunderstood Pakistanis, I guess they were expecting us to be submissive. We had decades of strong relations with US, but still our population considered US to be enemy and Americans to be infidel, Chinese haven't tasted that yet. And mind you US citizens didn't do one bit of what Chinese do in Pakistan. The other thing Chinese seriously need to understand ....... Pakistanis are not some camel riding bunch of desert dwellers, we value our freedom and we will criticize whoever we like ....... don't try playing smart and we superior than you with us, this is just the start. Come we will respect you as our friends and guests as long as you don't send your inmates and dump your cheap products, respect our culture, law, rituals and practices. Else if you come looking for brides or scams ....... we are way better at that sport than you could even imagine.

There was a Chinese member here @Cybernetics who is more thoughtful and understanding of the cultural clash (mainly Chinese are to be blamed for that) than these whining little girls ...... who claim to have the capability to trace us.
What ? LOL, this proves that majority of the chinese members here are in reality flase falgger pakistani trolls.
Ah...interesting to know. I'm surprised that the government hasn't blocked these VPNs.

Chinese government isn't stupid, they know how actual officials from centcom are lurking both openly and in disguise trying to brainwash members and create animosities.
They use foreign run VPN or bypass the censorship by using HK internet proxies. If you ever work in China, you know it.
The real question is iced tea or lemonade?
Chinese misunderstood Pakistanis, I guess they were expecting us to be submissive. We had decades of strong relations with US, but still our population considered US to be enemy and Americans to be infidel, Chinese haven't tasted that yet. And mind you US citizens didn't do one bit of what Chinese do in Pakistan. The other thing Chinese seriously need to understand ....... Pakistanis are not some camel riding bunch of desert dwellers, we value our freedom and we will criticize whoever we like ....... don't try playing smart and we superior than you with us, this is just the start. Come we will respect you as our friends and guests as long as you don't send your inmates and dump your cheap products, respect our culture, law, rituals and practices. Else if you come looking for brides or scams ....... we are way better at that sport than you could even imagine.

There was a Chinese member here @Cybernetics who is more thoughtful and understanding of the cultural clash (mainly Chinese are to be blamed for that) than these whining little girls ...... who claim to have the capability to trace us.
I am actually grateful to Pakistani Islamists who show their true feelings about Chinese. Let the Himalayan mountain range divide the two different cultures. Pakistan doesn't need Chinese support on Kashmir. It can handle India all by itself.
I am actually grateful to Pakistani Islamists who show their true feelings about Chinese. Let the Himalayan mountain range divide the two different cultures. Pakistan doesn't need Chinese support on Kashmir. It can handle India all by itself.

I wasn't expecting this much ignorance and insecurity to be displayed by internet Chinese ...... but well I was wrong.

Dude you seriously need to cut your blind application of Islamist labels ...... heck you have invented a new one "Pakistani Islamist". I daily workout in gym and see your Chinese girls wearing tight yoga pants, smiling, singing, dancing and working out with Pakistani males, no one cares and no one goes gaga like you are trying to imply.

It is as plain as this ........ you haven't helped us one bit more than how much we have helped you.

You can keep your individual support for Kashmir to yourself, we never asked neither requested. As if you will be able to handle india and US influence in this region alone.
I am actually grateful to Pakistani Islamists who show their true feelings about Chinese. Let the Himalayan mountain range divide the two different cultures. Pakistan doesn't need Chinese support on Kashmir. It can handle India all by itself.
what Islamist man. Pakistani liberals like me were also mad when we see this you guys did to us inside our country. be a friend not master ok
I am actually grateful to Pakistani Islamists who show their true feelings about Chinese. Let the Himalayan mountain range divide the two different cultures. Pakistan doesn't need Chinese support on Kashmir. It can handle India all by itself.

China actually never supported Pakistan on kashmir.it says do it bilaterally.i think your problem with turkey is the main reason because many pakistani members supported turkey.also Chinese gang abducting girls in Pakistan were arrested.media played a key role.they have written articles against china which is wrong.as a pakistani,we value our friendship with China and we believe that you helped us everytime.there are good and bad people in each country.your issue with turkey is not created by pakistan.bad relations between turkey and china.pakistan handled India all by itself in the past as well.nobody helped us in the past.china only helps us by giving us weapons and we appreciate it.there was another thread where most pakistani members voted against any Chinese naval Base in pakistan.i think that particular thread created chaos.as a pakistani,we value your friendship.we support you against your trade war with Americans but we have to balance our relations.i think pdf blocked in China news will not harm our relations.

what Islamist man. Pakistani liberals like me were also mad when we see this you guys did to us inside our country. be a friend not master ok

Problem is they are individuals or gangs.we can't harm our relation with China based on behavior of small group of people.they are no doubt unfortunate incidents but we should also look on the other side.china is helping Pakistan and I don't think that PDF blocked in China news will harm our relations.
Possibly. Pakistan is your closest ally. No doubt about that. That is not even a issue. But the problem is many Pakistan's do not act Pakistani's. The problem is within Pakistan many citizens identify as Muslims first and NOT Pakistani. Those with this thinking are not interested in interests of Pakistan but identify with global Islam. This thinking like any thinking has force of natural logic to it. If you primarily identify with global Islam, your loyalties will be swayed primarily by issues like Palestine, Uighurs, Rohingyas etc

Those who identify with the nation state of Pakistan will naturally place importance to Sino-Pak relations and the emerging strategic alliance. To be just sure this conflict [between global Islamism and Pakistani nationalism] also has profound effects within the internal dynamic of Pakistan. Lot of the terrorism you see inside Pakistan is from global Islamists who do not agree with the nation state and it's policies as they regard them against Islam. Since their loyalty is to global Islamism or what they interpret as, they start a jihad against the state.

This contradiction between global Islamism and nationalism ~ the former emphasises loyalty to the Islamic brotherhood across the globe and the latter of course to Pakistani nationalism runs very deep in Pakistani society and has not been resolved. I even see it at play in UK. What you see being played out on the link below tears away at Pakistan, at some level every day.

China got more supports on Uyghur issue from central asian Muslim countries than Pakistan openly.

even Saudi Arabia supported China openly.
Saudi Arabia promised back to moderate Islam, I'm wondering what Pakistan will do next.
what Islamist man. Pakistani liberals like me were also mad when we see this you guys did to us inside our country. be a friend not master ok

fix it with your law, no Chinese will blame you.
@Beast @beijingwalker and other Chinese posters

I have lived amongst Chinese for good 8 years and I know all to well what you guys are like! I'm not going to highlight things to start a pissing match.

But you guys do not understand us Pakistanis. And that's where the real problem is. Majority here defend the reform process in West China but the posts attacking Islam and Pakistanis in general by Chinese members and this superiority image you guys are portraying is not going down well at all.

As I said you do not understand how to interact and respect us as friends do and should. This is being displayed by your very own people on our soil as well and by Chinese posters here. Keep this superiority complex locked up when dealing and interacting with us.

In friendship there's no one superior than others. China is investing in Pakistan for her own gains first and foremost, understand that. It is no favour as you guys pitch it be.

It is mutually beneficial and we are in a hybrid war with CPEC being one of two primary reasons for it being imposed on us. You've lost a handful people and we have lost thousands.

Be thankful to us as we are thankful to you. That's what friends do.

Remember the one thing that pisses of Pakistani public the most is any nation attempting to impose their so-called superiority over us.

You are a land of an old civilisation and so are we!!

As for PDF, ban it in China for all we care. That's your internal matter.

But do check all the crap local Chinese post against Muslims! The more venom your people spew against Muslims, the more it will hurt the relationship.
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I am actually grateful to Pakistani Islamists who show their true feelings about Chinese. Let the Himalayan mountain range divide the two different cultures. Pakistan doesn't need Chinese support on Kashmir. It can handle India all by itself.
Why are you guys so insecure... That you have to dangle Kashmir to them in every discussion... Don't think i'd ever say that - But, they were fighting with us when you guys used to be third rated country... And, you need them economically because if you lose pakistan, you lose your only golden ticket route to Middle East.. They know how to extra value from rich partners.. Be nice to your loan takers .. some things are better done with a smile like that your your supreme leader's plastic smile :-)
I don't know about others , I never posted anything negative about Pakistan and I never talk about Pakistan in a condescending manner.

you need them economically because if you lose pakistan, you lose your only golden ticket route to Middle East..
How? China is a good friend and biggest investor of all central Asian countries and Russia.

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