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PDF is blocked by Chinese government in mainland China! Why?

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But to tell the truth, the problem in Xinjiang won't be resolve, and can cause a fracture in Pakistan - China relationship if both people see the others from their own set of value. Because both China and Pakistan have different set of value and belief. And that difference are really fundamental for both people.

One thing, for Pakistan, Islam is their core value. And you can't deny that Islam has their own agenda. Whatever it is in cultural front, belief system, and even in politic.

In the other side, China also have their own core value. That heavily influence by Communism doctrine or ideology. That's of course, is not compatible with any religion tradition; including Islam.

So, if both countries see the other from their own value, the friendship won't go on forever. There will be friction.

I think I can understand @beijingwalker frustration in here. Because he's being attacked by Pakistani Posters who see China from their Islamic point of view. And @beijingwalker who have his own belief, based on China value, feel intimidated, and not welcomed in here. I see that nobody is wrong here. They just have a very different value that oppose to each others.

Because the Pakistani Muslim see Uyghur Vocational camp from their Islamic perspective, and see that that is an oppression. But Chinese see the vocational camp from a different perspective that they are actually educate those Uyghur.For the good of those people. it just like seeing a coin from 2 different side.

I don't know how both people should act, to respect each other, and maintain the trust. I will let both Chinese Posters and Pakistani ones to settle their difference, and to make their relation and trust stronger than ever.

The problem can be resolved. Once CPEC goes into full swing the entire region's prosperity will increase. China can keep its core values but the Govt must respect the belief system of its citizens. You do know even in Islam citizens aren't meant to rebel against the Govt and if they are oppressed then they should migrate to a land that gives them freedom. What agenda does Islam have? You do know in our 1400 year history we didn't have much civil war. Things only changed when the west colonised the region. Communism isn't practised in China it's dead. A good example was Bo Xilai click getting decimated. In fact, communism was destroyed in China when Deng Xiaoping came to power. At the dinner table, Chinese people love talking about Confucious philosophy but at the heart of Chinese Govt like all Chinese dynasties they follow legalism.

I have said it many times. Any Uighur terrorists need to be killed. We did the same when ETIM was in alliance with TTP fighters. Pakistani's are uneducated on this issue. Can you really blame them? The entire world media is against China so the only news they read is negativity. I have always been impressed with the Chinese Govt but they are absolutely bad in running a PR campaign. This isn't just about the Uighur issue. China has failed in the Falong Gong fiasco, Tibet problem and its other human rights violation accusations. This is because they haven't employed the right people. This is destroying China's soft image, it needs to do better. There's nothing wrong with educational camps. But Pakistani's have a problem if Uighur's aren't allowed to practice their basic religious rights like praying. The problem isn't about China's policies but its bad PR message.

The Chinese won't get a better welcome anywhere else in the world other than Pakistan. @Beast needs to visit the country to know the truth.
Thats the real truth...well said...positive rating from me...
Tell it to the guy who gave me a negative rating.

You're talking rubbish. Overseas Indians have a MAJOR chip on their shoulder inferiority complex against overseas Pakistanis. As soon as you enter ANY professional field, Indian cliques will form and proliferate rapidly, lobbying unknowing John Smiths along the way. Dumb trusting Pakistan spent decades thinking Indians were their buddies here, Indians would stick up for them, Indians knew them better than John Smith so they would support the pakis... Mercifully my generation from 80's onwards snapped out of that dream when we realised what Indians have been doing behind the scenes to destroy overseas Pakistanis and even to destroy pakistan proper. Pakistanis have now started forming cliques and networks and "old boys clubs" and lobby groups. We are catching up..
. Yea, we are all twirling our mustaches and making cliques. What nonsense. In the US, Indians and Pakistanis go to the same parties, eat at the same restaurants, room together and generally help each other out.
PDF has been flooded by (oddly often barely literate) "American", Hindu and Viet, shills, sour grapes and mouthbreathers, just spamming "Western" centric (read American) propaganda all day, falseflaggers included. The odd ones out, you find obviously even in the Chinese community, who have always been here, aren't really the issue here, even if the former are visibly trying hard to shift the entire focus on them here.

A glimpse on every more or less international section is enough. Now for 37 in 48 hours all of them get drowned by a circlejerk of a dozen accounts just brainlessly spaming and parotting every vapid "Western" centric fart they find on Google, while Hindus and Viets jump on the train for every dump about China. Not just the repetitive cheap slander straight from Washington, but every hyperbolic baseless rumor from some obscure blog gets pages of forced replies trying to dump fuel into the fire, while news with real substance easily gets flushed away after less than 10 replies.

If PDF wasnt blocked because of some leak, the next best guess is someone checking the site could have easily got the impression its just another of these American or American worshipper ran "independent local" dumpsters to spur division and China bash echo, with the usual just hateful, unobjective and dishonest slander, misinformation and blatant lies or as they pretentiously try to label it, "constructive criticism", critical thinking" and so on, that no one would miss anything out on anyways.

You are not going to see anyone reconsider anything if its just unlocked after a few days again.
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I can talk about it but I am sure, it will be delete and sensor by moderator here. Moderator will deemed what I claim is fake and Pakistan is so peaceful and no prejudice against minority. None of PA chief of army is ever appointed by non Punjabi for past 30 years. Pakistan Army has the power to over run civilian rule. This is the key to ensure Punjabi holding onto army. I can even dig up more topic to talk about Punjabi, pashtun, Baloch events and the reason afganistan refuse to recognised some of the Pakistan territories which is draw up by British Raj legacy.
Is kai baad is bandai ko zaleel kaisai na karain hum? @Verve @HRK
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