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PDF is blocked by Chinese government in mainland China! Why?

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Than check it and why u value random peoples opinion on some online forum so much ?what's their real life qualification ??got any degree,real life experience in politics or military affairs ??just an random title holder on any forum does not make anyone expert of geopolitical affairs
Trust me, I have seen enough. Are you saying Oscar is overseas pakistanis? We do have abilities to track and identify real pakistanis vs those fake trash. You need to admit such problem between Pakistan and China do exist.

How do you explain Dawn anti-China policy? Are the overseas based pakistanis website?
Bro, if you pay close attention to a lot of these so called Pakistanis, you'll realize that don't even support Pakistan and take a very submissive, laughable approach in front of indians...a lot of em are indians posing as Pakistanis!
Hi, I believe you are a true friend of China and a patriotic Pakistanis. We do hope there are more Pakistanis like you but you do have to admit the fact, there are also certain number of Pakistanis who are very hostile to China and that included certain portion in the government of Pakistan.

Than check it and why u value random peoples opinion on some online forum so much ?what's their real life qualification ??got any degree,real life experience in politics or military affairs ??just an random title holder on any forum does not make anyone expert of geopolitical affairs
We do have ways to trace and identify but I am not going into detail and they are even some prominent figures. If they can make such comments, what do you think it can happen to foreign policy in real life?
Hi, I believe you are a true friend of China and a patriotic Pakistanis. We do hope there are more Pakistanis like you but you do have to admit the fact, there are also certain number of Pakistanis who are very hostile to China and that included certain portion in the government of Pakistan.
I agree there are...you may wanna do some research into who qadiyanis are what's their legal status in Pakistan. That'll give you very good indication of who those "anti China" Pakistanis could be...
Hostile but try to find their reason are they genuine or just false flaggers??U also have to keep it in mind their is very very strong lobby of Irani supporters in Pakistan so obviously on PDF too and due to current stop of buying Irani oil by china anger them so they trying to engage u in unnecessary fights.As u said yourself geopolitics is not as easy game to understand :)
Hi, I believe you are a true friend of China and a patriotic Pakistanis. We do hope there are more Pakistanis like you but you do have to admit the fact, there are also certain number of Pakistanis who are very hostile to China and that included certain portion in the government of Pakistan.
Well PDF is a forum where you can express your opinion openly and influence mindset of fellow country men or across the border. So in short it is all about crushing dissent within the country from disruptive elements.
I agree there are...you may wanna do some research into who qadiyanis are what's their legal status in Pakistan. That'll give you very good indication of who those "anti China" Pakistanis could be...
CTGN, CCTV, Global times and all official news agency of China never post a single article hinting or even possible abuse of Pashtun, Balouchistan events by Punjabi of Pakistan. That is the kind of respect we Chinese has for Pakistan, what we ask is fairness of not to interfere in our internal affair.
I guess there will be less 50 cents army from mainland China on this website since this website is blocked in China by its government.:( After Xi came to power, things is really getting worse here(not just economically:devil:). Xi even blocked the English version of Wikipedia several weeks ago... Can you imagine that?:o:
And he was totally right there.
There is no such thing as freedom of speech. The sheep need a shepherd.
They cannot be left alone and its not like the state doesn't provide alternative to Wikipedia or other stuff .
As i asked u before ""What prominent figure ??"" if u pointing out title holders here on PDF than kindly remember they awarded it on post count (quantity not quality ) also friendship and favoritism nearly all of PDF General and ACM take their titles very seriously even in real life never served an single day in uniform :) And not confuse those posts with genuine one u have to understand Pakistan is culturally very different from China yah some time they make us angry too but its beauty of our society presenting different opinion does not make them less patriotic than us they provide us to see things from different perspective too not necessary we have to agree but have to respect them
some prominent figures.
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And he was totally right there.
There is no such thing as freedom of speech. The sheep need a shepherd.
They cannot be left alone and its not like the state doesn't provide alternative to Wikipedia or other stuff .
As if real freedom of speech exist? Can I open thread about Pashtun, Balouch abuse news here? Its free media,right? If you think its fake, feel free to prove it and allow thread to exist and continue..

No, it cant be done here. So dont be sarcastic here. You are shooting yr own foot.
CTGN, CCTV, Global times and all official news agency of China never post a single article hinting or even possible abuse of Pashtun, Balouchistan events by Punjabi of Pakistan. That is the kind of respect we Chinese has for Pakistan, what we ask is fairness of not to interfere in our internal affair.
Oh no doubt, some of our media journalists need a big rod to smack em upside their sold out heads. And trust me when I say this... their time is coming very soon!
CTGN, CCTV, Global times and all official news agency of China never post a single article hinting or even possible abuse of Pashtun, Balouchistan events by Punjabi of Pakistan. That is the kind of respect we Chinese has for Pakistan, what we ask is fairness of not to interfere in our internal affair.
Lol. News agencies and channels are not required to "respect internal affairs". Imagine Brits and Americans respecting Nazi "internal affairs". Or world respecting South African apartheid. Or Idi Amin. Stalin. Pol Pot. Serbia. You get the drift.....

That is precisely why your society and nation are a joke.
Lol. News agencies and channels are not required to "respect internal affairs". Imagine Brits and Americans respecting Nazi "internal affairs". Or world respecting South African apartheid. Or Idi Amin. Stalin. Pol Pot. Serbia. You get the drift.....

That is precisely why your society and nation are a joke.

You like Joke, right?

https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-31761632 :enjoy:
Haha I told you just yesterday to few Chinese on Hong Kong protests.

Its now being proved. The Chinese cant take criticism. They will better kill the person criticizing them instead of hearing what the person is saying.

None of the Chinese posters here can ever do criticize their policy decisions of CCP govt or President nor can ever do a protest.
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Haha I told you just yesterday to few Chinese on Hong Kong protests.

Its now being proved. The Chinese cant take criticism. They will better kill the person criticizing them instead of hearing what the person is saying.

None of the Chinese posters here can ever do criticize their policy decisions of CCP govt or President nor ever do a protest.
Nothing surprising there. Historically they never protested against their rulers. Don't expect that to change now.

If you somehow decide to protest. Tanks are coming.
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