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PDF is blocked by Chinese government in mainland China! Why?

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Nothing surprising there. Historically they never protested against their rulers. Don't expect that to change now.

If you somehow decide to protest. Tanks are coming.

That's a good hashtag. #tanksarecoming :lol:

I think CCP saw many foreigners criticizing China and Communist parties and Chinese being members here might get "corrupted" as it believes their citizens do not have the brains to make informed choices.
Its was blocked on the advised by some Chinese user of PDF who saw how some Pakistanis view Chinese. The alliance has shown strain and PDF see no control over these abuses on Chinese by some pakistanis. They will work hard to ban Indian insulting Pakistanis LOC victory but when comes to Chinese, all kind of abuse from Turkish, Bangladesh and even its own Pakistanis will be ignore. This is not the way to build up an alliance with neighbour.

PDF will paid the price, trust me! China is a big country. You try to take the pie and yet still hurl insult at the one who gives you. If Pakistan couldnt get certain support from Chinese, you know the reason. Its takes 2 hands to clap. Our patience is not unlimited.

Its true that they are some bigshot for advising CPC politburo visited this forum and get a real life experience of the sentiment of Pakistan towards Chinese. And they are no fool who get trick by indian or american troll pretending to be real pakistanis. They have the resources to identify real Pakistanis comment and forumer to further shape their foreign policy. This foreign policy will have a ripper effect on Pakistanis future.

Pakistan gives respect on equal basis.you are helping us diplomatically,we are helping you by giving you a new trade route.i can't believe that Chinese PDF members has complained to Chinese government.this is very sad.and your comments about ripper effect and other warnings are just emotions.pakistan will continue to stay my friend.your problem with turkey is not Pakistani created problem.there are certain unpleasant events like Chinese gang who adduct girls,like Chinese jumping on Pakistani police car.we didn't complain anything to our government regarding attitude of Chinese people here in pakistan.we think there are good and bad people on both sides but blocking pdf in China shows that China don't trust pakistan as a friend.pakistan have seen 65,71,kargil,Mumbai,feb26. We are a strong country and I hope you guys understand our problems.
Recent Xinjiang issue caused animosity between China and Pakistan , maybe the government doesn't want this trend to spread or maybe it's just part of general ban on all foreign sites with the worsening relations between China and the west.
Nah, it's because of the number of Tienanmen threads, HK protests the Americans have posted. Are you getting any of that news in Xinhua or Global Times over the HK protest? Because all these are censored in Mainland China.

You don't need to think it's something of a foreign policy, it's simple things. If PDF wants to reinstate the website, they should censor such contents.

I think CCP saw many foreigners criticizing China and Communist parties and Chinese being members here might get "corrupted" as it believes their citizens do not have the brains to make informed choices.
They could take a fair amount of criticism their fans are the most loyal ones, you'd only wish our cricket teams have such loyal fans like the Chinese for CCP lol and they are not North Korea (yet). The reason for the current blocking is because of the aforementioned stuff.
Was fun till it lasted. Expecting CCP to tolerate any dissenting voice is foolish.
Almost all Chinese first came to PDF believing Pakistan the cloeset friend and best ally of China and ended up no longer believing so after spending some time here. Maybe that's what the Chinese government worries.
U set $60 billion debt trap to Pak and want them still be ur friend ??

CN promise to invest in Pak to boost the export, but trade war show that insead of coming to Pak as u guys promised, CN investors closed factories in CN and move to VN .

Stop lying and cheating ur friends, dude.
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who has given you right to speak on our behalf .....???
Then why can not I tell the truth abt Pak when some Pak keep making trouble for VN here ??

Who give them the right to keep violating forum rules and making trouble wt VN?
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Then why can not I tell the truth abt Pak when some Pak keep making trouble for VN here ??
I still have to see any Pakistani commenting about Vietnam here ....

But even if it happened you could respond in decent manner to them now my question was not related to you or your issues ... it was a Plain and Simple question on one of your comment about a mutual matter between China and Pakistan and I still need to know ....

Why on our behalf you find it necessary to term China as cheat and liar .... I know Vietnam and China are not in very good terms so If you have an urge to take on Chinese member for purpose of trolling than try to it directly don't use our shoulders to achieve your pleasure ....
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I still have to see any Pakistani commenting about Vietnam here ....

But even if it happened you could respond in decent manner to them now my question was not related to you or your issues ... it was a Plain and Simple question on one of your comment about a mutual matter between China and Pakistan and I still need to know ....

Why on our behalf you find it necessary to term China as cheat and liar .... I know Vietnam and China are not in very good term so If you have an urge to take on Chinese member for than purpose of trolling than try to it directly don't use our shoulders to achieve your pleasure ....
CN is cheater and liar, many countries agree wt it including VN. If u guys dont recognize CN is cheater and liar, then thats OK, we can wait and see how u guys pay back $60 billion CN loan..or Pak will lose her port like Sri lanka.

Time will tell. $60 billion CN loan is Not free money.

My last comment in this thread to avoid more misunderstanding,Im sorry if the truth hurt u.
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Almost all Chinese first came to PDF believing Pakistan the cloeset friend and best ally of China and ended up no longer believing so after spending some time here. Maybe that's what the Chinese government worries.
Possibly. Pakistan is your closest ally. No doubt about that. That is not even a issue. But the problem is many Pakistan's do not act Pakistani's. The problem is within Pakistan many citizens identify as Muslims first and NOT Pakistani. Those with this thinking are not interested in interests of Pakistan but identify with global Islam. This thinking like any thinking has force of natural logic to it. If you primarily identify with global Islam, your loyalties will be swayed primarily by issues like Palestine, Uighurs, Rohingyas etc

Those who identify with the nation state of Pakistan will naturally place importance to Sino-Pak relations and the emerging strategic alliance. To be just sure this conflict [between global Islamism and Pakistani nationalism] also has profound effects within the internal dynamic of Pakistan. Lot of the terrorism you see inside Pakistan is from global Islamists who do not agree with the nation state and it's policies as they regard them against Islam. Since their loyalty is to global Islamism or what they interpret as, they start a jihad against the state.

This contradiction between global Islamism and nationalism ~ the former emphasises loyalty to the Islamic brotherhood across the globe and the latter of course to Pakistani nationalism runs very deep in Pakistani society and has not been resolved. I even see it at play in UK. What you see being played out on the link below tears away at Pakistan, at some level every day.

we can wait and see how u guys pay back $60 billion CN loan..
worried for us .... or hatred for China ??? In both case you don't have sincerity in your advice
Time will tell. $60 billion CN loan is Not free money.
nothing is free not even the advises of our well wishers .... so We are not interested in those advises
Im sorry if the truth hurt u.
My dear which truth .... the one which is based on media reports sponsored and propagated by US ???

Keep in mind We are in the game of Dancing with Devil since the day we established as an state ....

A gentle reminder whatever your aim or agenda is, pursue it openly don't use us for this purpose ....
CN is cheater and liar, many countries agree wt it including VN.
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Possibly. Pakistan is your closest ally. No doubt about that. That is not even a issue. But the problem is many Pakistan's do not act Pakistani's. The problem is within Pakistan many citizens identify as Muslims first and NOT Pakistani. Those with this thinking are not interested in interests of Pakistan but identify with global Islam. This thinking like any thinking has force of natural logic to it. If you primarily identify with global Islam, your loyalties will be swayed primarily by issues like Palestine, Uighurs, Rohingyas etc

Those who identify with the nation state of Pakistan will naturally place importance to Sino-Pak relations and the emerging strategic alliance. To be just sure this conflict [between global Islamism and Pakistani nationalism] also has profound effects within the internal dynamic of Pakistan. Lot of the terrorism you see inside Pakistan is from global Islamists who do not agree with the nation state and it's policies as they regard them against Islam. Since their loyalty is to global Islamism or what they interpret as, they start a jihad against the state.

This contradiction between global Islamism and nationalism ~ the former emphasises loyalty to the Islamic brotherhood across the globe and the latter of course to Pakistani nationalism runs very deep in Pakistani society and has not been resolved. I even see it at play in UK. What you see being played out on the link below tears away at Pakistan, at some level every day.

Your post is exactly correct. That is why Pakistanis either hate us or adore us. There is not much room in between.

For a long time, at the government level, China has been trying to prop up Pakistan so it doesn't get overwhelmed by India strategically. This is fine as long as the moderate, secular Pakistani Army is in control.

CPEC is different though because it necessarily involved some degree of people-to-people contact. It becomes impossible to avoid Islamists who roam the streets now. To be frank, I think the recent fake news about Chinese smuggling Pakistani girls for organ harvesting has affected CPEC. When newspapers like Dawn report anti-China fake news, there is no way Beijing is going to ignore the signals.

From what I learned, having the route from Kashgar to Gwadar is nice to have but it is not critical. On the other hand, Myanmar is critical for China. CPEC is half investment and half foreign aid. Yet, one can still find gems like this on PDF :rolleyes:

@OsmanAli98 @Rasengan
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