Possibly. Pakistan is your closest ally. No doubt about that. That is not even a issue. But the problem is many Pakistan's do not act Pakistani's. The problem is within Pakistan many citizens identify as Muslims first and
NOT Pakistani. Those with this thinking are not interested in interests of Pakistan but identify with global Islam. This thinking like any thinking has force of natural logic to it. If you primarily identify with global Islam, your loyalties will be swayed primarily by issues like Palestine, Uighurs, Rohingyas etc
Those who identify with the nation state of Pakistan will naturally place importance to Sino-Pak relations and the emerging strategic alliance. To be just sure this conflict [between global Islamism and Pakistani nationalism] also has profound effects within the internal dynamic of Pakistan. Lot of the terrorism you see inside Pakistan is from global Islamists who do not agree with the nation state and it's policies as they regard them against Islam. Since their loyalty is to global Islamism or what they interpret as, they start a jihad against the state.
This contradiction between global Islamism and nationalism ~ the former emphasises loyalty to the Islamic brotherhood across the globe and the latter of course to Pakistani nationalism runs very deep in Pakistani society and has not been resolved. I even see it at play in UK. What you see being played out on the link below tears away at Pakistan, at some level every day.