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PDF is blocked by Chinese government in mainland China! Why?

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U set $60 billion debt trap to Pak and want them still be ur friend ??

CN promise to invest in Pak to boost the export, but trade war show that insead of coming to Pak as u guys promised, CN investors closed factories in CN and move to VN .

Stop lying and cheating ur friends, dude.

That is true, you would have expected with China-Pakistan alliance then many factories and industry would have been moved to Pak following the trade war.

But Vietnam got a huge chunk of all that investment despite relations not being as good between you & China.
Its was blocked on the advised by some Chinese user of PDF who saw how some Pakistanis view Chinese. The alliance has shown strain and PDF see no control over these abuses on Chinese by some pakistanis. They will work hard to ban Indian insulting Pakistanis LOC victory but when comes to Chinese, all kind of abuse from Turkish, Bangladesh and even its own Pakistanis will be ignore. This is not the way to build up an alliance with neighbour.

PDF will paid the price, trust me! China is a big country. You try to take the pie and yet still hurl insult at the one who gives you. If Pakistan couldnt get certain support from Chinese, you know the reason. Its takes 2 hands to clap. Our patience is not unlimited.

Its true that they are some bigshot for advising CPC politburo visited this forum and get a real life experience of the sentiment of Pakistan towards Chinese. And they are no fool who get trick by indian or american troll pretending to be real pakistanis. They have the resources to identify real Pakistanis comment and forumer to further shape their foreign policy. This foreign policy will have a ripper effect on Pakistanis future.

Just look at your post - it is full of ignorance and arrogance. You really need to control that attitude of yours because that attitude will bite you in your arse really bad. So, I highly doubt that the Chinese government would make decisions based on the opinions of ignorant bunch of Chinese PDFers like you and ban the site.
BUT IF this really is true then I have no hesitation in saying that the Chinese government is a bunch of gender-confused individuals who are incapable of listening to constructive criticism and in fact present themselves a bunch of fascist pi.gs. But as I have said that I highly doubt that the Chinese government is like this. I think you are just making stuff out of your arse.

And if the Chinese government really does listen and read the PDF, then my message to them is that you need to change your thinking and attitude and stop being so sensitive. Also because the day Pakistan walks out of Chinese camp will be the day when US will walk in and disintegration of China will happen very rapidly. You can deny all you want but this is the reality.
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I don't know about others , I never posted anything negative about Pakistan and I never talk about Pakistan in a condescending manner.

How? China is a good friend and biggest investor of all central Asian countries and Russia.

I like his smile man.. it is the same smile always.. that consistency is awesome...

And the route through pakistan to that new port is a golden economical ticket to avoid the India ocean and long sea days... you won;t dispute that, or would you?

what Islamist man. Pakistani liberals like me were also mad when we see this you guys did to us inside our country. be a friend not master ok
Imran Paaji, you guys are stronger than getting disrespected by idiots like this. Make a Flag law (if you don;t have one) and put the mofo in a jail and they won;t do it again.. simple..

Reality is your cultures are way too different... Hum biryani khaane waale, yeh manchuriyan khane waale.. So, there will be teething troubles.
the day Pakistan walks out of Chinese camp will be the day when US will walk in and disintegration of China will happen very rapidly. You can deny all you want but this is the reality.
You must be daydreaming, China and US were at odds for 7 decades and we even fought wars in Korea and Vietnam, we are replacing US now and time is on our side, US would break up long before China will.

I like his smile man.. it is the same smile always.. that consistency is awesome...

And the route through pakistan to that new port is a golden economical ticket to avoid the India ocean and long sea days... you won;t dispute that, or would you?
It's beneficial for both countries, stop sounding like it's only for China, China became the world biggest trading nation with one third of global foreign reserves without those routes and belts.
China got more supports on Uyghur issue from central asian Muslim countries than Pakistan openly.

even Saudi Arabia supported China openly.
Saudi Arabia promised back to moderate Islam, I'm wondering what Pakistan will do next.

@Beast @beijingwalker @Feng Leng @Dungeness and other Chinese members.

You got tons of support from govt of Pakistan. Show me a single time when govt has made statement or interfered.

As for people of Pakistan, you have to understand Pakistani society is very very different. People express their feeling openly without worrying about consequences. Did you never see Pakistani people openly talking crap about Pakistani govt or even military? Just look at Pakistani newspapers such as Express Tribune, Dawn, Geo, The Nation, etc et now much they criticize about govt and even army. There is no ban on criticism in Pakistan.

In my opinion the recent articles in many international press were a campaign by india and western govt to spread propaganda against China to manipulate the minds in entire Muslim World. China has very close friendly relations with Muslim World, be it Pakistan, Iran, Middle East, Africa, Central Asia, and even Turkeye was coming closer until this propaganda was launched. China should work to counter that propaganda. China should come out of its comfort zone and go for offensive position. I always say China should take the distraction into Indian Ocean Region and nobody will even notice South China Sea.

As for us Pakistanis we are our own enemies. We fall for propaganda in the blink of an eye. We forget that these same news agencies have launched propaganda against Balochistan and KPK too claiming Pakistan killing right group workers, while these same agencies are ignoring what goes in Indian Occupied Kashmir and Palestine.
Lol. Indians and Pakistanis despite their differences and chest thumping get along quite nicely overseas. No one likes the Chinese. They are a bunch of thin skinned buffoons who grow up under a communist regime. We grow up criticizing our leaders. They grow up doing as their State says. They have been a laughing stock for eons. They will continue to be one for eons.
You're talking rubbish. Overseas Indians have a MAJOR chip on their shoulder inferiority complex against overseas Pakistanis. As soon as you enter ANY professional field, Indian cliques will form and proliferate rapidly, lobbying unknowing John Smiths along the way. Dumb trusting Pakistan spent decades thinking Indians were their buddies here, Indians would stick up for them, Indians knew them better than John Smith so they would support the pakis... Mercifully my generation from 80's onwards snapped out of that dream when we realised what Indians have been doing behind the scenes to destroy overseas Pakistanis and even to destroy pakistan proper. Pakistanis have now started forming cliques and networks and "old boys clubs" and lobby groups. We are catching up..
It's beneficial for both countries, stop sounding like it's only for China, China became the world biggest trading nation with one third of global foreign reserves without those routes and belts.
Oh, so it was about my tonality? and you forgot that i was responding to a jingoistic fanboi who was dangling kashmir? I prefer to stay neutral myself.. but i was responding to someone else 'sounding' like pakistan needed china desperately.. that is why the tone might have read like that.
I don't know about others , I never posted anything negative about Pakistan and I never talk about Pakistan in a condescending manner.

The trend is growing amongst Chinese posters here.

There's a lot of bad stuff going on in China but we don't highlight it here. All nations have many social diseases, China is no exception.

Bashing Muslims is a no go for us. And I have seen enough such posts here that have been tolerated but a few threads on the rehab camps triggers your people to start posting threads in favour of PTM and BLA etc in a tit-for-tat.

Yes Chinese nationalism is very strong but we are not subservient to anyone. Your people should learn to ignore a handful posts on the camps and focus on understanding our ways as the numbers visiting Pakistan are increasing. Your people also need to understand that we are more tolerant and that should never be taken as a sign of weakness.

I'm an overseas Pakistani btw!

Also because the day Pakistan walks out of Chinese camp will be the day when US will walk in and disintegration of China will happen very rapidly.

Disagree! Utterly disagree!! It's like saying that Pakistan will be disintegrated by India without China. Incidentally some foolish posters say this too!
In response to this thread I would advise my Chinese friends to exercise caution when interpreting the comments on pdf or any forum. Where there is a degree of free speech, I.e. online, some clowns somewhere will always propogate some blatantly nonsensical article. Look at the Indian "f16 down" echo chambers for example. China should react to this propaganda in the calm and sensible way that we all have come to know and expect with the Chinese - that is to calmly disregard the idiots and pay attention to the real folks here who see through the garbage. If any Chinese or anyone else becomes hot headed and reacts to propaganda by blaming or accusing Pak as a whole, then Pakistanis will be forced to respond as it becomes a matter of honour and national pride, of which we have lots. So please Chinese friends - nothing has changed - propaganda has and always will exist. You can't eradicate all propaganda. You will have to learn to isolate and ignore it and trust your true friends in Pakistan and the overseas Pak community, who remain the vast vast majority, including ALL the major Pakistani political parties. If there truly was a threat to China from Pak, at least one of the main political parties would have hijacked it to score points - they dispute the colour of the sky to score points, so of course they would attack China if they could gain advantage by doing so.... But guess what, they all treat China like a true friend. That should be enough to calm some folks down.
Don't think anyone cares, lots of people start crying and threatening to quit if they don't like what is being posted. This is a forum with many members and some are teens/miserable people and you will get some funny flaming threads from time to time. Turkish members a lot of them left because they didn't get everything 100% their way and now Chinese doing same thing. Mods have handled things fairly and can only do so much to appease everyone.
That is true, you would have expected with China-Pakistan alliance then many factories and industry would have been moved to Pak following the trade war.

But Vietnam got a huge chunk of all that investment despite relations not being as good between you & China.
Cos VN is communist,so CN know thats we will never side wt US against CN cos VN could be the next US's target after CN collapse Thats why Xi, CN investors think that investing more in VN is much better than investing in Pak even when CN keep saying that Pak is "CN's best friend".

VN will not side wt US for sure cos we r communist and could be the next US's target, but CN is not sure when Pak will switch to US's side even Pak is " CN's best friend" now, so they never seriously invest to Pak like what they tell u guys.

I promised not talking more on this thread to avoid misunderstanding. So, hope u guys realize that cos Pak is not commnist, so CN never help u guys make money and never think u r friend cos they dont know when Pak will side wt US against CN.
I guess there will be less 50 cents army from mainland China on this website since this website is blocked in China by its government.:( After Xi came to power, things is really getting worse here(not just economically:devil:). Xi even blocked the English version of Wikipedia several weeks ago... Can you imagine that?:o:
I think this is because the PDF website is being hosted from USA(I think so) , and Chinese govt might have felt something insecure in it.
You're talking rubbish. Overseas Indians have a MAJOR chip on their shoulder inferiority complex against overseas Pakistanis. As soon as you enter ANY professional field, Indian cliques will form and proliferate rapidly, lobbying unknowing John Smiths along the way. Dumb trusting Pakistan spent decades thinking Indians were their buddies here, Indians would stick up for them, Indians knew them better than John Smith so they would support the pakis... Mercifully my generation from 80's onwards snapped out of that dream when we realised what Indians have been doing behind the scenes to destroy overseas Pakistanis and even to destroy pakistan proper. Pakistanis have now started forming cliques and networks and "old boys clubs" and lobby groups. We are catching up..

I came here in germany for my higher studies and interacted with many indians first time in my life, I never found them compatible with myself at all, so I don't know where the hell this claim that "overseas indians" are "best buddies" of overseas pakistanis comes from, I have found indian students and their mindset, behaviour and "worldview" drastically different than mine or other pakistani students. I found middle eastern students from jordan, iraq, syria, palastine, egypt, libiya, algeria, moroco much more similar in their mindset, ethics and behavirour to pakistanis than indians.
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