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PDF is blocked by Chinese government in mainland China! Why?

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Okay, but the truth still is: CN didnt move their factories to Pak as promised before giving $60billion loan (but moving to VN instead)
that phase has still not initiated current phase of building infrastructure IS STILL IN PROGRESS second phase was discussed and soon agreement will be reached

So, $60billion CN loan is a debt trap, and u may lose the port like Sri Lanka. After Pak lose her port, then CN will send her PLA to "protect" the port in 99 years.
don't post this thing again ....this is the third time you posted this shit don't take advantage of freedom allowed at this forum
that phase has still not initiated current phase of building infrastructure IS STILL IN PROGRESS second phase was discussed and soon agreement will be reached
CN is in trade war now, if their factories still not move to Pak now, then it means it Never move to Pak but already moved in VN.

CN factories have to move now cos they will go bankrupted under 25++% tariff.

We can wait and see in 5 years, still No CN factories moved to Pak as promised cos they all moved to VN already to avoid bankrupted under 25++% tariff.

Ok ,no more posting on this thread in 5 years. U can keep hoping, but most of Cnese investors who need to move out of CN r already in VN now. Tks
Care about yourself first. You are the one get corner. As if your r/s with US is on good term? US is willing to slaughter Pakistan for India. China never has the master and US attitude and I think you confused China with US? But China do not allow giving the pie and yet still received insult in the end.

China is a big country and we have the ability to stand up to US.

There's no country on earth that can stand up to America if it was to use its full military might. That's not rhetoric that's a fact. Furthermore, you don't want to antagonise a country which has a million hardcore fighters that stood up to Soviets and the American's. End of the day its Pakistan's stance on Afghanistan that has won the game. Pakistan has nothing to lose but China has everything to lose. It takes a single fatwa after the Afghan war to get those fighters to turn their guns on China. The only reason why it hasn't happened is because of the Chinese intelligence service working with ISI. Otherwise, those guns could have easily turned on China if the tribal elders were convinced by the demands of the Uighurs. Such a policy would get the American's knocking on our doorstep and offering a hand of friendship.

I like China for a number of reasons. But what pisses me off about Chinese members on this forum is they get triggered by a comment on a forum. You must have lived a sheltered life. But don't even think about using a superior tone on us or how grateful we should be for your investment. Chinese companies are making money and it's for your strategic interests rather than a free hand out. For those Chinese members who claim top officials come to this website to understand Pakistani sentiment are talking bullshit. Most top CPC members don't even know how to use an email and you think they will waste their time like fools looking at comments on the internet? You must be daft and know jackshit playing armchair politician on an internet forum.
No, it's not happening here. Critism of China uyghur policy is allow here while topic about balouchistan and pashtun plight of pakistan is not allow here and will be whitewashed as Pakistan is peaceful and no oppression occurs. While thread attempt to talk about this issue is not even allow to exist. You call that mutual and respect?

It's more of you Pakistanis attempting to impose superiority on Chinese.

Uyghers are Muslims hence there are posts on it and we want to know what's going on to our fellow Muslims. A hardcore nationalist atheist won't understand that!

We didn't go to Yemen war with our longer ally because Yemenis are Muslims. But a hardcore nationalist atheist won't understand that either!

Mutual and respects stops at attack on Muslims!

I'm in favour of rehab camps as long as China is not forcing change of faith. There is no provision for terrorism in Islam so rehab to remove terrorism elements or influences is fine by me and majority Pakistanis.

Now tell me, how and why would a Chinese Atheist be sympathetic towards PTM/BLA?

Plus Pakistan has supported you in stopping terrorism spreading to West China.
No, pashtun and Balouchistan news are not allowed to be discuss here. You are being selective. Show me a thread that can still exist talking aboout Pakistan punjabi abuse of minor group? I opend a thread and was swiftly shut down/delete it.

Pakistanis will claim no such thing exist. Only a few dozen demonstrator. Those demonstrators are paid by US, india.

If you are going to open up a thread about the plight of Pashtun's then at least educate yourself. 1) A third of our army is Pashtun. 2) Our Prime Minister is Pashtun. 3) Some of the biggest businessmen in Pakistan are Pashtun. What abuse are you talking about? Give us an example where the Punjabi's are abusing Pashtuns. You do know most of the power doesn't lie with Punjabi's? Most of our military men come from the region of Pothohar Plateau which consider themselves different to Punjabi's.
CN is in trade war now, if their factories still not move to Pak now, then it means it Never move to Pak but already moved in VN.
apparently you don't know much about Pakistan, safety CAN NOT be guaranteed outside of a few cities, that's where factories are supposed to be built.

so far CPEC is only laying down some ground work, roads, power plants, etc.. Pakistan is still decades away from being industrialized
Trust me, I have seen enough. Are you saying Oscar is overseas pakistanis? We do have abilities to track and identify real pakistanis vs those fake trash. You need to admit such problem between Pakistan and China do exist.

How do you explain Dawn anti-China policy? Are they overseas based pakistanis website or news agency?

This proves when you have no knowledge then its best to pipe down and learn. I have explained to you many times along with other Chinese members that Dawn is funded by the American's and they have attacked the Pakistani military for years, therefore do you honestly think they would give a shit about China and give them a free card. Thank God, the CPC is clever and is not run by clowns. This is why CPC is boss, your opinion doesn't matter or any other Chinese member. CPC wants a relationship with Pakistan the rest including Pakistani citizens can parrot their bullshit all they want.

apparently you don't know much about Pakistan, safety CAN NOT be guaranteed outside of a few cities, that's where factories are supposed to be built.

so far CPEC is only laying down some ground work, roads, power plants, etc.. Pakistan is still decades away from being industrialized

What are you talking about? Food Ranger and his Chinese wife Ting from Chengdu visited the whole of Pakistan. I have seen many Chinese tourists in our northern areas.
If you are going to open up a thread about the plight of Pashtun's then at least educate yourself. 1) A third of our army is Pashtun. 2) Our Prime Minister is Pashtun. 3) Some of the biggest businessmen in Pakistan are Pashtun. What abuse are you talking about? Give us an example where the Punjabi's are abusing Pashtuns. You do know most of the power doesn't lie with Punjabi's? Most of our military men come from the region of Pothohar Plateau which consider themselves different to Punjabi's.
I can talk about it but I am sure, it will be delete and sensor by moderator here. Moderator will deemed what I claim is fake and Pakistan is so peaceful and no prejudice against minority. None of PA chief of army is ever appointed by non Punjabi for past 30 years. Pakistan Army has the power to over run civilian rule. This is the key to ensure Punjabi holding onto army. I can even dig up more topic to talk about Punjabi, pashtun, Baloch events and the reason afganistan refuse to recognised some of the Pakistan territories which is draw up by British Raj legacy.
I can talk about it but I am sure, it will be delete and sensor by moderator here. Moderator will deemed what I claim is fake and Pakistan is so peaceful and no prejudice against minority. None of PA chief of army is ever appointed by non Punjabi for past 30 years. Pakistan Army has the power to over run civilian rule. This is the key to ensure Punjabi holding onto army. I can even dig up more topic to talk about Punjabi, pashtun, Baloch events and the reason afganistan refuse to recognised some of the Pakistan territories which is draw up by British Raj legacy.

I'll tell you what open a thread up on those issues and I will support your right. Now prove to me with an example where the Punjabi's are abusing minorities? What are you talking about? General Musharraf was a muhajir so your point on not electing a non-Punjabi PA chief in the last 30 years is debunked. Again you don't understand Pakistan at all. The Punjabi's don't hold the power in the military its the people from the Pothwar plateau. Do you know why? Because 50% of the armed forces come from that region its a place known for producing warriors. In fact, during the first and second world war, most of the Indian subcontinent soldiers came from this region.
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I can talk about it but I am sure, it will be delete and sensor by moderator here. Moderator will deemed what I claim is fake and Pakistan is so peaceful and no prejudice against minority. None of PA chief of army is ever appointed by non Punjabi for past 30 years. Pakistan Army has the power to over run civilian rule. This is the key to ensure Punjabi holding onto army. I can even dig up more topic to talk about Punjabi, pashtun, Baloch events and the reason afganistan refuse to recognised some of the Pakistan territories which is draw up by British Raj legacy.

This alone justifies the ban of PDF in China. People like you are your own enemy because the response you will get for doing so won't be pretty!
CTGN, CCTV, Global times and all official news agency of China never post a single article hinting or even possible abuse of Pashtun, Balouchistan events by Punjabi of Pakistan. That is the kind of respect we Chinese has for Pakistan, what we ask is fairness of not to interfere in our internal affair.
Its because all those channels you mentioned are controlled by communist china government but Pakistani media outlets and pdf are not controlled by Pakistani government. You are living in an autocratic regime and you think like that. For example people here abuse government and military publicly. Can you do the same in China without being jailed.
What are you talking about? Food Ranger and his Chinese wife Ting from Chengdu visited the whole of Pakistan. I have seen many Chinese tourists in our northern areas.

no doubt the security situation has improved a lot in the last deccade, but from what I heard it is still the
No.1 concern for many chinese companies

besides.. tourists are not there to stay, totally different than runing a factory there
I can talk about it but I am sure, it will be delete and sensor by moderator here. Moderator will deemed what I claim is fake and Pakistan is so peaceful and no prejudice against minority. None of PA chief of army is ever appointed by non Punjabi for past 30 years. Pakistan Army has the power to over run civilian rule. This is the key to ensure Punjabi holding onto army. I can even dig up more topic to talk about Punjabi, pashtun, Baloch events and the reason afganistan refuse to recognised some of the Pakistan territories which is draw up by British Raj legacy.
I can talk about it but I am sure, it will be delete and sensor by moderator here. Moderator will deemed what I claim is fake and Pakistan is so peaceful and no prejudice against minority. None of PA chief of army is ever appointed by non Punjabi for past 30 years. Pakistan Army has the power to over run civilian rule. This is the key to ensure Punjabi holding onto army. I can even dig up more topic to talk about Punjabi, pashtun, Baloch events and the reason afganistan refuse to recognised some of the Pakistan territories which is draw up by British Raj legacy.

You want another example of non-Punjabi PA chief? General Abdul Kakar is a Pashtun. General Aslam Beg is another muhajir.
Its was blocked on the advised by some Chinese user of PDF who saw how some Pakistanis view Chinese. The alliance has shown strain and PDF see no control over these abuses on Chinese by some pakistanis. They will work hard to ban Indian insulting Pakistanis LOC victory but when comes to Chinese, all kind of abuse from Turkish, Bangladesh and even its own Pakistanis will be ignore. This is not the way to build up an alliance with neighbour.

@Beast, to tell the truth, your attitude is surely a liability to your Government in their effort to build up image and soft power to the world. I still respect to @beijingwalker. He's more mature than you in many way. I think I can understand that he's frustrated just because his Xinjiang threads were attacked by Anti China Trolls in here. He show his frustration and feel angry, I can understand that. And I hope Pakistani friends can understand and help him. But you, you don't help at all. You have successfully turn your ally into an enemy. You make people who have sympathy to China, to change their heart and hate you more. Is that good for China?

Are you for a chance an anti social person who don't know how to interact with other?
I'll tell you what open a thread up on those issues and I will support your right. Now prove to me with an example where the Punjabi's are abusing minorities? What are you talking about? General Musharraf was a muhajir so your point on not electing a non-Punjabi PA chief in the last 30 years is debunked. Again you don't understand Pakistan at all. The Punjabi's don't hold the power in the military its the people from the Pothwar plateau. Do you know why? Because 50% of the armed forces come from that region its a place known for producing warriors. In fact, during the first and second world war, most of the Indian subcontinent soldiers can't from this region.
I open up and post a YouTube video of 2019 about huge demonstration of pashtun gather together to vent their oppression by Punjabi and even link of article talking about oppression about them. Of cos the famous incident about the murder of pashtun male model. All this were swiftly closed, delete by moderator.

While thread about uyghur abused by Hans Chinese and million of uyghur imprison by Chinese will continue to exist and claim by pakistanis as real. Millions? I don't even know we have prison that can keep millions of them? See the selective policy deploy here.
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