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PDF is blocked by Chinese government in mainland China! Why?

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You want another example of non-Punjabi PA chief? General Abdul Kakar is a Pashtun. General Aslam Beg is another muhajir.

Gen. Abdul Waheed Kakar was a pashtun from Balochistan and he served as Army chief in early 90s. I suspect even Gen. Jahangir Karamat the army chief in middle 90s was also a Muhajir.
I'll tell you what open a thread up on those issues and I will support your right. Now prove to me with an example where the Punjabi's are abusing minorities? What are you talking about? General Musharraf was a muhajir so your point on not electing a non-Punjabi PA chief in the last 30 years is debunked. Again you don't understand Pakistan at all. The Punjabi's don't hold the power in the military its the people from the Pothwar plateau. Do you know why? Because 50% of the armed forces come from that region its a place known for producing warriors. In fact, during the first and second world war, most of the Indian subcontinent soldiers can't from this region.
Don't fall for his trolling and idiocy
no doubt the security situation has improved a lot in the last deccade, but from what I heard it is still the
No.1 concern for many chinese companies

besides.. tourists are not there to stay, totally different than runing a factory there

The only concern is Balochistan. There is no industry in Balochistan, in fact, the population size is too small to handle running a factory. Most of the industrial parks will be in Sindh, Punjab and KPK unless a significant amount of migration happens. You can't have factories if your infrastructure isn't built. If you read the first phase of CPEC this is what they are doing. CPEC has 3 phases and its a long term project.
@Beast, to tell the truth, your attitude is surely a liability to your Government in their effort to build up image and soft power to the world. I still respect to @beijingwalker. He's more mature than you in many way. I think I can understand that he's frustrated just because his Xinjiang threads were attacked by Anti China Trolls in here. He show his frustration and feel angry, I can understand that. And I hope Pakistani friends can understand and help him. But you, you don't help at all. You have successfully turn your ally into an enemy. You make people who have sympathy to China, to change their heart and hate you more. Is that good for China?

Are you for a chance an anti social person who don't know how to interact with other?
I am here just to expose their selective policy and self proclaim righteous. They are living in delusion that only Chinese oppress others while Pakistanis Punjabi are angel.

There is a saying for Chinese. You don't do what u don't want others to do to you. If you are a tyrant and has the balls to admit what u have done. I will at least admit your honesty but what I cant stand are hypocrite just like the American who claim freedom and human right but support regime and oppressive monarch like Saudi.
I wasn't expecting this much ignorance and insecurity to be displayed by internet Chinese ...... but well I was wrong.

Dude you seriously need to cut your blind application of Islamist labels ...... heck you have invented a new one "Pakistani Islamist". I daily workout in gym and see your Chinese girls wearing tight yoga pants, smiling, singing, dancing and working out with Pakistani males, no one cares and no one goes gaga like you are trying to imply.

It is as plain as this ........ you haven't helped us one bit more than how much we have helped you.

You can keep your individual support for Kashmir to yourself, we never asked neither requested. As if you will be able to handle india and US influence in this region alone.

I do not think, it is the ignorance of Chines about Pakistan that they do not understand about sentiment of Pakistan.Rather It is the mindset of Chines Gov that got inherited to mind of people of being intolerant with people or institution that are even slightest difference in opinion with them...That is the problem..
There is a saying for Chinese. You don't do what u don't want others to do to you. If you are a tyrant and has the balls to admit what u have done. I will at least admit your honesty but what I cant stand are hypocrite just like the American who claim freedom and human right but support regime and oppressive monarch like Saudi.

I have a feeling that you are actually an "iranian" pretending here to be a chinese.
aby aab yeh waqt dekhna thaa chinese bhi har malba Punjab py dalna shru jiss sy un ka dur dur tak kuch laina daina nahi :(
I open up and post a YouTube video of 2019 about huge demonstration of pashtun gather together to vent their oppression by Punjabi and even link of article talking about oppression about them. Of cos the famous incident about the murder of pashtun male model. All this were swiftly closed, delete by moderator.

While thread about uyghur abused by Hans Chinese and million of uyghur imprison by Chinese will continue to exist and claim by pakistanis as real. Millions? I don't even know we have prison that can keep millions of them? See the selective policy deploy here.

Where was the Pashtun male model killed?:) You don't understand the internal politics of Karachi. Number 1: He was killed in Karachi a city in Sindh. Number 2: There's a big divide between the Pashtuns, Sindhi's and muhajir. That policeman who killed him was Asif Zardari man who is the head of PPP. This incident has nothing to do with Punjab. This is why the mods shut your thread down because you are looking for something that doesn't exist. I have defended China on this forum and I won't change my stance on that issue because a few Chinese members get triggered by comments by Pakistani's. CPC is boss, the rest doesn't matter. The Pakistani military is boss the rest doesn't matter.
aby aab yeh waqt dekhna thaa chinese bhi har malba Punjab py dalna shru jiss sy un ka dur dur tak kuch laina daina nahi :(

This @Beast is most probably a false flagger, the hate that he is spewing against "punjabis" of pakistan is so odd coming from a "chinese" who don't even know what a "punjabi" is.
I open up and post a YouTube video of 2019 about huge demonstration of pashtun gather together to vent their oppression by Punjabi and even link of article talking about oppression about them. Of cos the famous incident about the murder of pashtun male model. All this were swiftly closed, delete by moderator.

While thread about uyghur abused by Hans Chinese and million of uyghur imprison by Chinese will continue to exist and claim by pakistanis as real. Millions? I don't even know we have prison that can keep millions of them? See the selective policy deploy here.

You are on a Pakistani forum! Get that in your head. It's visited by a large majority of Pakistanis. Chinese members are handful at most!

If anyone posts about camps on a Chinese run forum then you have every right to delete those threads there too! We know all too well how some in China react towards foreigners highlighting anything negative in China - death threats and whatnot.

Want to post about PTM etc, do so on a Chinese run forum! We are not going to allow any threads on sensitive topics that effects the MAJORITY of our forum.

You won't be allowed free reign on this forum. Get that past your thick skin and stop testing our patience.
@Beast, to tell the truth, your attitude is surely a liability to your Government in their effort to build up image and soft power to the world. I still respect to @beijingwalker. He's more mature than you in many way. I think I can understand that he's frustrated just because his Xinjiang threads were attacked by Anti China Trolls in here. He show his frustration and feel angry, I can understand that. And I hope Pakistani friends can understand and help him. But you, you don't help at all. You have successfully turn your ally into an enemy. You make people who have sympathy to China, to change their heart and hate you more. Is that good for China?

Are you for a chance an anti social person who don't know how to interact with other?

Great post. Chinese members should do their best to dispel these rumours of oppression. I have defended China on this issue even arguing with my fellow countrymen. But when someone (Chinese member) attacks Pakistan rather than the poster it annoys me because even someone like me who likes China for multiple reasons thinks what's the point. It doesn't change the fact that the Chinese military wants a relationship with the Pakistani military and the CPC wants a relationship with PTI. Public's opinion doesn't matter.
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