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Pashtun Forum, specially made for Pakistani Pashtuns

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Feb 23, 2008
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United States

Today is quite a memorable day, a close friend of mine and I have made history today. We have started the first ever "Pakistani" Pashtun Forum in the world.

Link: Pashtuns - Our Community

This was my aim, but complete honor goes to the person who helped me by contriving this forum (He suggested not being mentioned) The pashtuns of Pakistan, the silent majority have consistently been made fun of, misinformed, and taken advantage of, not by our enemies but by our very own people that subsist on the other side of the border. We've been called Slaves, Dal Khors, Pakis, Porkis, Hindus, anything you can think of that offends a typical Pakistani. Why? Only by reason of reality that we love Pakistan.

Now that we have our own Forum, I can Proudly say to any Pashtun that I love Pakistan. :pakistan:

To all the Pashtuns in PDF, I recommend you join. This is our moment to reveal to those Pakistani haters that there exists a majority of Pashtuns who will sacrifice their lives for Pakistan. So please take your part by joining, and support the originator of this forum.

Thank You. Pakistan Zindabad :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

Pashtuns - Our Community
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Kudos to SwatiBrave1 & friends...

I hope this Pashtun forum will have better communication unlike the earlier one(I found harsh for neighbouring countries).
Great effort by the creators of the forum.
The layout looks clean,simple and pretty with red header and a nice background. Wish u guys all the success.
Get ready for the flak that will come your way from the ANP-types. It is usually unbearable for most Pakistani Pushtuns. Best of luck.
You know what Swatai wrora, you guys have always had my highest respect because of your patriotism for your country. so dont take some mis informed people's words in heart, who knows, they probably realize the reality one day.
:pakistan:Congratulations! Wishing you all the best success!:pakistan:

:smitten:liked the minimalist interface :smitten:
wakhaee wrora. damn you are more active than me :( i was working on the same. But great great great great whoever makes it. Its a true step towards presenting view of Pukhtuns :) unlike some in disguise at the other place.

I love it. here i come
Congratulations Brother.

I hope you will immediately without question or warnings bann anyone who talks bad about Pakistan or its people.

This Pashtun Forum: Worldwide Pashtun Website is full of moor kwas kaffirs who are allowed to preach hate against Pakistan and its people and some people claim they are from SWAT, Kyber, Peshwar .:angry:

And the stupid idiot NICK and BLV their tribal elders who they all kiss butt too are full of crap who are always up to lies and propaganda.

Ujzd aosedal Pakistan! :pakistan:

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This is a good idea, our country is Pakistan, we will work for it and not against it unlike some people who are unfortunately found in our nation.

I too have signed up to this forum.

Like Jinnah said, I am an Indian first, second and third before the creation of Pakistan.

Our motto should be, we are Pakistani first, second and third. Not caring about our ethnic background or religion/religious sect.

My other motto in life, do before you think, unfortunately it has got me into lots of trouble.
:) And we will also welcome all those who are not Pukhtuns. We welcome their point of view without crossing the decency
I have great respect for Pakhtoons or in simple words Pathans (I dont know why Pakhtoon frnd find it offensive, it sounds to me a nice name for community).. If you have Pakhtoon friend then trust me you can believe him blindly. Their faith for friendship is so strong that they can go upto any extend for friends. In early days, Bollywood always portray them in nice pictures.. remember Khuda Gawah and Janzeer...
Very good step swatithebrave and friends. We appreciate your efforts and hopefully it will be proved a true stage of patriotic Pakistani Pakhtoons.
way to go swati..ive joined, and it looks splendid.

It would be even great if we could affiliate these two forums (defence.pk and pashtuns.pk), it will help gather up more support for the forum

next stop baloch.pk :pakistan:
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