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Pakistan's economy was deliberately destroyed by Pmln: Dr Ashfaq Hassan

Okay, having established the above, let me circle back to your older post:

The improvements that are mentioned are merely statistical noise, with the underlying imbalances still remaining largely unchanged.

The PKR was sinking fast until PMIK decided to seek IMF assistance against his earlier vows. Presently it is in a holding pattern and will remain so until the results of meeting IMF conditionalities become more evident. It is likely that, like all the times in the past, Pakistan will fail to successfully complete the present IMG program and the PKR will resume its steady downward trends. Inflation will therefore remain a likely feature for domestic prices, specially for imports and imported inputs.

As the PKR falls in value, as it must over the long term, given the imbalances in the underlying principles, inflation will likely remain high. Pakistan simply consumes far more than it produces, and much of the balance that is rectified by remittances is spent on imported goods, directly or indirectly. The remainder merely causes more inflation for those who earn in PKR, and thus they get priced out of the markets for good housing, schooling and much more besides.

The circular debt continues to rise in the energy sector. Hoping for dams to come online and dent this growth is too far in the future to be of any help currently as the mismanagement causes higher and higher debt until the entire edifice collapses, as it mus, if the basics, regardless of how they were arrived at, remain the same.

Perhaps you may want to read this OP before we proceed further on this point:

Please keep in mind that what the IMF prescribes is based on sound principles, but the government simply does not have the will or the power to implement the required steps. That has not changed since all the prior IMF programs.

IMF's recommendation needs to be followed religiously if economy is to be set on correct trajectory. Playing with numbers is akin to keep digging.
IMF's recommendation needs to be followed religiously if economy is to be set on correct trajectory. Playing with numbers is akin to keep digging.

That may be true, but no government has ever successfully completed an IMF program, and the present setup will likely follow that record too.
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