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Pakistan's acquisition of the U-214

Eat this??? Where did that come from?

Yeah I know .. sometime such things sprout out when armchair generals announce their declarations "IN is only numerically superior"... Of course it wouldn't be a debate is there weren't any counter to it wouldn't it! Aww its Wednesday night anyway...
My comment about Babur was in line with what the Navy has been thinking along the lines of providing a land attack capability (potentially the third leg of the N-triad). I think it will require considerable work but I think with the U-214s, the options are greater than any other conventional platform

Just to play devils advocate.. Do you think that goiven the amount of resources in nuclear field, would Pakistan risk diverting resources in miniaturising nukes for cruise missiles. Also given your nations cofidence and the reliability and the difficulty to intercept BM's after so much investment why would Pakistan move on to sub launched cruise missiles.

@ our thick head indopakfriend.

no matter how much you try the fact still remains that german U-214 is way advanced then your u-209, akula class and Scorpene subs.
@ our thick head indopakfriend.

no matter how much you try the fact still remains that german U-214 is way advanced then your u-209, akula class and Scorpene subs.

Pc mara bahi let it go they go in circles as always with knowing the fact yet they still deny it as always hahaha :smokin: :disagree:
I aint need to prove anything .. if you still don't know then you are either lazy to read or too proud to accept. Compare the micro procrurement aspects and you will see the larger picture. As they say the devil lies in detail > Radar, air defense radar procrurement(for Navy), AAM,s and I can still go on. Please tell me why PN surface fleet with three odd 214 is qualitatively superior to IN. AFAIK PN surface combatants are nothing short of joke. If you can swallow some pride read about IN and its future procurements and order sheets. Why should I dig it up. Even this forum has pretty much good details with regards to IN..
nope, in previous arguments, I've wasted my time providing sources and proof to back my statements, you didn't. This time, it's your duty to back yourself up.

my proposal still stands, start a thread and explain in full detail how your navy can dominate right now or in the future, whichever you choose. enlighten us on what ships the indian navy operates, and what weapon systems are utilized on those ships.

Also, please do not confuse the audience by switching timelines for both navies, like most indians do on these defense forums. for example, a typical indian will start blabbering about Scorpenes when comparing Agostas, although Scorpenes will be inducted not too long before we get our U-214's.
Why would Pakistan buy something India rejected ? which missile will it fire ?


Yeah its made up of plastic and that's why India rejected it and yes it cannot fire missiles it will be used by Pakistan Navy for catching fish in Deep sea. Happy now :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Grow up mann, why don't you check the neutral sources first as your name says " Always Neutral ". U-214 is one of the best Submarines (U-boats in German) in the world and they are armed with Eight (8) 533 mm torpedo tubes and Four (4) subharpoon-capability. May be in the future Pakistani manufactured U-214 may have the nuclear and cruise missile launching Capability.

As far as rejection by India is concerned even if India rejected it, it doesn't mean that its totally crap.
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Just because you are un-informed the sun will not stop rising.

Please read this and then kindly shut up.


Indian Submarine Battle : Scorpene vs U-214 [Archive] - Key Publishing Ltd Aviation Forums

Mind your language, Dont forget where you are speaking, Did you had all the information from your Mother's womb ? Are you a born defence analyst ?

I will respect the rules of this forum and i will not start a personal fight with you and if you don't have the guts for the positive debate why don't you change your screen name or what are you doing on this forum ?

I said it before if India has rejected this SUB it doesn't mean that its crap and the sun will not stop rising., Its like India bought a HP compaq and Pakistan went for DELL simple is that. France and Germany are famous for their subs and every country selects a product which suits its requirements.

Please give a healthy contribution to this forum and debate positively, This is not Baharat Rakshak.
Mind your language, Dont forget where you are speaking, Did you had all the information from your Mother's womb ? Are you a born defence analyst ?

I will respect the rules of this forum and i will not start a personal fight with you and if you don't have the guts for the positive debate why don't you change your screen name or what are you doing on this forum ?

I said it before if India has rejected this SUB it doesn't mean that its crap and the sun will not stop rising., Its like India bought a HP compaq and Pakistan went for DELL simple is that. France and Germany are famous for their subs and every country selects a product which suits its requirements.

Please give a healthy contribution to this forum and debate positively, This is not Baharat Rakshak.

My language is fine and if you don't like it then report it. You are the one who is unaware that the 214 was offered to India but yet you claim that its the best.

Mind your language, Dont forget where you are speaking, Did you had all the information from your Mother's womb ? Are you a born defence analyst ?

Please give a healthy contribution to this forum and debate positively, This is not Baharat Rakshak.

Who is being personal ? U donot know anything about submarines but are ready to lecture people like me which is the best submarine.

BTW how are you going to intergrate the Harpoon on the U 214 ?

My language is fine and if you don't like it then report it. You are the one who is unaware that the 214 was offered to India but yet you claim that its the best.


I WAS NOT aware but now I am and that's why i joined this forum to get information and Stay up to date.
ya so whats your point?
PN rejected scorpene over a better U-214.
more then 7+ navys have placed orders on u-214 because its a better sub.
kindly :sniper: yourself becase you are no where close to being a neutral person.

Please show me the link ?

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