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Pakistanis freak out over Islamabad U exhibit showing Israeli culture

Israeli culture is quite unknown in India as well. Wish we had similar cultural programmes - I mean more of them. :ashamed:
What you saying. Places like Goa and Manali are full of Israeli backpackers. Most of them are IDF personnel on vacations. And I don't know if it is true or not but someone told me IDF actually sponsors these vacations for its soldiers.

In fact Kasol is so infested with Israeli themed restaurants that it is difficult find authentic Himachali cuisine (if such a thing ever existed)
Show me if MUN booth had big letters saying "zionism zindabad".

I suggest you go back and read why the (real) UN recommended cultural isolation of South Africa.

Just show it instead dragging this thread down the pond filled with hatred and ghussa.

I also suggest you educate yourself on how to conduct a debate instead of foaming at the mouth and yelling Islamist and hatred at anyone who disagrees with you..
It is a favourite Marketing Tactics, (not for Brands or Products), that suits only for Drama , Films or any POLITICAL STUNT
More you make the subject Controversial more it gets free Publicity
Free Publicity is the favourite choice of any contender......instead of paying the price for same material
It is a DOUBLE EDGE sword, that can work in your favour but can cut you in two HALVES
Like I dont like feeding these ....Political Stunts like
a) Iranian khomeni - where he declared Salman rushdie kafir and declared to Killed him as soon as possible
b) Danish Cartoon
c) Tasleema nasreen & Mukhtara Maii type of Characters
d) Israeli culture show.....??

I dont know why People wont understand that simple LAWs of the nature, if they stop themselves for OVERREACTION and Inflating other community members --- then that type of Negative Activites dies out instantly ....but our Zealot fragments of society makes them appear as DO OR DIE for their faith
OP, Israeli cultural exhibits I can agree are harmless. But the kind of response they warranted, though disproportionate and misplaced, is to be expected given all the 'bad press' shall we say?

MUN conferences are in full swing here too.

You are one of the sane voices on this forum. I pray God bless you forever.

i have read your comments on other sites too and admire your views.
What you saying. Places like Goa and Manali are full of Israeli backpackers. Most of them are IDF personnel on vacations. And I don't know if it is true or not but someone told me IDF actually sponsors these vacations for its soldiers.

In fact Kasol is so infested with Israeli themed restaurants that it is difficult find authentic Himachali cuisine (if such a thing ever existed)
they're not active duty or sponsored by IDF but mostly kids just out of their draft and looking to spend 2 years of pay and have a bit of fun

watch "why like this: Israelis in India" on youtube
Indian culture is derived from our culture,of which many are already aware.

How do look at women wearing black veils in Pakistan? Following imported culture or local culture?

As to the utter stupidity of your claim that indian culture is derived from pakistani culture, i'll file that under stupid and funny from farhan.
Politics should be removed from colleges and universities. Institutes of education are for teaching our younger ones everything.

To answer your query @FaujHistorian about Kashmiri freedom struggle, the point is invalid. Yes, you could compare a Baloch stall in a Pak university for the same.

If the Israeli stall were a violation of law, then yes the students were at fault. But mention in a passport does not make it law.

@Developereo if one were to go by mentioning colonialism, racism, genocide etc there will be a lot of countries which would need to be boycotted, correct? You rightly pointed out about SA, now in this case is there was a UN mandate. Does a similar mandate exist for boycott of Israel? Fortunately or unfortunately, no. Let us assume that the Israeli stall was put up. How does it affect the students? They learn and form opinions themselves. Maybe, they will go back and read about what Israel does wrong too and form informed opinions themselves. Maybe, they will continue boycotting Israel or maybe they will take something from Israel which is beneficial for Pak? Would that not be a better way, than learning about somebody else?
The news about the stall WAS FIRST BROKEN by a journalist Hamza ameer who according himself a correspondent of Press tv Iran, nile Tv Egypt, NewsMobile Asia and Asia Times Online by circulating it on a journalists' online forum. Many termed it fake but the clarification from Islamic University confirmed that the stall was indeed set up.

The IJT students indeed protested but again there is no such information about any violence or violent act.
Here are few pics what these protesting students did







Now you can see how many of them ?
The above pictures clearly show that these were FEAW students so please do NOT use the word "Pakistanis freaked out". Word Pakistanis represent entire Pakistan but these few students do not.

Now at those all Indians who are just polluting this thread, for your information the VC of the university is a Saudi who was hosting this event.

This is an ISLAMIC University having foreign students from other Islamic countries too still it has this stall which in itself a BOLD step and we Pakistanis deserve praise for it.

If some students put up Israeli stall it was their right similarly if some students protested it was their right equally.

All those Indians posting BS in this thread are just pieces of intolerant Internet Hindutva who supported attacks on Pakistani sportsperson, intellectuals, Artists and writers by shiv sena Hindu extremists.

So fk off guys

What you saying. Places like Goa and Manali are full of Israeli backpackers. Most of them are IDF personnel on vacations. And I don't know if it is true or not but someone told me IDF actually sponsors these vacations for its soldiers.

In fact Kasol is so infested with Israeli themed restaurants that it is difficult find authentic Himachali cuisine (if such a thing ever existed)
Oh come on. They come. They booze and rave. :D We hardly see their culture, implying that drugs and fun/frolic only is NOT their culture entirely. :D
How do look at women wearing black veils in Pakistan? Following imported culture or local culture?

As to the utter stupidity of your claim that indian culture is derived from pakistani culture, i'll file that under stupid and funny from farhan.

Still doesn't change the fact that we are your ancestors and you have borrowed our culture though corrupted and highly modified

Monday, October 27, 2014
Pakistanis freak out over Islamabad U exhibit showing Israeli culture (UPDATE)

From the International Islamic University Islamabad's website on Friday:

International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI) is going to hold a three-day event titled “Women International Model United Nations 2014”. The event is being organized by the Faculty of Management Sciences (Female) and students’ advisor office of university which would kick off on Friday (today). The event includes social events, discussion sessions and many other activities.​

But something went horribly wrong. From The News Tribe:

A stall showing Israeli culture was arranged at International Islamic University Islamabad; the university administration confirmed that the stall was set up and it has formed a three-member committee to probe into the matter.

The stall for promotion of Israeli culture was arranged in a hall situated in the Faisal Mosque in Islamabad, the capital of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. A ceremony “UN Debate Contest” was also arranged by the Faculty of “Management Sciences Women Department”.

Some students, a few of those from other countries, set up the stall where items showing Israel’s culture were displayed. Banners in the background also showed the Israeli flag as well as pictures of the Israeli premier.


As the news about this stall came to fore, religious bodies, students and political organisations expressed their anger and threatened protest on Sunday (today).

The legal adviser of the University confirmed the presence of stall. The “UN Debate Contest” was also arranged by the Faculty of Management Sciences Women Department where the students set up their stalls of UN member states but the stall of Israel was arranged without permission of university administration, the adviser said.

The stall was closed immediately as it came into the notice of administration.

The local people said that without university administration’s permission it was impossible to set up such stall.

Various student organisations and religious parties said the act was tantamount to adding salt to the wounds of Palestinians.

Outraged students held a protest today, where they naturally burned Israeli flags:

(h/t Yenta Press)


The International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI) has removed the dean of the Faculty of Management Sciences (FMS) and a student adviser who were responsible for a three-day Model United Nations (MUN) event, which began on Friday.

The move followed reports that the university had organised an “Israeli cultural stall”, which began circulating on the Internet and via social media. This drew the ire of right-wing organisations, including the IIUI chapter of the Islami Jamiat Talaba (IJT), which staged a demonstration outside the National Press Club on Sunday to condemn the stall.​
i don't see anything wrong about just learning there culture… but promoting it is a big no no…. i like what israelis have done for themselves but you know what??? screw israel they can go to hell… they kill our fellow muslims…weather their culture is good or not we don't want any sign of it… these students who want to promote it should be deported to israel and get that israel hospitality towards muslims..

Oh bhai

Calm down.

These kids are running MUN.

you have any idea how it operates. MUN students in Israel are free to set up Pakistani info booth as well.

This is kids learning about other countries and cultures. (even the "enemy" countries).

chul jaanay day bhai

Pelnty of MUN discussions on India

while Modi gov kills our civilians.
we don't recognize israel as a country in pakistan…. so why make a stall for a country that we don't recognize?? make a palestine stall instead which includes israel….

Stop using Jewish inventions also lol.
why?? not every jew is an israeli…. and not every israeli is a jew….
learn to tell the difference before you open your mouth… you make your self look stupid…
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Read the OP. The Israeli stall was illegal and put up without permission in the first place.

The OP does not mention which laws were broken by the stall, and hence my question. Which rules are being used to determine that permission was needed and how? Was the content displayed on all stalls pre-approved?
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