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Pakistanis freak out over Islamabad U exhibit showing Israeli culture



Oh bhai you probably forgot that you live in the West that fully supports Israel.

So many anti-Israeli Islamists can't do squat where they live.

And yet they fan hateful $hit in Pakistan.

What a sorry excuse.

What a sad story of these few.
your are so full of yourself old man…
i live in the west but I'm speaking as a pakistani…
we don't want to do anything to israel… we just want the "haq" for palestinians.
we came from pakistan we don't fan hateful shit to pakistan but its the other way around.
we just are not *** kissers, and sell outs..

Monday, October 27, 2014
Pakistanis freak out over Islamabad U exhibit showing Israeli culture (UPDATE)

From the International Islamic University Islamabad's website on Friday:

International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI) is going to hold a three-day event titled “Women International Model United Nations 2014”. The event is being organized by the Faculty of Management Sciences (Female) and students’ advisor office of university which would kick off on Friday (today). The event includes social events, discussion sessions and many other activities.​

But something went horribly wrong. From The News Tribe:

A stall showing Israeli culture was arranged at International Islamic University Islamabad; the university administration confirmed that the stall was set up and it has formed a three-member committee to probe into the matter.

The stall for promotion of Israeli culture was arranged in a hall situated in the Faisal Mosque in Islamabad, the capital of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. A ceremony “UN Debate Contest” was also arranged by the Faculty of “Management Sciences Women Department”.

Some students, a few of those from other countries, set up the stall where items showing Israel’s culture were displayed. Banners in the background also showed the Israeli flag as well as pictures of the Israeli premier.


As the news about this stall came to fore, religious bodies, students and political organisations expressed their anger and threatened protest on Sunday (today).

The legal adviser of the University confirmed the presence of stall. The “UN Debate Contest” was also arranged by the Faculty of Management Sciences Women Department where the students set up their stalls of UN member states but the stall of Israel was arranged without permission of university administration, the adviser said.

The stall was closed immediately as it came into the notice of administration.

The local people said that without university administration’s permission it was impossible to set up such stall.

Various student organisations and religious parties said the act was tantamount to adding salt to the wounds of Palestinians.

Outraged students held a protest today, where they naturally burned Israeli flags:

(h/t Yenta Press)


The International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI) has removed the dean of the Faculty of Management Sciences (FMS) and a student adviser who were responsible for a three-day Model United Nations (MUN) event, which began on Friday.

The move followed reports that the university had organised an “Israeli cultural stall”, which began circulating on the Internet and via social media. This drew the ire of right-wing organisations, including the IIUI chapter of the Islami Jamiat Talaba (IJT), which staged a demonstration outside the National Press Club on Sunday to condemn the stall.​

Not all Pakistanis are as stupid, bigoted, ignorant, racist as these morons.

I criticize Israel when it needs to be criticized such as settlement buildings, persecution of palestinians and the disappropriate use of force but I don't out right hate Israel or its people.

This reaction is nothing more than the madrassah and media brainwashing of the Pakistani public by obsessing over Israel to somehow make Pakistan part of the Arab world and its enemies becoming our enemies.
your are so full of yourself old man…
i live in the west but I'm speaking as a pakistani…
we don't want to do anything to israel… we just want the "haq" for palestinians.
we came from pakistan we don't fan hateful shit to pakistan but its the other way around.
we just are not *** kissers, and sell outs..

A cat that pussy-foots in the West

tries to roar like a tiger in Pakistan.

But we all know

it is a Islamist Hand puppet of a cat if not downright a pussy purring.
A cat that pussy-foots in the West

tries to roar like a tiger in Pakistan.

But we all know

it is a Islamist Hand puppet of a cat if not downright a pussy purring.
your sell out who just likes to kiss ***….idk who you are trying to please but just know that your a reject amongst us pakistanis… you can say what you want behind your computer screen but you wouldn't open your mouth in real life.

your a class of people despised in every country…your aarundhati roy of pakistan… along with asma janghir, najam sethi and tarek fatah amongst others.. you all are despised people.
which israeli culture ? the polish one ,the russian one ,german one .isreal have no culture before 1950 and is culture after that is what ??? to thief ,to beg ,to bawl & cry ???????

bullcrap propaganda from these white people the culture is palestinian always was and will be .
Pakistani buffoons on here want to celebrate isreali culture when them white people dont got none ,check out op suleman trying to claim 1900 palestinian dress sense as isreali :lol:gtfo :lol:

brain dead Pakistanis getting fooled once again
which israeli culture ? the polish one ,the russian one ,german one .isreal have no culture before 1950 and is culture after that is what ??? to thief ,to beg ,to bawl & cry ???????

bullcrap propaganda from these white people the culture is palestinian always was and will be .
Pakistani buffoons on here want to celebrate isreali culture when them white people dont got none ,check out op suleman trying to claim 1900 palestinian dress sense as isreali :lol:gtfo :lol:

brain dead Pakistanis getting fooled once again

Most of the modern countries today are collection of different "sub" cultures.

Just like Pakistan is a collection of around 10+ cultures
or India is collection of 30+ cultures

Israel too is a collection of European and Middle Eastern and African cultures and many many sub-cultures.

But they are beautiful to experience if you ever get a chance to visit that country.

Just like I enjoy foods and festivals from so many cultures in Pakistan

I really enjoyed Arab, and European and African foods in one Place in Israel.

And good thing was that I didn't have to worry when the food is kosher.

So let's celebrate human beings without this political $hit 24 hours a day.

Thank yhou
And show me why the hell u came to that conclusion??

I just simply said that when u dont know how to swim, then why to jump in sea??

Students were learning to swim in the knowledge about other countries. ]

Jamati ghundas are the ones who started throwing $hit.

one would be extremely ignorant to equate the two groups.

Most of the modern countries today are collection of different "sub" cultures.

Just like Pakistan is a collection of around 10+ cultures
or India is collection of 30+ cultures

Israel too is a collection of European and Middle Eastern and African cultures and many many sub-cultures.

european culture ,me culture & african culture is Isreals :woot:

But they are beautiful to experience if you ever get a chance to visit that country.

LOL to experience the said cultures i visit isreal :hitwall:

Just like I enjoy foods and festivals from so many cultures in Pakistan

because Pakistan has a culture Isreal has nothing not even a national dish nothing

I really enjoyed Arab, and European and African foods in one Place in Israel.

I enjoyed the same foods in Pakistan but you know what its still Arab ,Euro & African not Pakistani cuisine

And good thing was that I didn't have to worry when the food is kosher.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
So let's celebrate human beings without this political $hit 24 hours a day.

Thank yhou
Students were learning to swim in the knowledge about other countries. ]

Jamati ghundas are the ones who started throwing $hit.

one would be extremely ignorant to equate the two groups.

They gave the reason jamatis to spoil the event. Maybe these students were also jamatis and all these drama was pre-planned to spoil that event
They gave the reason jamatis to spoil the event. Maybe these students were also jamatis and all these drama was pre-planned to spoil that event

now you are adding conspiracy theory within a conspiracy theory within a conspiracy theory.

Something like Russian egg (Fabergé egg) version of conspiracy theories.

Please carry on.
now you are adding conspiracy theory within a conspiracy theory within a conspiracy theory.

Something like Russian egg (Fabergé egg) version of conspiracy theories.

Please carry on.
Here conspiracies build up automatically. When students knew that this will happen, then why the fk they do it, and if they were doing it as a challenge, they themselves have to be prepared for the consequences.
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