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Pakistanis freak out over Islamabad U exhibit showing Israeli culture

China is a major power which has the resources to address this issue as it sees fit.

The Palestinians are in no position to counter or resist Israel. It is this gross disparity which makes the Israel/Palestine cause akin to what happened in South Africa.

So, right or wrong is dependent on the power of the bereaved party? What kind of logic is that?

Anybody can deal with Israel as they wish. This is not about forcing anyone else.

All we are saying is that we do not have to support Israel's propaganda.

Agreed. With not supporting part. You need not support it. But, there is also no need to go Rambo on it. The not forcing could also mean not forcing Pakistanis to follow a single line of thought?
Why don't you seek to change that? Wasn't India at its finest under Akbar?

I was talking about Pakistanis as you were talking about them- don't make it muslim jew or hindu thingy-

Omitting context is a sure sign that your argument is weak. Yet it's such distortions that have been popularized by Pakistan's education system for decades - not only because that's the sort of thing needed to tar good people but because it keeps the populace confused as to their real interests: good government with less corruption than that provided by the current leadership.

When you see normal people the every day Jews sitting on a sofa on top of a mountain enjoying the front seat view of indiscriminate havoc their military is causing across a settelment on civilian population i don't think you should have the morale high ground to blame some ones education or upbringing the negative views people have of you is on you - you yourself is responsible and to be blamed- your actions only verify whatever negativity you think we have been brought up to believe-

You talk about views or the society being systematically polarised we saw how much peaceful your people are- when we see young Israeli men women and children all across israel chanting death to Arabs- Good Arab is a Dead Arab lol-
The hate is mutual and i think you actually know that- besides you are very well known to be a poster always with a malicious intent- Take your false concerns some place else-
I was talking about Pakistanis as you were talking about them- don't make it muslim and jew thingy-

When you see normal people the every day Jews sitting on a sofa on top of a mountain enjoying the front seat view of indiscriminate havoc their military is causing across a settelment on civilian population i don't think you should have the morale high ground to blame some ones education or upbringing the negative views people have of you is on you - you yourself is responsible and to be blamed- your actions only verify whatever negativity you think we have been brought up to believe-
You talk about views or the society being systematically polarised we saw how much peaceful your people are- when we see young Israeli men women and children all across israel chanting death to Arabs- Good Arab is a Dead Arab lol-
The hate is mutual and i think you actually know that- besides you are very well known to be a poster always with a malicious intent- Take your false concerns some place else-
have u ever met a yahoodi,let alone a Israeli,,,for god sake!!?
how did u come up wid this mutual hate to begin wid,,,kya bakwas baatein kar rha hae yaar:angry:
what is Pakistani culture?
Akheilos,by that argument,,,,,does that mean Pakistani culture is Indian,,atleast poonjabi n sindhi?:D
people of the land thingy:p:
Well it may be similar but not the same....There is a thread here on PDF where this person showed a series of maps of conquests of S.Asia and how whichever dynasty conquered Pakistan never actually entered most of India today...So we are influenced by those who came in and settled for hundreds of years among us and mixed with us....

1 such example:


Never actually entered "modern" boundaries called india....

Same goes for Alexander the Great:


And so on.....

Oh look even this one missed India:


So technically yes Pakistanis do have a "separate" culture as compared to Indians....ours is a mixed mashed of the different empires we were part of.....Most of which India never was....Even our people are mixed and mashed based on that!
religious and sectarian hate in Pakistan you cant find anywhere else that much hate
have u ever met a yahoodi,let alone a Israeli,,,for god sake!!?
how did u come up wid this mutual hate to begin wid,,,kya bakwas baatein kar rha hae yaar:angry:
Yes I have met both a Jew (Both religious and atheist - Jew by birth- in fact a large group of people I know fall in this group---Jew by birth) and a Zionist from Israel....Mind you they are VERY different...Question goes to you...Have you met either one?

religious and sectarian hate in Pakistan you cant find anywhere else that much hate
Step in Israel and check it out...Or try checking some extreme spots in Red Neck part of America or Crazy side of Saudi Arabia, Have you tried the crazy side of Iran or even the EDL nonsense of UK? There is a crazy side in every society...You just need to focus the right news channel on them!
Well it may be similar but not the same....There is a thread here on PDF where this person showed a series of maps of conquests of S.Asia and how whichever dynasty conquered Pakistan never actually entered most of India today...So we are influenced by those who came in and settled for hundreds of years among us and mixed with us....

1 such example:


Never actually entered "modern" boundaries called india....

Same goes for Alexander the Great:


And so on.....

So technically yes Pakistanis do have a "separate" culture as compared to Indians....ours is a mixed mashed of the different empires we were part of.....Most of which India never was....Even our people are mixed and mashed based on that!
technically,,oouch,,,,thats a lame argument.
can we ask greeks or persians about it:D
shall i tag some members
Yes I have met both a Jew (Both religious and atheist - Jew by birth- in fact a large group of people I know fall in this group---Jew by birth) and a Zionist from Israel....Mind you they are VERY different...Question goes to you...Have you met either one?
how does it matter to his statement,,,,,,he is comparing jews to muslims,,,wth??
populations anyone??
khatre mein,,,,,nothng else:tsk:
technically,,oouch,,,,thats a lame argument.
can we ask greeks or persians about it:D
shall i tag some members
Yea truth hurts no?

Not lame at all...its historical truth!

Open your own thread...I am sure them Greeks and Persian members can find the thread I was talking about it had more maps...
bohut dimmag hae tum me yaar,,,wont disturb u :enjoy:
u too smart for me:D
Lol- to be honest i was amazed you be asking me such a generic question-
these sort of personal questions doesnt fit in an online discussion- in the end it becomes irrelevant-
Let me give you an example
Apart from Australia and Antarctica i have been to and met people of all other continents- will you believe that Panadol day prawa?- :lol:-

Where did he compare? He is pointing out what Zionists do....stop lying man!
That "he" you talking about must be me- so i must say you are right Panadol da pra should stop lying- :lol:-
Frankly - i think there should be more outrage if an indian cultural exhibit was there, at a time after LoC tensions......as for israel - we dont have diplomatic relations with them. So that's that. People dont need to "freak out" over it though.

one thing i find hilarious about the israelis - they claim to have invented hummous, baba ghanouush and dishes like that.....most their ancestors are eastern europeans/russians/poles who ate borsht :laugh:


Lol- to be honest i was amazed you be asking me such a generic question-
these sort of personal questions doesnt fit in an online discussion- in the end it becomes irrelevant-
Let me give you an example
Apart from Australia and Antarctica i have been to and met people of all other continents- will you believe that Panadol day prawa?- :lol:-

That "he" you talking about must be me- so i must say you are right Panadol da pra should stop lying- :lol:-
i am not anyones pra,,,,,:D
i am THE halupridol:agree: first line, high potency ,dopa based ,
others cant even touch me.:whistle:
Where did he compare? He is pointing out what Zionists do....stop lying man!
umm,,,,what shud i say,,
well readers will determine :azn:

Frankly - i think there should be more outrage if an indian cultural exhibit was there, at a time after LoC tensions......as for israel - we dont have diplomatic relations with them. So that's that. People dont need to "freak out" over it though.
zolfiqar u r a pakhtun,,,arent u?
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