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Pakistanis freak out over Islamabad U exhibit showing Israeli culture

Do you realise that this line actually gives official recognition to the fact that Israel is a country :lol::lol::lol:
Do you realize that this statement means we protest Israel being given status of a country by rest of the world
The OP does not mention which laws were broken by the stall, and hence my question. Which rules are being used to determine that permission was needed and how? Was the content displayed on all stalls pre-approved?

The OP clearly says "the stall of Israel was arranged without permission of university administration,".

Other stalls are irrelevant: if someone complained about them and they were illegally set up, they would need to be torn down also.
@Developereo if one were to go by mentioning colonialism, racism, genocide etc there will be a lot of countries which would need to be boycotted, correct?

I am not aware of any other country, formed in the modern post-colonial era, which was formed by millions of racist invaders displacing the local population with the explicit aim of establishing a country with their racial demographics.

You rightly pointed out about SA, now in this case is there was a UN mandate. Does a similar mandate exist for boycott of Israel? Fortunately or unfortunately, no.

The UN resolutions were not a prerequisite for people to express their conscience and boycott SA.
Many people did so long before the UN made any official pronouncements.
Many people boycott Israel for the same reason -- UN or no UN.

Let us assume that the Israeli stall was put up. How does it affect the students? They learn and form opinions themselves. Maybe, they will go back and read about what Israel does wrong too and form informed opinions themselves. Maybe, they will continue boycotting Israel or maybe they will take something from Israel which is beneficial for Pak? Would that not be a better way, than learning about somebody else?

The global media already contains plenty of Israeli propaganda.
Nobody is under any obligation to let them promote their propaganda at their event.
I am not aware of any other country, formed in the modern post-colonial era, which was formed by millions of racist invaders displacing the local population with the explicit aim of establishing a country with their racial demographics.

The UN resolutions were not a prerequisite for people to express their conscience and boycott SA.
Many people did so long before the UN made any official pronouncements.
Many people boycott Israel for the same reason -- UN or no UN.

It need not be a country formed. It could be a country which has committed genocide. Are you ready to mete out the same treatment to Japan for what it did to China? If no, then you are being two faced. Where is your 'conscience'? When Japan refuses to settle this with China? And China is your so called best friend?

The global media already contains plenty of Israeli propaganda.
Nobody is under any obligation to let them promote their propaganda at their event.

That is not Israel's fault, that the people you support or purport to be supporting have not got their act together in pushing forward their cause. Why does SA do business with Israel? Why does Jordan speak with Israel?
It need not be a country formed. It could be a country which has committed genocide. Are you ready to mete out the same treatment to Japan for what it did to China? If no, then you are being two faced. Where is your 'conscience'? When Japan refuses to settle this with China? And China is your so called best friend?

China is a major power which has the resources to address this issue as it sees fit.

The Palestinians are in no position to counter or resist Israel. It is this gross disparity which makes the Israel/Palestine cause akin to what happened in South Africa.

That is not Israel's fault, that the people you support or purport to be supporting have not got their act together in pushing forward their cause. Why does SA do business with Israel? Why does Jordan speak with Israel?

Anybody can deal with Israel as they wish. This is not about forcing anyone else.

All we are saying is that we do not have to support Israel's propaganda.
These people doesn't belong to any university or any civilized society. They are Jamati thugs who are brainwashed to the core and straight from Red mosque.

dont label them, thats the majority of Pakistani youth, brain washed and screwed.
I some times forget my pen at home when going to work . I find it fascinating how these guys that burn flags come all prepared. what exactly is gained by doing this.

The fact that Israel is a recognized state by Arabs is kept as a secret in pakistan.:astagh:
You are one of the sane voices on this forum. I pray God bless you forever.

i have read your comments on other sites too and admire your views.

You're too kind friend. And may God bless you.
However, I'm only active here now, all other places I'm inactive. PDF is the place to be.
hijabi/niqabi brigade

lady ghundas

Talk about hormones! :blink: Which bearded lady did you find in the protest?

The IJT students indeed protested but again there is no such information about any violence or violent act.
Here are few pics what these protesting students did
Ask @Syed.Ali.Haider He not only saw them as "violent" he even found hijabi and niqabi in them! :woot:

The white-turquoise-orange outfit looks very much like an illustration in one of my books of an early 1900s "Palestinian" wedding dress, with semi-precious stones employed in place of gold finery. (Do recall that ~20% of Israel's population is Arab.)
So they were advertising 20% of a state only? :pop:

i doubt they will even think to dress like Israeli...
but if they will...i will.love to see them... :p:
Well how does an Israeli cultural dress look like?
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It was wrong what the jamatis did, and it was also wrong what these students did.....

we don't recognize israel as a country in pakistan…. so why make a stall for a country that we don't recognize?? make a palestine stall instead which includes israel….



Oh bhai you probably forgot that you live in the West that fully supports Israel.

So many anti-Israeli Islamists can't do squat where they live.

And yet they fan hateful $hit in Pakistan.

What a sorry excuse.

What a sad story of these few.

It was wrong what the jamatis did, and it was also wrong what these students did.....

you in your simplicity ended up opposing students and supporting Jamatis.

This is the conrfusion many Pakistani educated elite suffer from.

And then they all wonder why the heck, Islamists and Talib-itches killed 50,000 of our innocent countrymen women and children.

Why the heck.
North India - Yes
West India - No - West India is Gujarat and Maharashtra

And the reason North is more popular in tourist eyes is because GoI is based in Delhi.
Had GoI been based in Trivandrum/Kerala, that region would have been identified with India.

You must be a southie. :D

Yes, Pakistanis don't like killing babies, unless of-course they belong to the minority communities......
Pakistani mob kills two children including a baby and their grandmother after 'blasphemous' Facebook post - Telegraph

Don't start Indian, how many of your sisters have you drowned in milk this past month alone?
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