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Pakistanis freak out over Islamabad U exhibit showing Israeli culture

The thread is about Israel and MUN, and I gave a comparative analogy of South Africa and UN.

The relevance is obvious to anyone who is intellectually honest.

The point is!

MUN is not UN.

There is an additional letter M in there.

Please notice it. Thank you
How can you expect this to be welcomed in a state whose passport has this written on it. "This passport is valid for all countries of the world except israel". Whoever arranged it is too stupid.

Do you realise that this line actually gives official recognition to the fact that Israel is a country :lol::lol::lol:
The point is!

MUN is not UN.

There is an additional letter M in there.

Please notice it. Thank you

The Model UN is designed as an academic exercise for students modeled after the real UN.

The real UN takes a stand against countries espousing racist ideologies, so it's not unreasonable for the model UN to do likewise.

I am enjoying your intellectual dance to squirm out of the hole into which you have dug yourself. You brought in the MUN, being unaware of the real UN's stance on South Africa.

Now you are hanging your hopes on the word 'model'. For your education, 'model' here doesn't mean ideal. It means mock or emulating. As in a 'model' airplane.
the phrase "much ado about nothing" fits perfectly about Pakistani people.
they have no objection to western culture, indian culture 24/7 on their TV sets, but they dont want a tiny community to promote their culture in their pak(haha) land. This tiny community who doesnt even give a flying F about whether they promote what about them, the ones who own you thru 100 different ways, the ones who can shut you down in a month....you dont want to learn about them....genius, arent you people.
The Model UN is designed as an academic exercise for students modeled after the real UN.

The real UN takes a stand against countries espousing racist ideologies, so it's not unreasonable for the model UN to do likewise.

I am enjoying your intellectual dance to squirm out of the hole into which you have dug yourself. You brought in the MUN, being unaware of the real UN's stance on South Africa.

Now you are hanging your hopes on the word 'model'. For your education, 'model' here doesn't mean ideal. It means mock or emulating. As in a 'model' airplane.

Looks like you have no idea about MUN.

I doubt you ever been a member.

May be you have been. Who knows?

Afterall Cows came home and pigs flew.
These people doesn't belong to any university or any civilized society. They are Jamati thugs who are brainwashed to the core and straight from Red mosque.

Bhai jaan

Well said. We all know the "visible Jamatis".

The problem here is that even this forum is infested with the same lot.

People such as @Developereo and myself are also Jamati thugs and brainwashed to the core straight from Red Mosque?

if it walks like a duck
and quacks like one,

then what is it?

what is it anyways?

Answer: jamati thugs from red mosque who know English and live in the West.
People such as @Developereo and myself are also Jamati thugs and brainwashed to the core straight from Red Mosque?
Were you also protesting and burning Israel flag because you can't withstand a small stall exhibiting someone's culture?

Then yes you are too.

I am sure if it was talibans stall who have killed our more than 50, 000 people. You and all these people wouldn't even bother.
Were you also protesting and burning Israel flag because you can't withstand a small stall exhibiting someone's culture?

Then yes you are too.

I am sure if it was talibans stall who have killed our more than 50, 000 people. You and all these people wouldn't even bother.
So it appears you have never read my posts previously. I feel really sorry for your sweeping statement. If this is your level of tolerance towards those who dare to disagree with you then I see no difference between Taliban and you for both are fascists of worst kind.
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