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Pakistanis, Disengage from all Indians on PDF!

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Ok. I think this thread is losing focus from both sides. I am a bit lost. If someone wants to open a thread on not initiating with a group of people it is perfectly fine if its not abusive and I would suggest Indians to stop riling them up for entertainment purposes and let them see if it works.

You have a point. I disengage here.
I broke my resolve to disengage to salute an extraordinary post:

I know and has experienced first hand how difficult it is to talk and engage with Sanghis and the ilks, but that has let me understand how hardwired their mind is to hatred and bigotry and I now understand them better, how and what and when to talk, when to engage and disengage.

And the other thing is, and this is strange that Sanghis and Andhbhakts might not harbor the extreme hatred for people on the other side of the border, than the hatred and bigotry they reserve and show to their own liberal/open minded Indians, your kind of open minded people.

You are a master, and I acknowledge it. You really have an insight into the dynamics of this situation.

I am glad to have stuck to this thread, at least for what you, @forcetrip and @AgNoStiC MuSliM have had to say.
LOL.. is this fracas still going on? 19 pages of prickly self absorption :lol:

Why don’t we just agree that we disengage with people we don’t want to talk to and move on with life? Leave it as an individual’s decision?
Not everyone’s ears are equally sensitive.
Ok. I think this thread is losing focus from both sides. I am a bit lost. If someone wants to open a thread on not initiating with a group of people it is perfectly fine if its not abusive and I would suggest Indians to stop riling them up for entertainment purposes and let them see if it works.

Political correct statements for some brownie points.

Though i disagree to have blanket ban on good indians or for generalized disengagement; bad for Pakistanis to not have exposure to true face of some... they expose themselves quite nicely, even present in herds in this thread. But for some Pakistani posters; being political correct for some tap on the back or for sanctimonious display for some brownie points won't deter Indian posters with agenda.

There is a reason Pakistan's narrative never broke through; the voices among the ranks are enough to muzzle.
While you had a perfect opportunity to explain your point of view being neighbors your decision went the other way to paint all Indians the same way. You have to have answers that are available to discuss when dealing with not just indians but other inhabitants as well otherwise it wont be surprising when you hear someone say that all muslims are terrorists. What is being done in Kashmir is not a secret but its not a global problem because we don't matter that much to the world. How did we get to a situation where we do not matter? One small reason would be that we do not know how to communicate our point of view without being over emotional. No one with the facts that are available about Kashmir can argue in simple terms about it being civilized. They will always come to the conclusion that its fair game for land. Thats all that you can do about it being very distant from the issue.

Your house hold products do not have to be from an indian store to be indian. Thats the tunnel vision that we currently have. Your priority should be to only buy Pakistani products available in a western country cause the rest of the world is complicit in what is happening. Thats your taxs at work. What all products are available there from Pakistan? Cause me living in Pakistan I usually end up buying western products cause they last longer or if I need disposable products at a reasonable cost I get chinese. I dont really need Shan masala or hockey sticks or footballs that much.

What is your solution when Indian scream nonsense and abuse Pakistan/Kashmir/Islam? You want us to sully ourselves by screaming back?

Listen to what the Quran says, when an evil person derides you, just say Salamun Alaikum and walk away.

Well...I prefer a different approach. Indians are a reality. It is folly to ignore them completely. Yes, sometimes they're clearly trolling, disrupting, distracting, diverting precious resources from more important matters - that's when I agree completely that they should be ignored or some mod informed.

However, ignoring wholesale in every walk of life is a risky risky strategy for one simple reason:


They have numbers EVERYWHERE. This sort of enemy/rival is a unique one that nobody else on the planet has ever had to deal with.

Low quality, high volume, repetitive attacks in numerous different strata of information warfare.

To ignore this low quality, high volume barrage is inviting destruction of one's own narratives and ideologies, be it on the internet or be it in real life.

Why are swarms of Indians occupying positions of influence in professional institutions around Europe and America? Is it because they produce a product or service of higher quality than you or I? Like fudge do they! It's simply because of our laziness. We say "ignore them", "let them do what they like", "I'll just chill".

Do you think these Indians in positions of influence consider some Asian baradhari or aman ki asha when it comes to choosing between a Pakistani or a non-Pakistani for promotion or advancement? My foot do they!

It is quite the opposite in fact.

They will dismiss you summarily if possible, and if they can't, they will whisper constantly in the white man's ear "terrorist", "beardo", "scarfie", "they're trouble they are with the prayer times and the ramadan", "doesn't drink so won't socialise".....etc etc.

If a Pakistani has to manage a group of Indians in a professional sphere, it is like an undeclared war, with constant repeated sabotage and undermining and microaggression. Should the Pakistani resign from this mess because of some "la la la let's ignore them" policy? Really?

No. The solution is, work harder. If each man works twice as hard, the numerical gap closes. Work better. They rely on quantity not quality. We shouldn't.

The above is a rant and somewhat disjointed, partly relevant to pdf but partly to other spheres. But the case I'm presenting is that total disengagement is not the right policy and will only encourage apathy and laziness among ourselves. Apathy and laziness have been the downfall of far greater empires than our own.

Numbers amassed against one can often feel overwhelming, however that is no reason to surrender and throw in the towel.

"Like someone in a football game or a basketball game: When he’s trapped or boxed in, he doesn’t throw the ball away, but he has to pass it to someone who’s in the clear. "

Malcolm X.

I have deep respect for you brother and would not want you ever to change. May Allah swt bless you.

And below are yours ...

So who are Gibbs and Shant accusing of being a terrorist recruiter? Is it me or you?

@AgNoStiC MuSliM How ridiculous is it that we who are only advocating for disengagement from Indians, are then accused of being terrorists by these Indians?

Doesn't this prove the OP correct? @masterchief_mirza @21st Century Vampire @Musings @PAKISTANFOREVER @Morpheus brothers, thoughts?
LOL.. is this fracas still going on? 19 pages of prickly self absorption :lol:

Why don’t we just agree that we disengage with people we don’t want to talk to and move on with life? Leave it as an individual’s decision?
Not everyone’s ears are equally sensitive.

But why does the forum bullies people into adapting pro Indian lines.

The imposition of Indian class based society on free thinking Pakistanis by deceitful tactics and superimposed assumptions need countering.

I advocate for a complete rehaul and a new social contract on PDF. Let's get this thread locked.
Listen to what the Quran says, when an evil person derides you, just say Salamun Alaikum and walk away.

Some just don't get it. They need to engage constantly to develop some understanding of the enemy, Kufar in this case. And the Kufar blow the fuse when we say we don't want to engage with them .. now someone will come and say, don't use this word ...
Political correct statements for some brownie points.

Though i disagree to have blanket ban on good indians or for generalized disengagement; bad for Pakistanis to not have exposure to true face of some... they expose themselves quite nicely, even present in herds in this thread. But for some Pakistani posters; being political correct for some tap on the back or for sanctimonious display for some brownie points won't deter Indian posters with agenda.

There is a reason Pakistan's narrative never broke through; the voices among the ranks are enough to muzzle.

Brownie points from indian posters on a forum? You got to get a hobby man. Let your voice be the voice of reason and you will break through the ranks of common sense. Everything is not a conspiracy. Nor have I got the time for these shenanigans.
What is your solution when Indian scream nonsense and abuse Pakistan/Kashmir/Islam? You want us to sully ourselves by screaming back?

Listen to what the Quran says, when an evil person derides you, just say Salamun Alaikum and walk away.

I have deep respect for you brother and would not want you ever to change. May Allah swt bless you.

So who are Gibbs and Shant accusing of being a terrorist recruiter? Is it me or you?

@AgNoStiC MuSliM How ridiculous is it that we who are only advocating for disengagement from Indians, are then accused of being terrorists by these Indians?

Doesn't this prove the OP correct? @masterchief_mirza @21st Century Vampire @Musings @PAKISTANFOREVER @Morpheus brothers, thoughts?

By allowing such people, PDF is promoting Islamaphobia and anti-Muslim racism........:disagree:
Brownie points from indian posters on a forum? You got to get a hobby man. Let your voice be the voice of reason and you will break through the ranks of common sense. Everything is not a conspiracy. Nor have I got the time for these shenanigans.

Can see from your response. You need to tone it down buddy. Indeed everything is not conspiracy; but if there is a pattern you need to start to recognize and read in between the lines. Regardless, no point of acting morally superior. It's an open forum, let everyone express their views.
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