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Pakistani students envy Indians, as Imran khan did nothing to evacuate

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The saddest part is that NO ONE from this great Indian Gov went to recieve valiant, rescued Indian Citizens yet...not even the orange clad guru professing the curve throuw HolyCow!

Would have been great if the Indian Minister had gone with the plane to collect Indians!!!

The way I see it this is done by Indian Gov to demonstrate to the world once and for all that the sacred byproducts as claimed/proven by the Orange clad leader... are 100% effective!

So, we should only wish all the best to these IndianBeings! @newb3e

For now let them enjoy their moment of glee!

What can an Indian be if not an Indian?
Even those hiding behind the flaseflags!

GoP has taken an extremely tough and politically hard decision...very emotive even for us all here... but it is THE RIGHT decision...

Sir ji,

India is trying to imitate countries that have more than 5 hospital beds and 20 physicians per 1000 people.

Pakistan - Hospital beds per 1000 people = 0.6
India - Hospital beds per 1000 people = 0.7

Pakistan - Physicians per 1000 people = 8
India- Physicians per 1000 people = 7

And these are the countries India is trying to copy:


China has 4.5 beds per 1000 people, almost 7 times more than India and Pakistan.

Why I say that it could hit India much harder than gullible Indian here not realizing??? Because of this:



India census says 1 in 6 lives in unsanitary slums

Another case in USA even the world's super powers are unable to contain it.

Says it all for me.

Sir ji,

India is trying to imitate countries that have more than 5 hospital beds and 20 physicians per 1000 people.

Pakistan - Hospital beds per 1000 people = 0.6
India - Hospital beds per 1000 people = 0.7

Pakistan - Physicians per 1000 people = 8
India- Physicians per 1000 people = 7

And these are the countries India is trying to copy:

View attachment 602809

China has 4.5 beds per 1000 people, almost 7 times more than India and Pakistan.

Why I say that it could hit India much harder than gullible Indian here not realizing??? Because of this:



India census says 1 in 6 lives in unsanitary slums

Coronavirus would wreak havoc in the Indian shanti huts. It is madness by square root.
Another case in USA even the world's super powers are unable to contain it.
No one can contain. It will spread one way or the other. Sooner than later it will hit Pakistan too. You cann't avoid it. What you should have by now is facilities to test it and to separate and house people who are sick. If you think that by leaving people in Wuhan you will be able to prevent Pakistan from getting it, you are sadly mistaken.
Dude it's not about the vaccine,it's about how it spreads and you took a cheap shot on India ,I showed you there is another virus which spreads the same way which is polio and we in India are polio free and your country is not ,that means the virus is spreading in your country.did you get the point .
Nopes, I didn't take a cheap shot.

Read my comment again..

1 - Polio has a vaccine and Pakistan can control polio if it is able to administer vaccine to all the children. Children who are vaccinated are at much lower to non-existent risk of contracting polio whether they live in unsanitary conditions (and I am not saying Pakistan is a cleaner country, no, we are far from it).
2 - Corona virus doesn't have a vaccine, and it has a chance of spread through feces whether you put a mask or not or confine the patients.. You can't attach a bag on their behinds like a mask.
the simple truth is Pakistan dsnt have the facilities to even test for the virus at present
This is false. And posters who are questioning Pakistani access to technology and expertise as the limiting factors are also incorrect.

I will say it again for clarity and I hope Indian and Pakistani folks take note.

Pakistan has the tech, the quarantine facilities, the hazmat suits, the evacuation planes, the pcr kits, the expertise, the treatments, the procurement pathways. Our problem is that of third world infrastructure, population characteristics (partly uneducated, partly resistant to govt advice - e.g. we have polio vaccines but some idiots keep shooting polio workers, variable baseline health status), and highly dense areas where viruses could spread quickly. These factors cannot change overnight or even over a year. These are the things that have caused Pakistan to watch and wait at present, as any outbreak would be difficult to control compared with a western nation.

Honestly Pakistanis shouldn't fall for Indian propaganda that we don't have expertise or decent tech. Sure we aren't world leaders but our hospitals and doctors and labs function quite well with funding in place.
India is trying to imitate countries that have more than 5 hospital beds and 20 physicians per 1000 people.
Huh? Which country has 20 physicians per 1000 people?
Turkey has 1.76
Indonesia has 0.38
Canada 2.61
India 0.78
United State 2.59

All have evacuated their citizens.
Pakistan is far behind of India when it comes to medical science..... Thousands of people from Africa, Pakistan, Bangladesh every year come to India for critical heart surgeries and even for plastic surgery as such facilities are not available in these countries at advance levels.... We treat these poor ppl at very very low cost.... We as Indians are always ready to help humanity....
Brother mine,

I am more worried about gestation, letancy and mutation... in an environment like India... this can turn into Human Tragedy...

China has not only better facilities but immensely better/efficient administration...almost mechanical...which is what you need in such situation...

All our prayers are with OurPeople in China...but GoP has done the Right thing...

We must ignore Indians.... let them chestbeat on this 'victory' over Pakistan... and we Pray that it doesn't spread in India... we must remain human first.

Containment is the best remedy at the moment... and the correct policy.

I just wish to see these Indian Gov to recieve these Indians coming from China ..not any fake for foto ops to win elections... but real ones... and I want these claims about their 'sacred products' to be put to test under WHO protocols...starting with the OrangeBrigade to go there without mask and stay with the Indians in containment... drinking/applying their special products...

This is disturbing development...came out of nowhwere... have the looks of GreyRhino... which the Chinese President warned about... too early to speculate... best is to be safe than sorry.

The Chinese will do everything for Paks there... have no doubts about it!

For Indians.... always their chootti chootti khushian become barri barri jootian!

We should neither close this thread nor ban IndianPosters @waz @Dubious @jaibi @The Eagle


Sir ji, I am still fine with countries having much better facilities and means to contain the spread of virus. Developed countries have much better sanitation conditions that south asia.

However, what Indonesia or Bangladesh has done is beyond my intelligence..

India ka tou pata hi hai ke har cheez pe point score karnay hotay hain inhain..

G main dum nahi hum kisi se kam nahi.

Missing those 2020 superduper power threads.

Anyway, I pray that it doesn't spread in India... because if it spreads there, Pakistan will be next..

Pakistan is far behind of India when it comes to medical science..... Thousands of people from Africa, Pakistan, Bangladesh every year come to India for critical heart surgeries and even for plastic surgery as such facilities are not available in these countries at advance levels.... We treat these poor ppl at very very low cost.... We as Indians are always ready to help humanity....
Thank you for providing cheap medical services..

"Medical science" is something different though.
I dont have so much time to waste to go check every person circulating videos - without proof/ without time or date to verify nor without a follow up of what happened to these people! I mean sane humane people would follow up ...barbaric on the other hand rejoice and circulate it without thought as it takes too much energy to use a neuron to think!
You just cant accept it. Be simple

If Pakistan can't even take care of its own citizens, how will it take care of others, like the Kashmiris they cry about or the Indian Muslims that are under the oppressive thumb of fascist Modi?
You Nailed it.
O yaar meray,

We need to close the border and Kartarpura. Period!

My worry is GCC and the traffic we get from there... hence, we need to have emergency coordination with our partners there as well.

Yes, somehow ShooperPauer threads are gone... now these IndianBeings can only have these little moments at the suffering of others...

India will always be compared with China...that is the Baseline...and that is their auqat..

I should be working on Ancient Indian Lingum Space Travel a bit more...

You take good care of yourself...and also the kids...

Thank you sir ji!
Did Imran Khan opened up his mouth on this issue yet?
Good decision by Pakistan to delay the evacuation and make sure that infected are seperated from healthy. It is import to make them travel after incubation period.

India made a mistake.

Who is going to stop infected Chinese & Indians coming to Pakistan?
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