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Pakistani students envy Indians, as Imran khan did nothing to evacuate

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Pakistani students should also understand that unlike India our doctors have a clearer picture of the infections transmission capacity and our ability to contain and treat it. Unlike the Indians whom they are envying, we know our capabilities of absorbing a pandemic and aren’t relying on Bovine excretions.

Well , We had already proved our abilities years ago.
It will only a matter of time for us now .
Only one question how much time we can reduce?

Good decision by Pakistan to delay the evacuation and make sure that infected are seperated from healthy. It is import to make them travel after incubation period.

India made a mistake.

There is no mistake .
All of them transferrd to military facilities

This is a sensitive issue and I did not wanted to hurt India on this but you asked for it so here it comes.

This is the image of India students coming home.

And this is how west is evacuating its people. Turkey used a quarantine plane India used regular plan risking ever students life.

Pakistanis are not fools and a copycat nation like India. We want to save lives not make political gains out of situations. Difference between India and Pakistan. Modi did it for politics we will do it for our people and in their best interest.

Oh Really.
Have some shame .
We have already our chief ministers pressurizing for this .

And now they will be in military facility .
Quarantine system not going to help them.

Pakistan is trying to save Pakistanis living in Pakistan. Some Pakistanis in China might be infected already, mostly they are young students who have stronger resistance than older people and young in Pakistan. With less than 2% mortality (of mostly older and immunocompromised people), they are likely not in danger. However, if they come to Pakistan and by chance the virus spreads to local population, our children and older people will be at risk of losing lives.

Besides that, our prophet PBUH has instructed us to not leave the place where a contagious disease hits.

I support our government for thinking rationally and not playing a political move to increase popularity that Modi government requires at this moment when people are protesting against government. You guys should focus more on not kicking out Indians rather than bringing the most likely infected Indians to endanger the whole region.

Lol :lol:
Taking too much effort for justification.
Tell that to those guys in Wuhan especially the one in the video.
Oh Really.
Have some shame .
We have already our chief ministers pressurizing for this .

And now they will be in military facility .
Quarantine system not going to help them.

OH you smart people. You think you will contain it. Wow. Do you even know this virus is spreading? Nope you don't know one does so how will you contain it? In last 15 days I have heard 7 new ways they say is the spread of Coronavirus and everyday they change their statement. You people will contaminate whole sub continent just so that Modi wins election. Stupid people.
You know damned well that Modi is only doing it for optics. There is absolutely no benefit for moving your citizens out of China. In fact it is risky as hell. There is no vaccine in production and the most you could do is quarantine the infected. Something that is already happening in China. The only BS I keep hearing is how the infected could be reunited with their soil. What is the point when the infected cannot even meet their family and have to be isolated from the rest.

All other countries evacuating their citizens also for optics? Please explain this to Pakistanis stranded in China or their loved ones who are asking for their return. I guess for both it would better to be isolated in their own country than a foreign one.

We are taking care of our citizens by keeping those exposed quarantined in China ...2ndly, we dont know much about the latent stage of the virus, india also doesnt know...even safe and secure Europe with all its precautions managed to get some carrying the virus into their nation! Good luck india! Killing more people to feel better than Pakistan?

You are just making excuses. Pakistan's decision was based on the fact it doesn't have the resources to handle a quarantine, so how does it have the resources to determine how many in Pakistan have the virus? Perhaps your Pakistan's brilliant minister for science & technology can provide an answer, presuming he's not busy trolling on Twitter.
Population control in india is offical.. sad that they opted for the cruel way...
True , US made a mistake , UK made a mistake , Bangladesh made a mistake , Canada made a mistake
INDIA isn't US,UK,CANADA and yes bangladesh made a mistake.
India can't even keep its current population healthy and disease free,there are already a shortage of qualified personnel ,sanitation,high end equipments and hospitals..
Do you seriously believe Indian gov planned appropriate quarantine measures for the 300 students like US,UK,AUS did? Indian doctors or hospitals or whatever have no idea of proper sanitization.The hospitals will spread more diseases if anything if corona virus spreads to india.
India just went on without plans just like you posted " if US ,UK,CANADA than why not India?" ...."we are supposed to seem equal to the US ,UK,AUS,CANADA before the world !!!11"... Like as if india and those country are even in same league .I hope those people weren't infected or else the civilians are fked due to thoughtless and dumb move by india out of stupid pride.
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Pakistani students should also understand that unlike India our doctors have a clearer picture of the infections transmission capacity and our ability to contain and treat it. Unlike the Indians whom they are envying, we know our capabilities of absorbing a pandemic and aren’t relying on Bovine excretions.

Our politicians always give examples of India, even in parliament and more so in senate!
So i guess that part is just a new way of life in Pakistan.

On the subject of capacity of containing epidemic, as well i agree, but there's no restrictions on Chinese /Indians /Americans traveling to Pakistan directly or indirectly and how come returning embassy staff was not considered any risk?
india did mistake as china has much better medical facilities than india and Pakistan that is the reason why students from india go to china for becoming doctors as their own country not have enough medical universities and budget to provide them medical education so it is good decision by our govt
Ultimately it's a pragmatic decision by GoP, they recognised their shortcomings regarding this infection and took a tough call.

Those doubting Indian capacity to handle such events are unaware of previous outbreaks that have improved our methodologies. Our current capability to handle such incidents and quarantine entire cities is without question, I'm speaking from personal experience about this matter.

The thread title made it into a mudslinging match when it should've been about the people trapped in such a scenario.

I pray to God for the lives of those affected by this disease regardless of their nationality.
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