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Pakistani flags appear in Srinagar city, others parts of Kashmir

U should worry about ur country and the separatist movements in ur country.and I forgot to mention china as well.
As far as america is concerned,she will dare not attack pak coz pak is not iraq/syria,etc.u should worry about ur nukes as they can get into the hands of terrorists.improve ur nukes security first as china can also take ur "toys" away
ek dhondo milte hain hazaaron :)

Grapes are sour, cry baby :cray:
what sour grapes. ? isnt the orientation of the flag wrong ?
Best luck :D:Dyour grand children's will die too seeing this dream like you forefathers hopes will never die;););)
in the next 50 yrs kashmir will either get independence or they will join pakistan…thats seems more likely… that is unless you guys are planning keeping around 1 million soldiers in kashmir for ever to guard the 12 million kashmiris…
in the next 50 yrs kashmir will either get independence or they will join pakistan…thats seems more likely… that is unless you guys are planning keeping around 1 million soldiers in kashmir for ever to guard the 12 million kashmiris

why not. Helps in managing unemployment..Keeps Kashmir with us.. giving Pakistani the bird.. That's 3 birds with 1 stone :D

and about 50 years, well guys, given where you are, worry about whether Pakistan will exist in its current form for 50 years or not.
Best luck :D:Dyour grand children's will die too seeing this dream like you forefathers hopes will never die;););)

your grandchildren will also still be dreaming of Kashmir living in there rat infested shit hole .:D:D:D
open the mouth ,nose & lungs & Breaaaaaaathe ................. slowly take it in mmmmmmmmmmm fresh air mmmmmm .:pakistan:
actually you better not indian you might catch something ....:o:
Equating hoisting a flag in a cricket match with hoisting on pak independence day....!!!??? Seriously....
The significance is not much different, as in both cases, the flag carriers opinion is still the same.
the insecurity thats the funny part about your post…
how will india ever expect kashmiris to accept you when you have 700,000 soldiers in kashmir…. 1 soldier for every 14 civilian kashmiris(including women and children)

700,000 , thats more than America had in Iraq & Afghanistan

long live democracy
why not. Helps in managing unemployment..Keeps Kashmir with us.. giving Pakistani the bird.. That's 3 birds with 1 stone :D

and about 50 years, well guys, given where you are, worry about whether Pakistan will exist in its current form for 50 years or not.
pakistan will alway be here… no power of earth can undue pakistan…
1 million soldiers to control 12 million people is a very very sad situation for india… and tbh it will always keep kashmiris sided with pakistan….

700,000 , thats more than America had in Iraq & Afghanistan

long live democracy
democracy my ***…. democracy in india is a big sham…
We can show you blochis flags if you want
Go ahead, it's no problem as long as no one starts using violence. It's why I have more respect for the BNP than the BLF, because the BNP realize that peace is the only way forward, especially since the BLF have failed to achieve any of their goals, while BNP has made remarkable stteps towards developing the province.
BUtthurt:D:D:DWhat are you smoking dude go check you will still find tricolour flying over Kashmir. Kashmir was never a part pakistan.kashmir was existed even before pakistan is created it was part British india not some pakistan.
No one wants to remain with india in IOK except some hindus.indian flag is flown just on govt buildings.
No one wants to remain with india in IOK except some hindus.indian flag is flown just on govt buildings.
Well In that case same goes too Tibet and blochis as well so free them first then ask us ;););)
Go ahead, it's no problem as long as no one starts using violence. It's why I have more respect for the BNP than the BLF, because the BNP realize that peace is the only way forward, especially since the BLF have failed to achieve any of their goals, while BNP has made remarkable stteps towards developing the province.
Same goes too kashmir except from few separatists groups no one wants to be with pakistan . Kashmir IAK is developing and progressing as well soon it will have its own IIT & hydro powerplants indian govt invest 8000cr extra in infrastructure projects in a decade or so the face of kashmir will be changed
Well In that case same goes too Tibet and blochis as well so free them first then ask us ;););)
Are u kidding me.who told u that BS about balochistan.lots of pakistan flags were flown in balochistan on private houses.just google it,ul know

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