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Pakistani engineer invents generator that runs on water

The waste product of gasoline is Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide other Oxides and Water Vapour.
The waste product of water is...................................WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a continuous cycle.

2H2O= 2H2+O2 (Splitting of Water)

2H2+O2= H2O+Energy (Combustion)

Duh, this is well known (hardly new, hydrogen fuel cells have been around). I am not complaining about the exhaust, stop bringing it up! What I am talking about is not ALL (100%) of the hydrogen may combine, leaving free hydrogen (which can leave the atmosphere, it's why there is little free hydrogen on earth). Slowly, the loss acumulates, leading to a net loss of water. (they lose hydrogen in the labs, imagine when it is used for common power). I have news for you, few of these proccesses run at 100% efficiency.
So, what you are saying is Energy released in combustion >> Energy required to split water , and the differential can be used as output of the machine.

This is against the laws of thermodynamics !
This is not possible. Energy can neither be created not be destroyed.

You did not read the previous posts and only screwed science again.

Forget thermodynamics for a while... and think about chemistry...

No one is creating energy.. its a chemical reaction where by product is a fuel.

He is not alone in this... and you can see... some people are already protesting... because soon we-ll run out of water.
It is all solar power in the end, I just prefer one that doesn't have a chance of screwing with water supplies (until we get hydrogen from other sources, jupiter?)

Swat: After the hectic efforts of 20 years a local engineer in Swat, a scenic valley in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, has invented a generator that runs on water instead of other expensive fuel like gas, petrol and diesel.
Rehan Aziz, a mechanical engineer and resident of Mengora, told media on Saturday that if the government provided him funds and a team, he could generate electricity from Swat River that would be sufficient to meet the country’s power needs.
According to local media, the generator separates oxygen and hydrogen from water and converts them into power.
He said that there were several places in Pakistan where electricity could be generated on flowing water, adding that he could also provide the generators to local people if he is patronized by the government.

This totally violates the basic laws of energy conversion... Any electricity generated from electrolyzed water would always suffer a net loss in output due to energy lost in the process.
^^ He is not generating electricity but instead wasting it on already available source of energy.


Imagine it like you discover oil in your back yard and you use a pump to bring it to your refienry, where you refine it and use it as you desire!

Now tell me. how is it possible to generate more energy from petrol while spending less on its production?
It is all solar power in the end, I just prefer one that doesn't have a chance of screwing with water supplies (until we get hydrogen from other sources, jupiter?)

I read your arguments and they are quite interesting. The obvious advantage of fuel cell based approach (with water/hydrogen as fuel) is the water vapour emission which reduces the green house gases. Sea water is available in plenty on earth(considerably more than the oil) and it is considered renewable. Now i am not able to quite understand your point of lesser hydrogen in atmosphere. Can you please elaborate? Or give me some pointers to any research articles?
Good job to that guy but here is my take.
If this is really what it is claimed it will be well known soon (However I have seen many tall claims that does not make it big time, the reason being people make catchy headlines but hide important things)

So if pass the test and get recognized, great, but if it was that great by now everyone would have known. So most likely it uses something other than just water or such thing exists.
Splitting water and using hydrogen is not a new invention. Fuel cell based cars exploit the same phenomenon. It would be a new invention, if its more efficient in doing so. But the problem in adopting this technology is safe and efficient storage and transportation of hydrogen which is the fuel.
I don't think cars will ever have a generator to do all this inside the car.
Splitting water and using hydrogen is not a new invention. Fuel cell based cars exploit the same phenomenon. It would be a new invention, if its more efficient in doing so. But the problem in adopting this technology is safe and efficient storage and transportation of hydrogen which is the fuel.
I don't think cars will ever have a generator to do all this inside the car.

Actually, there are/have been cars and motor bikes which employ similar units to derive motive power from.
Duh, this is well known (hardly new, hydrogen fuel cells have been around). I am not complaining about the exhaust, stop bringing it up! What I am talking about is not ALL (100%) of the hydrogen may combine, leaving free hydrogen (which can leave the atmosphere, it's why there is little free hydrogen on earth). Slowly, the loss acumulates, leading to a net loss of water. (they lose hydrogen in the labs, imagine when it is used for common power). I have news for you, few of these proccesses run at 100% efficiency.

Not sure if I understand your point correctly.

Yes, there is less hydrogen in the atmosphere -- but for a totally different reason. Hydrogen reacts with Oxygen as soon as it comes in contact with Oxygen (quite violently, I must add) thereby converting into steam -- since this is an exothermic reaction.. Now with 21% of atmosphere being Oxygen at lower altitudes, hardly any Hydrogen has any realistic chance of escaping this reaction and leaving atmosphere.

Now, why is there any Hydrogen in atmosphere in however tiny fraction? That is because Hydrogen/Helium being the lightest of all gases settle in the highest part of outer atmosphere where there is no Oxygen to react with.

The only real threat of loosing Hydrogen out of atmosphere comes from rockets powered by liquid Hydrogen/Oxygen which leave the atmosphere.
Yes, there is more, now imagine in 300 years we lose a total of 20% of our water-mass. (energy consumption grows, not shrinks). In the process, you lose hydrogen (so not 100% is converted back to water). See the problem?

(in other words, 100% of the oxygen and hydrogen would have to be converted back to H2O, if not, the loss would slowly accumulate, oil was considered to be endless at one time (and all its components are also around, (yes, I know they don't re-combine). However, free hydrogen can and will leave earth, a little adds up soon enough, maybe 1000 years from now they wish we didn't start using our water for fuel.

Matter cannot be created nor destroyed.

Hydrogen will combine with a water molecule to form water.

The Greek word Hydrogen, means "water maker"

And why would anything escape from our atmosphere?

If 100% is burned, 100% will be converted. Hydrogen is an unstable element. It won't escape.
A Hydrogen Fuel cell has been re-invented? Good Job. Now put some Solar Photo-Voltaic Panels to generate Electricity from Sun to Power the electrolysis process & you have a alternative to fossil fuels. But then there is already a Patent by a Indian American in USA who runs a Company by name "Bloom Energy". Google for more info.
When something burns it combines with oxygen. Water is the result to hydrogen "burning"... it already combined with oxygen. You really could say that it already burnt and therefore will not burn again.

The key here is to find out if this technology is more efficient than current methods of removing
H2 from water. If it is, you increase the ability to deliver H2 as a viable fuel. Also, it seems that this method would lend itself much more readily to generation of H2 then the electrolysis method.

Pending US Patent 10/756,517 describes a water based substitute for gasoline.

Apparently a small amount of finely powdered coal (carbon) is mixed with a very weak salt water solution. A hair-thin stream of the mixture is injected between two high voltage electrodes INSIDE the combustion chamber. An electric charge flows through the water (short circuit) and the electric arc raises the temperature of some of the water to about 6,000, which is as hot as the surface of the sun. Some of the water breaks down into Hydrogen and Oxygen and promptly explodes, igniting the carbon.

I have come across experiments wherein Radio waves are used to weaken the Hydrogen and Oxygen bond and burning the released Hydrogen to produce energy. However in all cases the energy input; whether as radio waves or from solar cells or chemical reaction; is greater than the energy output from the process.

Even in case of renewable fuel sources; total cost/ energy input as fertilizers, seeds, manpower use required to produce one BTU is greater than when using fossil fuels. It also had direct impact as increased prices for food because of reduced availability of land mass for production of food crops.

If we could burn water without energy inputs, the world would be a much better place. But the energy required to break the bonds of a molecule of water has always been greater than the energy produced by burning hydrogen and oxygen to create water.

However in all cases the energy input; whether as radio waves or from solar cells or chemical reaction; is greater than the energy output from the process.



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