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‘Pakistan won’t rush to join anti-Iran alliance’

This is matter concerning Pakistan... we have 'lanti' Pakistanis who not only keep quite but also give justifications on behalf of Iran revolutionary guard... in no way the incident reported is related to Saudi or is a justification of any Saudi attack.

You apparently doesn't know the meaning of clash... pray to your gods that Iran revolution guards may not go into any clash with Pakistan armed forces, or you'll see hell on earth.
again , i swear i don't understand what you say . can you say it in urdu so that someone like my brother @Jaanbaz can translate it for me ?
Absurd idea to align against Iran. It is only Pakistan's financial dependence on the rich Arab states that is preventing Pakistan for being more pro Iran. And now that even America is close to making a historic detante with Iran then why would Pakistan become anti Iran now?!
Even when Iran was confronting dozens of nations in the 80s in the Iran-Iraq war and even when then there was the Mullah President Zia ul Haq Pakistan remained neutral.
In fact, if there is any credence in the rumours, Pakistani generals had tried to help Iran in the 90s with nuclear technology.

On the whole, Pakistan can proudly say, Pakistanis are still not sectarian unlike many Muslim countries.

Anyway, Nawaz Sharif will never sell out Pakistan to KSA; you may not like him but I don't question his patriotism.

Pak as a country isn't a secterian hell hole .. but with time a lot of people have caught the disease .. Look at this thread for example.. If you say somethin about KSA .. You are branded a shia or an Iran loyalist and so on .. I mean come on .. Calm the fuk down and clean that shit filled upper portion of yours... Have an independent foreign policy .. look for your interests .. stand on your own f... Feet!

Yesterday I was having a discussion with a douche bag .. Who claimed that shias aren't muslim .. When I asked him what he though about Quaid e Azam MA Jinnah the father of this country (being a shia) .. He settled down like turd getting flushed...

We gotta change this mindset .. And say no to the vile ideology that is being imported from GCC (which is now threatening themselves).
IF..and there is still an 'IF' in the equation, America and Iran do agree on something to last at least 10 years then the perception of Iran will be different in the world. But, as you know, a certain country in the Middle East is using its infamous Lobby to prevent Obama from reaching a deal.
Iran and KSA need to grow up and stop living in the sectarian worlds of centuries ago. Enough of the BS! This is freaking 21st century and yet their ancient sectarian rivalry is already causing a lot of harm to a vast swathe of regions of west Asia and South Asia. I believe Pakistan should not only stay neutral but also actively try to mediate between them.

You want MORE. Imagine if Pakistan is allied to SAUDI then ?

Just kick out saudi+usa from Pakistan. Iran is the best ally of Pakistan.

People of Pakistan support IRAN and will not die for the Saudi Kings. Those who want to ally Pakistan with Saudi has no future in Pakistan and they all will be Loser in the End. Do not think saudi Petro Dollars will save Pakistan.

God Bless IRAN and PAKISTAN.
You want MORE. Imagine if Pakistan is allied to SAUDI then ?

Just kick out saudi+usa from Pakistan. Iran is the best ally of Pakistan.

People of Pakistan support IRAN and will not die for the Saudi Kings. Those who want to ally Pakistan with Saudi has no future in Pakistan and they all will be Loser in the End. Do not think saudi Petro Dollars will save Pakistan.

God Bless IRAN and PAKISTAN.
Grow up look around you .. Nobody is an ally of nobody .. Ppl are allies of their national interests.
are you drugged. NATO - News: NATO strengthens military-to-military cooperation with Pakistan, 28-May.-2013

It is all NATO allies vs Islamic IRAN.

Pakistan will not be rented out so easily to the Nato and will prefer to stay neutral.

Hey man, please read the articles you post as proof of your delirium and interpretations :

"Chairman of NATO’s Military Committee, made an official visit to Pakistan at the invitation of General Kayani, the Pakistani Chief of Army Staff.

It is important for NATO to understand Pakistan’s perspective and views of the dynamics in the region,” General Bartels said.

The importance of close cooperation on border security between Pakistan and Afghanistan and NATO's current role in facilitating this through ISAF was also discussed.

The trip concluded by an operational visit to the Swat valley in northern Pakistan where the General was briefed on the Pakistani Army' s comprehensive work to restore security, stability and prosperity following the military defeat of the insurgents in this region."

All from that link of yours.
Iran is not mentioned once in that article and there is no cooperation planned anywhere but with ISAF which is not active anymore as we speak.
Please learn to read and understand at least what you then use to back your unfounded pretensions.

I'll give you a nod to the simple involvement of NATO in A-stan that I personally consider to have been a travesty of its normal use but after this trick of trying to save face based on a lie, I won't give you credit anymore, sorry!

Good discussion to the rest, I'm out, Tay.
Supporting Shia terrorism in Pakistan, Efforts to Export Iranian Revolution in Pakistan, Efforts to create a Shia provice are few to name......... Remember in October 2014 Pakistan was attacked by US,INDIA and Iran together how many more evidence we need to understand Iran's intentions??

Shia militants are a dead breed .. But your secterian wahabi lovers like Ahle Sunnat wal jamat,SSP,LeJ etc are still going strong .. Watch the new most wanted criminals list released by govt of Punjab? That's saudi petro dollar n wahabi ideology at work.
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