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‘Pakistan won’t rush to join anti-Iran alliance’

Well not rushing into it does not mean that you're not going to do it eventually , which is a bad bad thing .

i hope you guy's take your head's outta the sand and see the reality . the shitfest of TTP and LeJ is created by the same racist people who behead pakistanis in their country and look at you like inferior race (and you have seen it from their very own members here) . just a heads up .

I call BULLSHIT on that one

To remind you, in Iran-Iraq war, when the Arabs were on Iraqi side, Pakistan remained neutral.
Pakistan needs to follow a mature policy and never , never make alliance against Iran. Arabs enjoy there happiness alone while the trouble ( which is not Pakistan,s trouble ) they want to share with us . Iran is our brother and neighbor . We should not make any trouble for Iran for the sake of a few dollars . Saudia has plenty resources to correct their trouble ...we already reap the crops of our shallow policies.
When we were passing nuclear secretes only to Iran.,... we didn't look for all those perks you mentioned.
don't worry some bharti slaves of Pakistan, also use hindi words publicly.
lolzz so u agree that your nation sold neuks to iran ......he he he then there are some who want pakistan to have same respect and treatment by western nations and USA like india gets ;)
To be honest, i think its too late for Pakistan to stop the brsainwashing, religious extremism, spreading of Madrassas and wahabi ideology which has been gripping the country etc. The country is already a fertile ground for terrorists known all over the world.They can try and limit it, but not stop it. They can try and do this by preventing the spread of Madrassas and bringing all mosques/religious areas of worships under government supervision/, since this will enable the younger generations/youths to stop being radicalised/brainwashed by Imams/clerics etc(though i know its wishful thinking, since any such move will be termed unislamic/anti islam.lol). The government incompetency coupled with porverty/illiteracy and its support for the insurgents/talibans during the Afghan war is to blame for this IMO. The only lesson/usefulness of this situation is that it should serve as a case study for other countries in the region, to avoid making the same mistakes. Reason im getting worried for Turkey since it seems to be making the same mistakes, however at least Turkey doesnt have the negative influence of wahabists ideology, so they might escape Pakistans plight(though the instability in Syria/extremists/islamists fighters still pose a real threat in the long term).

What makes it even more embaraassing for Pakistan is that countries like Saudi Arabia, who is the main hub of wahabists ideology in the region, itself only exports this ideology to its neighbours to further its control/dominance/influence in the region and counter Shia Iran. But Saudi Arabia's leaders have been smart enough to prevent these extremists from harming their own country, instead exporting them abroad. Its indeed a weird situation of playing with fire and not getting burned.loool Pakistan should stop blaming foreign powers like KSA, India, U.S etc, it should blame itself like i always said. Every other country in this world arre only after their own interests FULL STOP. They dont care about you and your well being to be honest, as far as their interests are met, even if its means hundreds/thousands dying.. Thats the simple truth. So its up to you to protect your interests, if you cant, then you have only yourself to blame.

RELIGION, RELIGION, RELIGION................hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......:disagree:
Oh yes I totally support the idea Pakistan must not rush to join Anti-Iran allience because Iran is our great great friend and here is the proof
I hope some pro-Iranian mod won't delete it



I wonder what saudi-apologists have against Iran except the border clashes - in which Iran protected its integrity ?

To remind you, in Iran-Iraq war, when the Arabs were on Iraqi side, Pakistan remained neutral.
So ? we HELPED you in all your wars . remember ?
To be honest, i think its too late for Pakistan to stop the brsainwashing, religious extremism, spreading of Madrassas and wahabi ideology which has been gripping the country etc. The country is already a fertile ground for terrorists known all over the world.They can try and limit it, but not stop it. They can try and do this by preventing the spread of Madrassas and bringing all mosques/religious areas of worships under government supervision/, since this will enable the younger generations/youths to stop being radicalised/brainwashed by Imams/clerics etc(though i know its wishful thinking, since any such move will be termed unislamic/anti islam.lol). The government incompetency coupled with porverty/illiteracy and its support for the insurgents/talibans during the Afghan war is to blame for this IMO. The only lesson/usefulness of this situation is that it should serve as a case study for other countries in the region, to avoid making the same mistakes. Reason im getting worried for Turkey since it seems to be making the same mistakes, however at least Turkey doesnt have the negative influence of wahabists ideology, so they might escape Pakistans plight(though the instability in Syria/extremists/islamists fighters still pose a real threat in the long term).

What makes it even more embaraassing for Pakistan is that countries like Saudi Arabia, who is the main hub of wahabists ideology in the region, itself only exports this ideology to its neighbours to further its control/dominance/influence in the region and counter Shia Iran. But Saudi Arabia's leaders have been smart enough to prevent these extremists from harming their own country, instead exporting them abroad. Its indeed a weird situation of playing with fire and not getting burned.loool Pakistan should stop blaming foreign powers like KSA, India, U.S etc, it should blame itself like i always said. Every other country in this world arre only after their own interests FULL STOP. They dont care about you and your well being to be honest, as far as their interests are met, even if its means hundreds/thousands dying.. Thats the simple truth. So its up to you to protect your interests, if you cant, then you have only yourself to blame.

RELIGION, RELIGION, RELIGION................hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......:disagree:
hes right.jpg

you sir nailed it
NATO against Iran? What drug or ideology could bring anyone to say something that dumb? First Iran is not within the zone covered by the North Atlantic treaty no matter how far it has spread recently. Second, since NATO hasn't moved for Ukraine yet, I think we'll see Great Prophet exercise number 25 before it moves against Persia.

are you drugged. NATO - News: NATO strengthens military-to-military cooperation with Pakistan, 28-May.-2013

It is all NATO+allies vs Islamic IRAN.

Pakistan will not be rented out so easily to the Nato and will prefer to stay neutral.
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Your opinion is wrong. Pakistan said no to sending forces in Vietnam, First Gulf War, Afghanistan and Second Gulf War. There's a reason why US considers us an 'untrustworthy ally'. We refused to fight its imperial wars.

SA is a strong ally of ours and its security is critical for regional stability. We will help SA in whatever capacity required but as per own threat calculus.

We did send troops to Kuwait .. But not in combat roles but later as peacekeepers n for ordinance disposal (de-mining) operations.

This On my way! as the same Itsq tht used to fund insurgents in balochistan.
To be honest, i think its too late for Pakistan to stop the brsainwashing, religious extremism, spreading of Madrassas and wahabi ideology which has been gripping the country etc. .:disagree:

Right on target. The new Pakistani generation is spoiled by the petro-dollars and is not aware of its roots and history.

These are the same people whose grandfathers rejected wahabiism but this generation is already deviated and influenced by saud and consider them ally.

To make things normal in Pakistan it will be good to send all of them to saud as none of them will be coming back from there due to turning events. The era of 4-5 militaries is coming to an END. :omghaha:
Pakistan should stay away from all this Iran-Saudia bulshit... we already have enough of mess around... need to cater dat... let them fight with each other... we should 1st focus on our own problems..and security.. Pakistan Zindabad
I wonder what saudi-apologists have against Iran except the border clashes - in which Iran protected its integrity ?

This is matter concerning Pakistan... we have 'lanti' Pakistanis who not only keep quite but also give justifications on behalf of Iran revolutionary guard... in no way the incident reported is related to Saudi or is a justification of any Saudi attack.

You apparently doesn't know the meaning of clash... pray to your gods that Iran revolution guards may not go into any clash with Pakistan armed forces, or you'll see hell on earth.

On the subject.. i say its need of time for Pakistan to forge new strategic alliances with regional states. We are facing here with is 3 front threat.
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