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‘Pakistan won’t rush to join anti-Iran alliance’

from the NATO alliance against Islamic IRAN.

NATO against Iran? What drug or ideology could bring anyone to say something that dumb? First Iran is not within the zone covered by the North Atlantic treaty no matter how far it has spread recently. Second, since NATO hasn't moved for Ukraine yet, I think we'll see Great Prophet exercise number 25 before it moves against Persia.

Iran was the first country recognizing Pakistan.
HUH? Considering the year of Pakistan's independence, that was the old regime of the shah, before Mossadegh even!
No relation to the Revolution and Ayatollahs whatsoever. Why not invoke Cyrus II while you're at it?

we dont have thousand years of grudges of 2 extremes, so we must act like a Catalyst in binding them together, that's what Allah wanted from us to draw a peace map b/t two extremes
That's called enlightenment. Two sincere thumbs up, brother!

As of now, only the US and Israel are in anti Iran alliance and they are using Saudi Arabia to form an alliance of muslim nations against Iran.
WHAT? Saudi Arabia is more involved in keeping Iran subdued if not worse than the US under the present administration ( although that admittedly may not last past 2016 ). Israel, I'd agree on, though, but that too could change if Iran softened its position regarding it or if a new Israeli government made peace with Palestine. Saudi Arabia by comparison will remain opposed to the Ali "supporters", an almost 1, 500 year old dispute and wahhabism still warrants this analysis today.

Pakistan said no to sending forces in Vietnam, First Gulf War, Afghanistan and Second Gulf War. There's a reason why US considers us an 'untrustworthy ally'. We refused to fight its imperial wars.

Yes, the same reason why the relationship with France remains tense most times. It is sad to have to say it but true nonetheless :
The USA hold dim views and often grudges at nations that have an independent foreign policy. America likes a manichaean view of the world : for or against us, probably because anything more complicated is beyond the average joe's comprehension.
Sorry for my American friends but historico-politically factual.

And to all those talking about how any ( KSA or IRI ) nation fuels terrorism or sectarianism abroad …
that would be exporting not importing unless they bring terrorists in their midst?

Good day all, Tay.
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Absurd idea to align against Iran. It is only Pakistan's financial dependence on the rich Arab states that is preventing Pakistan for being more pro Iran. And now that even America is close to making a historic detante with Iran then why would Pakistan become anti Iran now?!
Even when Iran was confronting dozens of nations in the 80s in the Iran-Iraq war and even when then there was the Mullah President Zia ul Haq Pakistan remained neutral.
In fact, if there is any credence in the rumours, Pakistani generals had tried to help Iran in the 90s with nuclear technology.

On the whole, Pakistan can proudly say, Pakistanis are still not sectarian unlike many Muslim countries.

Anyway, Nawaz Sharif will never sell out Pakistan to KSA; you may not like him but I don't question his patriotism.
Smart decision by Pakistan. Iran is a friendly neighbour. I hope Pakistan steps up to its role as leader of ummah and unites the sunnis and shiites.

That said, if something ever physically threatens KSA, i seriously doubt Pakistan will idly sit by.
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Then it is obvious, that you are not even a Pakistani. Consider these among many others:

Pakistan's national anthem is written in Farsi.

Pakistan's national philosopher used to write his poems in Farsi.

Iran was the first country recognizing Pakistan.

And finally, sane Pakistanis who have not sold their souls to Saudi puppets know the truth. The truth that Saudi ideology has destroyed Pakistan's social fabric and culture. A culture much influenced and almost built on Iranian culture. Pakistan of 1960's was much more progressive than it is today.
I respect your opinion but , Pakistan national anthem is in pure URDU
I don't think Pakistan's brave(and dumb) enough to join an alliance against Iran and that too under Saudi leadership. Sounds more like a wish. And with a comparatively mature military and civilian leadership, Saudi influence is least likely to work. Sure, Mian Sahab maybe biased against Iran but Mian Sahab isn't the only one to call shots.

Iran's among the only few nations that refuses to be anyone's puppet. On the other hand, we've Saudi, who's scared to death even from Israel. Besides, objective analysis of consequences of both Saudi and Iranian influence in Pakistan will have you side with Iran.

And I see some people are coming up with references to recent border incidents - without going into much detail, I'll only say Pakistan's sincerity with Pakistan itself is doubtful let alone Iran or any other country for that matter.

I ain't shi'ite, by the way.
If we can remember we are Pakistanis and not arabs or persians, perhaps we may learn something. Stupid to take any side in this sectarian war between two mullah groups, as if we don't have enough of them to deal with inside Pakistan.
after evaluating the meeting on realistic basis... it seems more like a fear of our common enimies!
Your only and only contribution to this forum is posting crap about Iran in any thread with the name "Iran" on it .

i really pity you . which saudi-funded madrassa did you go to ? YaAllahBurnIran ?

The people who are talking that Iran was the first country to recognize Pakistan, well that Iran was ruled by the shah and the people who rule Iran now are his enemies.
PA is way to stretched right now fighting the TTP. The wise thing would be to stay neutral and try to resolve the Saudi Iran conflict by talks.
The example quoted above about India being friends with both Israel and Iran is something Pakistan should keep in mind.
A war between Iran and Saudi whether Pakistan is pro Iran or pro Saudi would not be good for muslims.
You do realize there's difference between attending a meeting and actually carrying out a task(a deadly task that is), don't ya?
Which deadly task, have pissed rest of the audience, which i'm missing?

The people who are talking that Iran was the first country to recognize Pakistan
people who are talking like that are not even loyal with Iran.. they are just unfortunate brainwashed people, who grew up in hate of sect. history, which may or may not be true.
Well not rushing into it does not mean that you're not going to do it eventually , which is a bad bad thing .

i hope you guy's take your head's outta the sand and see the reality . the shitfest of TTP and LeJ is created by the same racist people who behead pakistanis in their country and look at you like inferior race (and you have seen it from their very own members here) . just a heads up .

I call BULLSHIT on that one

From the article:
The government, however, after evaluating the pros and cons, the official claimed, decided on staying neutral and playing the “role of a unifier” in Ummah.

“We cannot afford to involve ourselves in the disputes among the Muslim countries,” he explained.
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