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‘Pakistan won’t rush to join anti-Iran alliance’

We don't anything from pakistan but it's friendship . we are one , we have the same culture and almost even the same language , our people are tied to each other from 2500yrs ago during the persian empires .

For a very long period of time , we were even one country , one people under one flag . we want nothing but your prosperity .

but hey , we also cannot withstand a new Saudi-proxy . don't become anyone's proxy . be a free nation .....
Pakistan will always stay neutral.If we can make it this far,surely we can face tougher times.It hurts me to see this going on between the Islamic countries, had it coming.May god help us in future.
Pakistan will always stay neutral
Inshaallah .

It's an issue of mutual understanding . neither Iran nor Pakistan are in ideal situations right now .

We're pretty occupied with situation in Iraq and Syria + the economy issues . Pakistan is busy with it's economy and it's anti-terrorism campaign .

We understand the situation and we don't want anything more than "staying neutral" from pakistan .

Let's hope saudia is also OK with you being "neutral" , if you know what i mean .

One thing for sure : A very Bright future is ahead of us . these hardships will pass
Pakistan's case isn't so simple as proxy wars and puppetry, nor is it intelligent to keep parroting the same things over and over again. As far as Iran is concerned, neutral is definitely the way to go. There is no bad blood between the two, nor is there a reason to create it. Saudi is also an important ally, no doubt, and our relations will keep on growing.
Pakistan's case isn't so simple as proxy wars and puppetry, nor is it intelligent to keep parroting the same things over and over again. As far as Iran is concerned, neutral is definitely the way to go. There is no bad blood between the two, nor is there a reason to create it. Saudi is also an important ally, no doubt, and our relations will keep on growing.

Fair points.

I think what we should do is stop the bearded buffoons in Pakistan who's qiblah is either in Riyadh or in Tehran because this nonsense of competing venomous ideologies exported to Pakistan (and almost every other Muslim country) by the Saudi clerics and Iranian Ayatollahs has ripped apart the very social fabric of our society and it must stop.

Pakistan's relationship with Iran and Saudi Arabia should be one based on national interests, dignity and neutrality in their bilateral affairs. Treat them with respect and admiration if they reciprocate those feelings....treat them as glorified petrol pumps if they don't.
Such a bad decision .we wont be neutral for long .and supporting saudis is in our interest.
The only time Pakistan may have joined an alliance was when Soviets were in Afghanistan as their presence next door was a threat to Pakistan it'self, recently Pakistan joined the effort in WOT as Pakistan was the one suffering most.
As for siding with Saudis, please recall the Gulf wars, Pakistan did send it's troops to the Kingdom but for only security duties, while many Muslim countries joined in to fight against Saddam Hussein's army, Pakistani troops remained well clear from participating. If need be, Pakistan will try and protect a brotherly country than join an alliance against it.
We don't anything from pakistan but it's friendship . we are one , we have the same culture and almost even the same language , our people are tied to each other from 2500yrs ago during the persian empires .

For a very long period of time , we were even one country , one people under one flag . we want nothing but your prosperity .

but hey , we also cannot withstand a new Saudi-proxy . don't become anyone's proxy . be a free nation .....

Pakistan and Iran are interlinked with each other due to strong religious and historic bonds. Earlier during Iraqi invasion against Iran, some countries tried to use Pakistan against Iran but due to fear of popular backlash it stayed neutral. Same western alliance is again trying to use Pakistan against IRAN. They assume that the situation in Pakistan is changed in their favour.

Since Iran and Pakistan are two neighborly countries and both are affected by the saudi terror, it is needed to find a permanent solution to this problem. Every corner of pakistan is today subjected to saudi terror. they divided pakistanis into sects to give upper hand to their terror sect and to make Pakistan enslaved.

Rest there are no worries as Islamic Iran is more powerful than their enemies could even imagine.

The only time Pakistan may have joined an alliance was when Soviets were in Afghanistan as their presence next door was a threat to Pakistan it'self, recently Pakistan joined the effort in WOT as Pakistan was the one suffering most.
As for siding with Saudis, please recall the Gulf wars, Pakistan did send it's troops to the Kingdom but for only security duties, while many Muslim countries joined in to fight against Saddam Hussein's army, Pakistani troops remained well clear from participating. If need be, Pakistan will try and protect a brotherly country than join an alliance against it.

Saudi will be history in coming years and its own people will get rid of oppression.

Therefore Pakistan should not become a rental power and try to protect the loser side. It will not work but will endanger Pakistan. the era of militaries is coming to an end versus popular demands.

Such a bad decision .we wont be neutral for long .and supporting saudis is in our interest.

yeah they pay good petro-dollars.

Look even USA came from thousands of miles to fought gulf wars for saudi and got paid. so why not pakistan ? Pakistan can rent out its military to the saudis as it is eating up huge money of the people of Pakistan.

Pakistan's case isn't so simple as proxy wars and puppetry, nor is it intelligent to keep parroting the same things over and over again. As far as Iran is concerned, neutral is definitely the way to go. There is no bad blood between the two, nor is there a reason to create it. Saudi is also an important ally, no doubt, and our relations will keep on growing.

After getting struck by terrorism, kashmir and bangla. we should open our eyes and stop considering saudi as our ally. saudi started all these three. The change in imminent in saudi and we should not be loser this time.
kashmir and bangla. saudi started all these three.

That's just silly and you know it.
Anyways I rest my case.

Pakistan's relationship with Iran and Saudi Arabia should be one based on national interests, dignity and neutrality in their bilateral affairs. Treat them with respect and admiration if they reciprocate those feelings....treat them as glorified petrol pumps if they don't.

Where's the link and name of official?

I wonder why they worry so much about Pakistan... joining any such alliance!
After all Saudi Arabia and Egypt both are able enough to subdue Iran's terrorism in region.
Is there some back ground?

So far Iran has played enemy of Pakistan and is allied with bharat, therefore, its duty of Pakistan regime to join any alliance against the terrorist state, who have always hurt Pakistan's national interests and even maligned Pakistan for decades.
That's just silly and you know it.
Anyways I rest my case.


someone played in bangla and kargil.

That is why kashmir fool became like april fool and Now add one more fool and that is the Terror fool.

never to get rid off these.

Where's the link and name of official?

I wonder why they worry so much about Pakistan... joining any such alliance!
After all Saudi Arabia and Egypt both are able enough to subdue Iran's terrorism in region.
Is there some back ground?

So far Iran has played enemy of Pakistan and is allied with bharat, therefore, its duty of Pakistan regime to join any alliance against the terrorist state, who have always hurt Pakistan's national interests and even maligned Pakistan for decades.

This is wrong. IRAN has never done harm to Pakistan until now. It will further divide our society if there is no Neutrality by Pakistan.
We should not join the anti iran alliance but still better to the remove safety of our weapons.Ask why 1\4 of my family hails from iran.
As of now, only the US and Israel are in anti Iran alliance and they are using Saudi Arabia to form an alliance of muslim nations against Iran. In my opinion, Pakistan wont be able to say no to Saudi Arabia and US. Its been 25 years and Iraq is still burning and anything happening to Iran means the peace in the region will be disturbed for a century which is not in the interest of the region. It should be better to nip in the bud any such thought against Iran. US wont venture in Iran without the support of Saudi Arabia in particular and muslim nations in general.
You are cheerleading the Thread....As you know this
we fought proxy wars in afghanistan in 90's and it was indirectly against them, moreover mistakes are not Despicable but Please have new mistakes instead of rotating again to bite a tail.
My point is .."no one eradicate anyone" & we hold no baggage of resentments spread over millaniams
So why not we act as a unifying force and we've respect in middle-east to fuel that commonalities instead of seeking mistakes of past
a good step by Islamabad we should try to neutralize the disturbances between the Ummah and not to pick sides...I know the behavior of Iran towards Pakistan is not very polite recently but still they are our brothers and we should not get hyper over these things...
on the other hand it is ok to send troops to KSA and other countries including Iran as per their request because it will further strengthen our relationship :cheers:
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