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‘Pakistan won’t rush to join anti-Iran alliance’

Talks, Talks and talks trust me all I'm concerning about is the people of Pakistan.

You people well educated have a long history of civilization and you love the life so why don't you follow the simple of China in regard to hong kong because no way you can take keshmer or help them to get independent let the UN help in that matter solve it peacefully.

Any I'm sorry talking about your issues but its all about we are human bieng we just feel one the other.

You can't force the other party to come to the table .. But you are right ..

@waz. Is from Kashmir .. Let's ask his opinion.. Brother share your thoughts.
Talks, Talks and talks trust me all I'm concerning about is the people of Pakistan.

You people well educated have a long history of civilization and you love the life so why don't you follow the simple of China in regard to hong kong because no way you can take keshmer or help them to get independent let the UN help in that matter solve it peacefully.

Any I'm sorry talking about your issues but its all about we are human bieng we just feel one the other.

Actually, there is no need for talk even. Resolution 47 of UNSC already exists. It is one of the oldest resolutions of UN. Pakistan should call for its implementation.
Talks, Talks and talks trust me all I'm concerning about is the people of Pakistan.

You people well educated have a long history of civilization and you love the life so why don't you follow the simple of China in regard to hong kong because no way you can take keshmer or help them to get independent let the UN help in that matter solve it peacefully.

Any I'm sorry talking about your issues but its all about we are human bieng we just feel one the other.

I'd agree talking is what is needed.

You can't force the other party to come to the table .. But you are right ..

@waz. Is from Kashmir .. Let's ask his opinion.. Brother share your thoughts.

Bro, talking can only happen when the people in front of you take you seriously, that's economically and of course militarily. :-)
You don't need it. All you need is to put aside your problems with India so you can free your budget and hands t deal with the extremism and use some of your income to develope your infrastructures and industry specialy the service sector.

That's what you need.
problem is
India is not interested in peace. it instigated the insurgency in east Pakistan resulting in its breakup. insurgency in Balochistan. joined hands with communist Afghan regime and the USSR occupiers of Afghanistan in the terrorism in Pakistan. invaded Siachin in the north, mobilizes military every few months and threatens invasion. is already blocking our water by violating our water treaty,has styled its military on invasion of Pakistan through lightening attacks, shows no appetite for peace and actually rejected all peace moves saying it sees no incentive and actually finds it beneficial to strain our defences while we fight the global wahabi terrorism funded by the halal dollars of the middle east

so in short a one sided peace from a smaller , fatigued and under siege country doesnt appeal India which want s a big "break" to present itself to this part of the world as a legitimate bully and someone who can stand up to China on behalf of Americans. and in order to do that its neighbouring countries should be made an example either through aggressive diplomacy or through military.

. there is much more harm in getting involved in middle eastern conflict but my reasoning for Saudi involvement was just an attempt to find a rational reasoning a very simplistic and far fetched, actually expecting something beneficial for us which is a fallacy. the biggest disadvantage is antagonising Iran and making western border potentially hostile as well.

Really !!! Pakistanis soldiers don't think twice about killing their own countrymen !!!
of course we dont
if the "own countrymen" play footballs with our fellow soldiers and blow up our mosques and imambargahs, slaughter our children in school then we will be very glad to spill their blood and actually it will be the Sunnah of Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A who dealt with some of his very own "countrymen" right after the death of Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

for recent more Arabian persuasions who can see how Muslim Arab brother armies in Egypt, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia have dealt with their own countrymen. be complete and fair while narrowing out Pak army for selective criticism.
So we send our sons to die for the monarchy and its countless princes but we can't even get funding in return??

What kinda one sided deal is that and who are the traitors on our side that allow this to happen??
why did you decide we didnt get anything in return?
anyway there is no price for a lost life. when we sign up for military service we know there are occupational hazards we volunteered our pilots during Arab Israel war and our army was sent during zia time against the communist yemen in Saudi Arabia.

the monarchy did pay 1.5 Billion dollars maybe our Nawaz league supporters should explain where did our PM put that money.
Ok. I will remove your flag.
You don't have to Baradar!

Relations with Iran and Afghanistan will improve, there might come a day where they'd be our allies in this region.
That should be our goal. Securing our western borders should have been our priority since our independence and a friendly Iran is in our interest if we want a friendly Afghanistan.
Come on guys, Iran has always been ally since the day Pakistan was made, They were the first country to Acknowledge us. During Shahs time they even gave Pakistan Cobra helicopters and millions of dollars in exchange for helping them take out the Bauloch Insurgenceys (which we still haven't done). Even during Zias time, Pakistan aided Iran during its darkest hours during the Iran-Iraq war. They built a pipeline to Pakistan which we refused to continue due to Saudi pressure. Pakistan is also the most Pro-Iran nation on earth as of now. They supported us in our Darkest hours during the '47 war against India. What else does an Ally do?
What has Saudi done for Pakistan other than Poisioning our country with Millitants and Madrassahs?
They've given us Oil and maybe even lots of money. But strategically Saudi Arabia is against Pakistan.
why did you decide we didnt get anything in return?
anyway there is no price for a lost life. when we sign up for military service we know there are occupational hazards we volunteered our pilots during Arab Israel war and our army was sent during zia time against the communist yemen in Saudi Arabia.

the monarchy did pay 1.5 Billion dollars maybe our Nawaz league supporters should explain where did our PM put that money.

proud of aid and alms. This faqiri/poorness should end.
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The question was not from you ...why did you jump in ?
You asked a super retard question , he felt the need to educate you .

"Why should we help Iran" ? :rofl:

Actually , by improving the relations Its Iran who will jump into helping you . a couple of billion dollars of saudi oil money wont and will never be a solution to the wounds of pakistani economy .
You asked a super retard question , he felt the need to educate you .

"Why should we help Iran" ? :rofl:

Actually , by improving the relations Its Iran who will jump into helping you . a couple of billion dollars of saudi oil money wont and will never be a solution to the wounds of pakistani economy .
They way you are helping Lebanon and Assad's ...? Better we stick to the KSA allience ....keep your 'che meh kunum' proposals of improving relations in your pocket !
Pakistan will always stay neutral.If we can make it this far,surely we can face tougher times.It hurts me to see this going on between the Islamic countries, had it coming.May god help us in future.
There isn't any Islamic country remains in World. The Remains are just personal (not National ) interest and power to hold things directly(whether good or bad).
This is exactly what the people of Pakistan want to stay away from the NATO alliance against Islamic IRAN.

If Pakistan cannot help IRAN it should atleast stay neutral instead of becoming part of Nato Alliance and Enemy of Islamic IRAN.

the Best case Iran+Pakistan+China alliance to counter Nato, but due to saudi rental people in pak it is not possible therefore the only remaining best option is to stay neutral.
IRAN with you guys? IMPOSSIBLE

Then it is obvious, that you are not even a Pakistani. Consider these among many others:

Pakistan's national anthem is written in Farsi.

Pakistan's national philosopher used to write his poems in Farsi.

Iran was the first country recognizing Pakistan.

And finally, sane Pakistanis who have not sold their souls to Saudi puppets know the truth. The truth that Saudi ideology has destroyed Pakistan's social fabric and culture. A culture much influenced and almost built on Iranian culture. Pakistan of 1960's was much more progressive than it is today.
And thats why Indians want you guys on our side. We hate Sunnis but have love for Shias of course.
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