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Pakistan will launch a two-seater version of JF-17 - Induction of JF-17B in 2017

Looks Great and Weird at Same time
dont Know why 17B looks Much Smaller ,
Top angel Looks much more Curved from Nose To tail ,
Spine with Conformal Fuel Tanks Would have allowed more Space but would have increase bit of Drag and RCS
but Much better than Drop Tanks and would have Freed Some Space
If it Comes with AESA , EW and few other Goodies it wont be show Stopper But Will Give the needed Boost For the Sale of this Bird to other 3rd World Countries
Lets Just wait and see what Goodies are in bag


Allen W. says JF-17B has AESA radar - if true, what a big news is that.
I stand corrected, that statement was just under Alan Warnes' comment - but the news is disclosed by @SHAH820, at this post #654. I am quoting his post below;
Ohh how foolish of most of us here including me . 17B will act as LIFT so training of young pilots will also be done on this platform .Block 3 will have AESA radar so how is it that the trainer lacks it [emoji58] [emoji58] , off course 17B may be having AESA .
Besides the canopy hinges the B looks better than the A.

The slant on the vertical, ... .. anyone care to comment. Noticed the J-10 has the slant
two things need modifying, the paint job for marketing/sales purposes and greater ground clearance and that will bring out a better looking aircraft, but even now it is not too bad when you compare with other dual seat trainers. I hope PAF will also convert this into a Growler version, to carry out electronic warfare.

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