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Pakistan will buy fighter jets from Jordan, Russia, France

And the best thing is that JF-17 are so small that even the best IAF radars will only be able to see Su-35 and totally miss JF-17, so practically a stealth formation :)

So what do you think f-7s and mig-21s are? equally difficult to make out at low level from ground clutter
And the best thing is that JF-17 are so small that even the best IAF radars will only be able to see Su-35 and totally miss JF-17, so practically a stealth formation :)
Nice point....You picked up...!!

man im so scarred ... brrrrrrrrr :omghaha::omghaha:
You better remained scared...!!
What would we buy from France? Definitely not Rafale. So M2K? What the hell is the point!?

Russia on the other hand can sell Su35 or Mig35 :wub: but don't see India letting that happen.
Both classes are different and management is easy . JF-17 is our product and new as well. Therefore, a mix of old and new will give us versatility. F-16 is proven platform, we can switch to newer when time comes. Don't worry.

Sir, when the time will come - can you please tell me?
are you waiting for that time when enemy will start bombing by their best fighters?
and your junk F16 will be safe in your shades?
are you waiting for that time, when rafale will land in india with their flag tag?

This F16 story is not gonna end - i told almost in my every post that Our begger politition and So called Capable AF ACM
will lick Uncle sam's shoes and they started again.
Now US doors closed so Jordan F16 is on table.

For God Sake move on, world is looking for best and PAF still looking for junks.

what about MIG-35 and J-10c or J-10d? forget Su-35 it's maintenance nightmare, i will go for Chinese 5th gen because its truly sanction free, TFX week point is the foreign engine

Sir, why always raising the same issue, maintenance, training and all,
we have to think out of the box. stop saying all this.

unless you won't think better will not be able to achieve your target.

we can get anything we want but if our shit politician's stop eating us.
i donot know why always crying for money. Money is not a issue,
issue is LAKE OF GUTS. simpele.

Keep the momentum going on. Pakistan Air Force modernizing itself.


Pakistan air force is moderizing? o_O - I am blown away after reading this line.
and i don't know from where and how to start.

i am just speecless.
Actually, France and Sweden may be different due to their ongoing deals with India.But Jordan and Russia will come through. Just watch!

Russia won't, Jordan will.

France and Russia will not sell offensive weapons to us. Our option remains the US and China but we have to pay for them with our own funds. no freebies.

Agreed. Folks have some lofty dreams here. The Eurofighter consortium does remain an option, through the UK and Italy. But the cost is great. PAF does not have the funds.
The only thing I see happening is used F-16's.

What would we buy from France? Definitely not Rafale. So M2K? What the hell is the point!?

Russia on the other hand can sell Su35 or Mig35 :wub: but don't see India letting that happen.

You answered your own questions bro. Neither of these options will happen.
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