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Pakistan-US joint air exercise - Falcon Talon III

There are rumours floating that PAF is in talks with Three countries for their F-16s.
Shhh!! Dont jinks it

Indian lobby will jump over in capital hill

But it will not require congress approval just node from capital hill thus easily achievable with good diplomacy

Turkey will soon come up with their own V style upgrade ..they can still help with structural upgrades
Shhh!! Dont jinks it

Indian lobby will jump over in capital hill

But it will not require congress approval just node from capital hill thus easily achievable with good diplomacy
Had it been that easy we would have completed our transaction on the second batch of used F16's from Jordan...
While having hostile relationship with capital hill?? You are kidding right
Things just changed in last month or so
That is what i am saying....relationship with the US is not exactly friendly right now but who knows things might change once we get a new president at the white house
well peace talks are ongoing on Afghanistan and US knows it needs Pakistan. We should take advantage of it and request approval for granting permission... I do not think America will act in a way which can jeopardize the negotiations.
There is a difference between McCain & Graham. McCain was against Trump & Trumpism, & made no secret of it. Graham is wholeheartedly supporting Trump & in some (crucial) cases has been guiding the President, & he makes no secret of it. If Pakistan can convince Graham it can achieve 'some' leverage with the Trump Administration & move the bilateral relationship in a relatively positive direction. Trump being a businessman sees limited gains from Afghan & Syrian wars. & as a businessman, his natural instincts are to cut the losses. To do that he needs Graham's support.
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