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Pakistan to give preference to Pakistani Military products.

China had to stop importing cause EU and US won't sell them. Still no one knows the quality of chinese systems other then wannabies and chinese armed forces. ANd pakistan is going to stop imports cause u not hv money to pay for. Dont make one liners quote plz.
Except that Pakistan just bought 13 F-16s...Pakistani military budget (I think, can't be sure) is separated from the national budget, it won't stop imports, it'll only preferentially treat Pakistani products over foreign products. India, I believe, is trying to do the same. Domestic over foreign, to cut costs and develop domestic defense industry.

Am I right? @Alpha1
Actually they have to make this rule not because they want Pakistan to be self reliant or whatever or pakistani industry making world class equipment . It seems to because Pakistan does not enough doller left to buy gizmo from outside.

Actually , they had to make no rule , none at all , since information on procurements and defense projects just isn't open source in this country , it isn't released in the first place . The defense industry works very differently here than you think . They had/have to declare nothing to the public about that , just like they never properly have before . As for the dollars , quite unfortunate is the fact , that just the last week , Islamabad has bought 14 F16's from Jordan and that country by all possible means , couldn't have taken the PKR .
Not a good move. For the industry to develop you need a higher purchasing power, which is absent in the armed forces. Let's see what this brings.
@qumar_1990 u should first how to give a proper reply u pathetic madarasa educated . 1000 times better? U pulled that data from ur rear? Dont quote me u pathetic person if u not hv hard fact or proofs to give.

Actually , they had to make no rule , none at all , since information on procurements and defense projects just isn't open source in this country , it isn't released in the first place . The defense industry works very differently here than you think . They had/have to declare nothing to the public about that , just like they never properly have before . As for the dollars , quite unfortunate is the fact , that just the last week , Islamabad has bought 14 F16's from Jordan and that country by all possible means , couldn't have taken the PKR .

Well i dont they made any rule or not i not talk with pak army bosses. I just went with the news posted as it says it will be a rule that pak forces wont by anything that u make urself. 14 second hand f-16 i dont think it will be a very big amount. No body knows on what terms they were sold nor me nor u know that they took pkr or doller or they sold it for free. Nobody knows just guessing only.
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Except that Pakistan just bought 13 F-16s...Pakistani military budget (I think, can't be sure) is separated from the national budget, it won't stop imports, it'll only preferentially treat Pakistani products over foreign products. India, I believe, is trying to do the same. Domestic over foreign, to cut costs and develop domestic defense industry.

Am I right? @Alpha1
I never said pakistan is doing bad everybody would want to be self relient . Its not bad at all. I just wanted to say that Pakistan had to stop big tickets imports becauae Pakistan not hv dollers to pay. As simple as that. I not becUSe pakistan making warp core technology as some of the Pakistani members trying to say.
This is a good move. At least let's give our local products a chance. This is a good opportunity to determine if our products are worthy or require improvement

Zahay naseeb, maan sadqay ajj app kahan say nikal aye? :D
I never said pakistan is doing bad everybody would want to be self relient . Its not bad at all. I just wanted to say that Pakistan had to stop big tickets imports becauae Pakistan not hv dollers to pay. As simple as that. I not becUSe pakistan making warp core technology as some of the Pakistani members trying to say.
I never said you said that you said that, but you seem to be confusing military budget with national budget.
I never said you said that you said that, but you seem to be confusing military budget with national budget.
Buddy defence budget is part of national budget. I dont think a saprate budget is presented for defence by any country.
Buddy defence budget is part of national budget. I dont think a saprate budget is presented for defence by any country.
The budget is introduced by the government, they allocate the budget and allow the military to do what they want with it. So, in a sense, yes the gov gets the final say, but it's the military's budget alone.

Every nation separates budgets for each different sector. From healthcare and military to development and payment of gov staff.
The budget is introduced by the government, they allocate the budget and allow the military to do what they want with it. So, in a sense, yes the gov gets the final say, but it's the military's budget alone.

Every nation separates budgets for each different sector. From healthcare and military to development and payment of gov staff.
Yes thats why if gov not hv money defence budget get affected too.
Yes thats why if gov not hv money defence budget get affected too.
Ah, but we're talking about Pakistan here, there is always money for the military, because the military is the biggest job provider in the country.
On the surface it appears to be a good move provided the locally manufactured stuff is equivalent or better in quality to the imported one.

Lets not forget the local auto industry fiasco. It was introduced (almost 30 or so years ago, if not mistaking) to protect local auto industry, and it resulted only in extremely expensive locally assembled cars as well as the imported ones. Few made (and still making) billions, and average pakistani paid the price

Your statement has some flawed arguments with all due respect. On one one hand, you are challenging the policy on defense article procurement; then on the other, you are linking a consumer market segment (free market i.e. for automobiles) and then doing a comparison with the defense industry and then linking rich vs. poor. All of these are separate issue. Let's break these down (sorry, but the response is going to be long too):
1) The policy: It is a strategy and a good one. It would show many benefits in the long run. It'll bring quantity of order and quality to Pakistani made items and will of course generate jobs and bring more investment.

2) Attractive Business Proposal to Local Investors: The idea behind the policy is to get local businesses and people to invest into this industry so you guys have internal capital to do more than what you do today or can do with limited budget.The IMF won't allow you to expand your defense budget beyond a point.

This policy definitely would ....as the local investors will jump in once they understand their investments will be safe and that there is somewhat guarantee of returns. Now you have money to start additional new projects or build newer, higher quality items as business - local industry vs. state owned. Local investor in a country like Pakistan doesn't invest in risky business ventures. Now that there is a legal policy, they would like to jump in.
Take a look at the pioneers of Lockheed or Boeing or Desault or Saab.....these all were local businesses many decades ago before they went public or grew this big. And for American defense manufacturers, who was their major client? (and still IS the biggest client?) the United States Government!!!
Policies such as these make investors put their money in, create more jobs and recruit top talent as they'd know that they are competing with 10 others in the same country and even internationally. Resulting in top products and services matching international standards, more innovation, jobs, economic growth, etc and even foreign investment if you produce quality products.
And yes, the guys with the money will become richer and richer. The idea is never to produce low quality cheap products. It is to produce top quality products that sells for higher profits, aka, the Returns!!
Now back to cars, etc. Again, if the local industry or businessmen participated in it like the American, Indian or the Chinese auto industry did, you'd have probably 20 local brands all producing newer and newer models with cheaper or affordable cost. That's not the case as the economy isn't where it needs to be, and the investors don't want to invest into innovation trying to produce higher quality cars for people with little purchasing power!!!! Plus, not to mention the mess and the innocent bloodshed that the Talibastards are causing, making both internal and external investors run away from your country and invest into the US, China, Malaysian, etc, markets. Hope this clarifies the gaps from your post. Economy is everything in these times!!!

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